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Backlash against Daily Mail foodbanks story

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I remember as a child my mother taking me and my bro/sisters to get free clothes (Eddie Grant) as it was known at the time. It was somewhere in Sheffield town centre? Maybe near Leopold Street. Anyhow, my mum had to be coaxed in to the building by a lovely woman, as my mum was crying her eyes out because for her it was like ripping away her pride and dignity. I always remember the lady saying to mum, "there's nothing to be ashamed of".


So I guess my point is a lot of those people using food banks may feel the same as my mum did. There is no shame in getting others to help when one is down on their luck.

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What are you prattling on about?

Your beloved Heil on Sunday has published a nasty, spiteful article and it has motivated people to send money and donations. Not the reaction you'd want naturally.

People who use food banks has rocketed, and people resent them being labelled scroungers by the Mail. Especially when a national newspaper like the Mail could afford to investigate the nefarious wrongdoings of banks and financial institutions.


So large corporations swerve the Taxman as much as they can . I dont blame them . Anyone who pays more tax than they can get away with paying is a fool. Anyone with half a brain will try and swerve the Taxman .

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I remember as a child my mother taking me and my bro/sisters to get free clothes (Eddie Grant) as it was known at the time. It was somewhere in Sheffield town centre? Maybe near Leopold Street. Anyhow, my mum had to be coaxed in to the building by a lovely woman, as my mum was crying her eyes out because for her it was like ripping away her pride and dignity. I always remember the lady saying to mum, "there's nothing to be ashamed of".


So I guess my point is a lot of those people using food banks may feel the same as my mum did. There is no shame in getting others to help when one is down on their luck.


Have you got an image in your head of people waltzing in and out of food banks with big smiles on their faces? Nobody wants to be visiting those places.


At the end of the day this is about food. You may not feel great if you're a kid who has outgrown their jumper, but you'd feel a whole lot worse without food in your belly.


---------- Post added 22-04-2014 at 23:41 ----------


What nasty and spiteful about it ?


The problem is the Lefties refuse to accept there are scroungers in this country, and anyone who dares to point out there are many scroungers among us is automatically labelled as "Nasty and Vicious" .


Because some food bank users are scroungers that does not mean all food bank users are scroungers.


Not hard to understand is it fella?

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Have you got an image in your head of people waltzing in and out of food banks with big smiles on their faces? Nobody wants to be visiting those places.


At the end of the day this is about food. You may not feel great if you're a kid who has outgrown their jumper, but you'd feel a whole lot worse without food in your belly.


---------- Post added 22-04-2014 at 23:41 ----------



Because some food bank users are scroungers that does not mean all food bank users are scroungers.


Not hard to understand is it fella?


Calm down tiger.


I think you missed my point.

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Is the Daily Mail popular because they are right wing or popular despite them being right wing? Because the left seem to think the latter, but I am really not so sure.


The Mail is brilliant at being able to interpret and play on its readers' fears, narrow class interests and aspirations; and it's readers love being outraged by the stories it runs.

The popularity of the Daily Mail is more to do with its right wing popularism than its allegiance to the Conservative Party.

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What nasty and spiteful about it ?


The problem is the Lefties refuse to accept there are scroungers in this country, and anyone who dares to point out there are many scroungers among us is automatically labelled as "Nasty and Vicious" .


The tone of the article was "our journalist could do this therefore all food bank users must be doing this". "This" being tricking an elderly volunteer at the CAB into giving our a food voucher to someone who she believed was unable to feed his hungry children.


"This" being taking advantage of those people who, through kindness and compassion for their fellow human beings, donate a few items of food to the foodbank. "This being the volunteers who run the foodbank.


Some users of food banks do probably take advantage - but there is no evidence that the "scroungers" are in the majority. And it is surely better to feed a few "scroungers" than have children go hungry?


Oh, and I am probably a Leftie but I do accept that there are plenty of scroungers in this country. Maria Miller being the most recent example.

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The tone of the article was "our journalist could do this therefore all food bank users must be doing this"


But that's how every article in the Mail works it seems.


Once you understand that trick you get much less outraged at their stories because most of them are cobblers.

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