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The Oblong Show - Sunday 27th April at Red Deer


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An evening of lovingly curated sketch, characters and comic miscellany.


The first Oblong Show was a lot of fun. We conducted phone calls with the souls of the audience, saw reading glasses extracted from a spandex crotch by a wrestler-poet, sharpened knives and chopped onions, saw the coming of age of a child detective, peered into the dark side of children’s television, and witnessed first-hand the genius of a thespian legend. What will happen during this show is not something we’re prepared to speculate on at this stage, but we can identify the culprits.


Gein's Family Giftshop

Exploring the hilarious subject matter of abject tragedy and human misery whilst also being supremely skilful exponents of intensely satisfying silliness, Gein’s Family Giftshop are a Northern sketch trio who, since performing their first ever gig at Square Hole (we’re definitely proudly mentioning this every time their name is mentioned), have gone on to make audiences around the country laugh themselves into a state of hysteria with their fast-paced and deeply funny approach to the daft art of comedy. They’re really bloody funny.


‘Brilliant, original, black Humour’ – Studio Salford


‘Likened to Big Train, Jam and the League of Gentlemen, and I can see why’ – FictionStoker


‘Polished and inventive comedians who are reinvigorating the sketch comedy genre. Subverting and celebrating the form at the same time. Laugh-out-loud sketches with a dark tinge.’ – Juice Comedy


‘Clever with words, clever with visuals – these three performers use simple ideas and execute them brilliantly’ – Burton Mail



Phil Marketing

Jayne Edwards

Kiri Pritchard-McLean

and host

Rich Milner


Admission £2

Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start.

More details on our website.



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