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The State of UK roads

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There is a massive mount of money being spent on our roads trouble is it's not for your benefit.


Look at all the road works anywhere and in most cases that part of the road will never be the same again. Designed bottlenecks are being put everywhere off motorways and on.

Managed motorways they call them but why?

Pay per mile is almost on us but first enough conjestion has to be caused.

Funny everything they say is to protect you will be used to bleed you dry.

The Anpr system will read your plate and send you the bill. For our own good of course.

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It's a well recognised fact that the state of roads in the UK is appalling. Do people think this is due to councils not carrying out their job properly, or are they simply not being given enough funding to make the improvements that are needed?


It because councils and government spend money on the wrong things.

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Had to do a detour round the tram line works on Holme lane a couple of weeks ago and ended up on Morley Street, its like something out of Syria. Last weekend did a detour on the other side of the valley, Harrison Road I think, appalling state.

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Outside my home there is approxiamately a 750 yard stretch of road, none of it can be construed as being flat, level or without potholes or bumps from the top of the road to the bottom, driving up or down it and you are thrown all over the place even at slow speeds.


I've watched cars passing from my window ( and buses, as my wife and I are on a bus route )

you can see the vehicles shake from side to side.


Every now and then, someone comes out to put a shovel full of tarmac in the deepest holes and leaves the shallow ones.

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