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Alternative Medical Cures

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I was just wondering if anybody out there in Forumland had had any success with an alternative form of medical cure.


I’m thinking of things like acupuncture, hypnotherapy and/or Chinese Doctors/Herbal cures.


I’m curious because I have a friend who has been badly since early January. He’s been suffering from upper body spasms which have affected his head movement, keeping his eyes open, swallowing and even breathing. He was a very active individual who has hardly been able to get out of bed for the last 3 months.


He’s seen the finest neurologists Sheffield has to offer and to date other than giving him various tablets and a few injections, they still don’t seem to be able to resolve this.


The MRI scan was clear as were the blood tests. They’ve also tested him for something called Dystonia, which they’re still not discounting, but think is unlikely because the symptons disappear when he sleeps and can be distracted (unusual for Dystonia).


I was just wondering if anybody out there had suffered from some unusual ailment that the traditional NHS methods had struggled to treat, but an alternative method had sorted it.





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I coached a lady through her Acupuncture dissertation a few years back and I was surprised by just how much of it has been backed up by proper scientific research. I don't know if it would help your friend, but it's not just snake oil.


I used hypnotherapy for a couple of things a while back and it was quite dramatically effective for me. I know people who've looked into it and they say it's not much more than the powers of suggestion and positive thinking. Maybe that's all it is, but I went with it and it helped.

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A couple of years ago I was training outside through the winter for a race and I developed my worst ever running problem - Angular Chelitis. Horrible painful inflammation of the corners of my mouth. Spent months trying to get it sorted at the docs then found what seemed like a wacky solution. It worked! Just used things already in the cupboard and was gone in 48 hours. No more prescription and GP visits after that.

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A couple of years ago I was training outside through the winter for a race and I developed my worst ever running problem - Angular Chelitis. Horrible painful inflammation of the corners of my mouth. Spent months trying to get it sorted at the docs then found what seemed like a wacky solution. It worked! Just used things already in the cupboard and was gone in 48 hours. No more prescription and GP visits after that.


Marmite? .

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I tried acupuncture for a condition I developed a decade ago and whilst it hasn't totally cured the infliction its made my life a bit easier unlike the numerous pills and potions dished out by doctors which didn't do anything but give me dreadful side effects and a hefty bill for perscriptions.


I currently have a younger doctor and they are more likely to recommend alternative medicine, give it a try, what do you have to lose?

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