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The Howden Moor "UFO" Incident 24th March 1997

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Take it from me, as an old-timer, people who see UFOs are in the main as nutty as fruit cakes. When I was editor of the Burnley Citizen we had one woman who phoned up to say there had been one on her street during the early hours. It was lit up like Blackpool Illuminations! Even better, it hovered outside her window! She told us it was about 60 to 100 feet in diameter, but when we went out to measure the width of the street it was around 20 feet and no more. Even worse (for her), a reporter who had been travelling in his car up that street at the same time as the so-called UFO had been seen, on his way home from a late-finishing Council meeting, saw nothing unusual.


Here’s an even better one. When I was chief reporter at the Bury Times I lived at a farmhouse 1400 feet above sea level and had the choice of either driving directly up a steep hill or going a long way round over a moorland road which stretched for two miles. On this occasion I took the long route, and had to stop my vehicle half way to open a five-barred gate.


When I reached the gate I stopped, opened it, drove through then stopped again to close it. I then travelled up a hill then, having reached its summit, I dropped down to my farmhouse home.


The next morning I received a call from a very excited woman who told me she lived on the other side of the valley and had seen a UFO which had ‘hovered’ for a couple of minutes, then in moved slowly forward and ‘hovered again’ before taking off “like a rocket” (to which I plead not guilty) before disappearing before her eyes!


Believe me, I tried for almost an hour to persuade her that what she had seen was me on my way home, but the poor deluded soul was having none of it.


I tell you, half the population of Britain lives in another world! Luckily most UFO freaks live in or around Todmorden where they’ve set up telescopes in the vain hope of witnessing this phenomenon. Sad to say, the local authority hasn’t yet seen fit to build a wall around the town and call in psychiatrists.

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Lovely post Peter - my wife was a district reporter for the Gloucester Citizen in the Forest of Dean during the early '80's and had several "reports" of alien activity over the Severn Estuary - all attributable to car headlights on the other side of the river - usually coupled with low cloud.

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Longcol — Thanks for the appreciation. Tell your better half that district reporters are the salt of the earth. I had one in particular who covered the area in which I lived. Everybody phoned her with their news — including the fire brigade! When they phoned her at 2am or 3am to tell her there was a big blaze, she phoned me about two minutes later to ask me to do her a favour and cover it! Mind you, I had for some time been telling her about ‘delegating’ responsibilities. We still keep in touch and I think the world of her.

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Seems like there was quite a panic on the night and for a short time after the event. Anyone remember it, or see it?


the footage was shown on calendar , it looked like a light plane to me - and there was no indication that it crashed anywhere - I suspected at the time, a drugs drop from europe.

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  • 1 month later...

I remember seeing the jets pass overhead that night, and the next day I drove up to the strines to see what all the fuss was about. The area was crawling with police and soldiers who started to sidle towards the car every time we stopped. We drove on and a sea king helicopter was hovering above the moors. Finally we decided to drive to Castleton and there were more than a few soldiers there too. I heared later that a light aircraft had crashed that was carrying drugs or explosives...I`m aware that there are lots of old aircraft on the moors left over from WW2 that crashed on their way back from raids that are only being discovered by hikers today, so any plane coming down out there could lie undiscovered for years even if they use a helicopter to try to find the wreckage.

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  • 7 years later...

Hi Boston

Is there any chance you could please get in contact with me? I am currently working on new ITV show and we are looking for witnesses of the Sheffield Incident so we can find out a bit more information. Any help you could give would be most appreciated!

My email is Liam.Royales@itv.com

Alternatively please feel free to contact me on here.

Many Thanks



We lived at Deepcar, our next door neighbour saw it pass over followed by jets (she was quite alarmed), it was at the time of the appearence of the Hale Bopp comet, so many people were out stargazing, and also saw it.

A police officer i know was sent to search for wreckage above Langsett, so something strange did happen that night, so the authorities were alerted


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 12:04 ----------


Hi Jabberwocky

Is there any chance you could please get in contact with me? I am currently working on new ITV show and we are looking for witnesses of the Sheffield Incident so we can find out a bit more information. Any help you could give would be most appreciated!

My email is Liam.Royales@itv.com

Alternatively please feel free to contact me on here.

Many Thanks



I remember seeing the jets pass overhead that night, and the next day I drove up to the strines to see what all the fuss was about. The area was crawling with police and soldiers who started to sidle towards the car every time we stopped. We drove on and a sea king helicopter was hovering above the moors. Finally we decided to drive to Castleton and there were more than a few soldiers there too. I heared later that a light aircraft had crashed that was carrying drugs or explosives...I`m aware that there are lots of old aircraft on the moors left over from WW2 that crashed on their way back from raids that are only being discovered by hikers today, so any plane coming down out there could lie undiscovered for years even if they use a helicopter to try to find the wreckage.
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