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Happy St. Georges Day!

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Roll on St Patricks Day for all the Hypocrypts. Brewery owners, Pubs, in Britain who put flags and banners up and wear silly hats whilst getting bladdered but dont do it on St Georges Day. :gag:


Perhaps you could explain to us exactly why that is?


Also, while you're at it, perhaps you could tell us what you personally have arranged to celebrate this fine day?


As there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from organizing parties, barbecues, events and general festivity why is it not happening?


St George is also the patron Saint of Catalonia which is why Barcelona have his cross on their badge. The Catalans will be celebrating today.


Why aren't the English?


Is it because the English are a miserable bunch, incapable of enjoying themselves unless instructed to do so by their 'betters' in order to celebrate some Royal occasion?


Or do you have another reason?


Anyway happy St Georges day to one and all.


As Blackbeard said it is also Shakespeare's birthday and also the anniversary of his death.


It is also strangely enough the anniversary of the death of Miguel Cervantes who died on exactly the same day as Shakespeare.

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Perhaps you could explain to us exactly why that is?


Also, while you're at it, perhaps you could tell us what you personally have arranged to celebrate this fine day?


As there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from organizing parties, barbecues, events and general festivity why is it not happening?


St George is also the patron Saint of Catalonia which is why Barcelona have his cross on their badge. The Catalans will be celebrating today.


Why aren't the English?


Is it because the English are a miserable bunch, incapable of enjoying themselves unless instructed to do so by their 'betters' in order to celebrate some Royal occasion?


Or do you have another reason?


Anyway happy St Georges day to one and all.


As Blackbeard said it is also Shakespeare's birthday and also the anniversary of his death.


It is also strangely enough the anniversary of the death of Miguel Cervantes who died on exactly the same day as Shakespeare.


I have the real reason you ignorant person. Try researching instead of making negative generalisations about a racial group. I hope someone who can be bothered reports you for your racism.


England is, and has, been a Protestant country for a long time. Protestant's don't celebrate saint's days (worshiping false idols and all that jazz). The Irish are Catholic, which does celebrate saint's days. Catalonia has been dominated by Catholicism for centuries.

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I have the real reason you ignorant person. Try researching instead of making negative generalisations about a racial group. I hope someone who can be bothered reports you for your racism.


England is, and has, been a Protestant country for a long time. Protestant's don't celebrate saint's days (worshiping false idols and all that jazz). The Irish are Catholic, which does celebrate saint's days. Catalonia has been dominated by Catholicism for centuries.


First of all the English aren't a race you ignorant person.


Secondly, if the English don't celebrate Saints days as part of their strongly held Protestant tradition ( :hihi: ) how come a lot of them are happy to celebrate St Patrick's day and Christmas?


Thirdly, good look with reporting me for racial slurs against the English. As I was born in Sheffield and can trace my direct male line to 1706 in the Sheffield area you may struggle.


Finally as one of my English great grandfathers was a Congregational Minister the religious element is also removed.


Now if you've settled down and untwisted your knickers any chance you could actually answer the question?


England is only nominally a christian country, St George's day provides an opportunity to celebrate England, why not take it?


This is actually a genuine question, I don't get it.

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First of all the English aren't a race you ignorant person.


Secondly, if the English don't celebrate Saints days as part of their strongly held Protestant tradition ( :hihi: ) how come a lot of them are happy to celebrate St Patrick's day and Christmas?


Thirdly, good look with reporting me for racial slurs against the English. As I was born in Sheffield and can trace my direct male line to 1706 in the Sheffield area you may struggle.


Finally as one of my English great grandfathers was a Congregational Minister the religious element is also removed.


Now if you've settled down and untwisted your knickers any chance you could actually answer the question?


England is only nominally a christian country, St George's day provides an opportunity to celebrate England, why not take it?


This is actually a genuine question, I don't get it.


First Bold, it doesn't matter really. Despite its name, "racism" doesn't have to be against a genetic race. Discrimination against a group of people will similar traditions and beliefs is considered racism. Consider Anti-Semitism as an example.


2nd bold. Christmas is also a protestant tradition!! They celebrate St. Paddys day because saints days mean more to the Irish than us. We have been influenced by the large Irish Diaspora settled in this fine nation. "Foreign" holidays are increasingly having an impact on British society, see halloween and thanks giving as examples.


3rd Bold it is the stupidest of all defences to say "I can't be racist, I am one". What you said was racist and your family line doesn't make the statement any less racist. I also don't think that the moderators of this forum check the lineage of a poster before taking action.


I didn't report you because I am lazy. You did say something racist though. Nelson Mandela would be angry at you, but as he was such a nice man he would probably forgiven you. Ghandi would just be disappointed. Alex Salmond would probably love you, you could probably join the "yes" campaigners. Perhaps you could write a piece entitled "10 completely baseless, ridiculous, borderline racist things I think of the English". With number one being "they are miserable, I am the arbiter of the world and I feel I can label a whole group of people based on their lack of celebration of a dude that has been dead over a millennium". What would number two be?


To answer your question, I believe I did so before. We do not traditionally celebrate St. George's Day because of the explanation I gave you. The Irish have been celebrating Paddy's Day for centuries. Like Christmas, it has lost all religious meaning and is just an excuse to get drunk and try it on with inappropriate people.


So again, it is not within our culture to celebrate Georges Day. It doesn't have the history of celebration that Paddy's Day does.

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Happy St. Georges Day Everyone!


As usual I'm not seeing a deal of interest?!

Certainly nothing on the scale of St. paddy's Celebrations each year?!!


Possibly because a large amount of people, bizarrely, gain more pleasure from making erroneous claims along the lines of they are "not allowed" to celebrate than they would from actually celebrating.


... and lots of people aren't bothered ... and the breweries haven't learned from and reproduced Guinness's success with St. Patrick's Day ... and the protestant country thing.

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I have the real reason you ignorant person. Try researching instead of making negative generalisations about a racial group. I hope someone who can be bothered reports you for your racism.


England is, and has, been a Protestant country for a long time. Protestant's don't celebrate saint's days (worshiping false idols and all that jazz). The Irish are Catholic, which does celebrate saint's days. Catalonia has been dominated by Catholicism for centuries.


It certainly recognises. Just about all C of E churches are named after a Saint.


BTW Happy St Georges Day all :thumbsup:

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