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Happy St. Georges Day!

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First Bold, it doesn't matter really. Despite its name, "racism" doesn't have to be against a genetic race. Discrimination against a group of people will similar traditions and beliefs is considered racism. Consider Anti-Semitism as an example.


2nd bold. Christmas is also a protestant tradition!! They celebrate St. Paddys day because saints days mean more to the Irish than us. We have been influenced by the large Irish Diaspora settled in this fine nation. "Foreign" holidays are increasingly having an impact on British society, see halloween and thanks giving as examples.


3rd Bold it is the stupidest of all defences to say "I can't be racist, I am one". What you said was racist and your family line doesn't make the statement any less racist. I also don't think that the moderators of this forum check the lineage of a poster before taking action.


I didn't report you because I am lazy. You did say something racist though. Nelson Mandela would be angry at you, but as he was such a nice man he would probably forgiven you. Ghandi would just be disappointed. Alex Salmond would probably love you, you could probably join the "yes" campaigners. Perhaps you could write a piece entitled "10 completely baseless, ridiculous, borderline racist things I think of the English". With number one being "they are miserable, I am the arbiter of the world and I feel I can label a whole group of people based on their lack of celebration of a dude that has been dead over a millennium". What would number two be?


To answer your question, I believe I did so before. We do not traditionally celebrate St. George's Day because of the explanation I gave you. The Irish have been celebrating Paddy's Day for centuries. Like Christmas, it has lost all religious meaning and is just an excuse to get drunk and try it on with inappropriate people.


So again, it is not within our culture to celebrate Georges Day. It doesn't have the history of celebration that Paddy's Day does.

As you seem to be easily offended on behalf of others, maybe you ought to have a look at this in light of your post above. :rolleyes:

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Shakespeare died on his birthday? what a crap present


---------- Post added 23-04-2014 at 13:04 ----------




It was a surprise though! :o


---------- Post added 23-04-2014 at 14:40 ----------


As you seem to be easily offended on behalf of others, maybe you ought to have a look at this in light of your post above. :rolleyes:


Great minds :)

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Paddy's day? Tell me my ironically named friend, does referring to the patron Saint of someones country in a derogatory manner not constitute racism?


Or do these things only count in a one way direction type of way?


As for Christmas, you do realise that the Catholic Church is the original Christian church, and the birth of Christ was celebrated long before any Protestant church existed don't you?


Which means that Protestant countries have no problem celebrating Catholic holidays when it suits them.



How does the fact that countries celebrated saints days before they were protestant mean that Protestant countries have no problem celebrating them. One of the big reasons for the reformation was the devotion to saints and Mary.


Spain used to be Islamic, so would have celebrated Ramadan. Can I now say what as Spain used to be Islamic but is now Catholic, that Catholic countries have no problem celebrating Ramadan, "when it suits them".


The term "paddy" is not derogatory in any way. I come from Irish upbringing and have spent at least 10 Paddy's days in Ireland (mostly in Cork, 2 in Dublin) and it is referred to as Paddy's day by the vast majority of people.


Also, shortening the name of a patron saint can't be considered racist by anyone who understand what racism is.


I am aware that the Catholic Church is considered by most people to be the first. Although this is debated by some non-catholics and is actually fairly complicated. The first church we can find writing on was called "Jewish Christianity". Read up, it is fascinating!

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First Bold, it doesn't matter really. Despite its name, "racism" doesn't have to be against a genetic race. Discrimination against a group of people will similar traditions and beliefs is considered racism. Consider Anti-Semitism as an example.


3rd Bold it is the stupidest of all defences to say "I can't be racist, I am one". What you said was racist and your family line doesn't make the statement any less racist. I also don't think that the moderators of this forum check the lineage of a poster before taking action.


Remember this?


Why are you telling me about all these conveniently appearing Irish relatives?


So apparently with you offence is completely one way and you are the judge of what is and isn't racist?


The fact that the Irish use Paddy means nothing, people of African descent use the N word, you should try using it to a Black persons face sometime, see what transpires.


The same applies to Paddy unless it is actually their name or you know them well enough for it to be acceptable.


As for the Catholic Church being the original Christian church there is no argument on this.


The present Pope is the 266th successor to Peter the Apostle the first leader of the church following the crucifixion and a friend of the man from Nazareth.


Happy ST Judds day.

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