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200 schoolgirls abducted in Nigeria

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I wonder where you get your ideas from.


Mercenaries are organised and business like. They have to be and have been so since the Angola fiasco.


Aside from the danger of injury and or death in combat being a merc is a very high risk occupation. There have been countless incidences where mercenaries have been, not paid, double-crossed and or arrested, and of course they have allegedly been many times when they have just disappeared for political reasons.


One alleged example is the American mercenaries that were involved in the Falklands that were, again allegedly, captured interrogated and then killed, ipresumably to avoid embarrassing Ronald Regan.


BTW on long term contracts it is not unknown for mercs do get paid leave.


I usually find that it is generally best in order to avoid possible embarassement or losing your credibility to have some idea what you are talking about particularly should you be attempting to belittle other people's contribution to a thread.


If you think my last statement might apply to you then apply it. If not don't ..it is after all only a recommendation not an accusation.





Very apt in your case. Perhaps you should take your own advice instead to posting this tripe. Mercenaries are by and large the scum of the earth who only owe alegiance to their own bank balance. They certainly aren't the folk to send in to try to rescue school girls from a bunch of cutthroats in a jungle. For a start they lack knowledge of the terain, lack access to spy satelites and the latest weaponary and all that could be guaranteed is a blood bath in which the first casualties would be the kidnapped girls.


---------- Post added 18-05-2014 at 19:46 ----------


I wonder where you get your ideas from.


Mercenaries are organised and business like. They have to be and have been so since the Angola fiasco.


Aside from the danger of injury and or death in combat being a merc is a very high risk occupation. There have been countless incidences where mercenaries have been, not paid, double-crossed and or arrested, and of course they have allegedly been many times when they have just disappeared for political reasons.


One alleged example is the American mercenaries that were involved in the Falklands that were, again allegedly, captured interrogated and then killed, ipresumably to avoid embarrassing Ronald Regan.


BTW on long term contracts it is not unknown for mercs do get paid leave.


I usually find that it is generally best in order to avoid possible embarassement or losing your credibility to have some idea what you are talking about particularly should you be attempting to belittle other people's contribution to a thread.


If you think my last statement might apply to you then apply it. If not don't ..it is after all only a recommendation not an accusation.





So not likely to do the job without being paid in advance as was being claimed earlier. :thumbsup:

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Very apt in your case. Perhaps you should take your own advice instead to posting this tripe.


Are you as expert on bovine entrails as you are knowledgeable in all things.


Mercenaries are by and large the scum of the earth who only owe alegiance to their own bank balance.


I'd like to be there when you call one of them that.

And what is wrong to having allegiance to one's own bank balance?

That's why we all go to work isn't it.

Its very presumtuous of you to make that claim about allegiance. Many mercs have girlf-friends or wives, children and extended families; They are simply doing what they know how to do best for the best return for their time and effort.



They certainly aren't the folk to send in to try to rescue school girls from a bunch of cutthroats in a jungle.


They are exactly the sort of people to send in. They would only get paid for results not like volunteers, or national armed forces who get paid for trying.

The more you say the less it seems that you actually know about this topic.


For a start they lack knowledge of the terain,

Thats why they would utilise local knowledge either provided/arranged by their employer or they would sort out their own supplier.

Do you think these people are stupid? Stupid mercenaries don't last long.

At least give mercs the credit they do deserve, they are normally highly trained professional people that do their jobs well or don't get paid and can die in the attempt. Should you screw up at work the worst that may happen is you getting sacked.


lack access to spy satelites and the latest weaponary


I'll dismiss that comment and put it down to your naivety on this topic. Do you think they are going to go in with an A to Z and some big sticks?


and all that could be guaranteed is a blood bath in which the first casualties would be the kidnapped girls.


As I have already said they get paid for results and their last job is their reference for their next, unlike conscripts and national armed forces. Employing mercs for the task would have far more likelihood of success. In most circumstances the only blood bath would be the would be the people they are up against, if they are uncooperative.


So not likely to do the job without being paid in advance as was being claimed earlier.


They do usually get an advance but the bulk of their payment would be upon completion.


Did yuo actually read my post before commenting.


Or did you just type a knee jerk reaction because you have some fanciful ideas about the use of mercenaries. It certasinly looks as though you have not thought your post through. Normally your posts are much better put together although I do not always agree with them.


I an ideal world the situations that need to be solved through conflict or the threat of it should not and would not happen, but they do ... because it is not an ideal world.


Slightly off topic ... with the steady increase in the amount of conflict worldwide one could be forgiven for thinking that someone with a very broad and long term plan is doing their best to encourage it. But that would be a conspiracy theory.


BTW If you have any more questions about mercenaries feel free to ask a serving one or one that has recently retired. We are getting way off topic here. The issue is that nearly 300 young women and or girls have been taken against their will by a set of politically motivated nutters that are following the doctrine of an extremist view of a religion and its time something was done about it.







---------- Post added 19-05-2014 at 18:22 ----------


According to The Sun on Sunday, we're giving Nigeria over £1 billion in aid over the next 5 years.


With all their natural resources and wealth, why do we need to give them aid whilst we're shutting old people's homes and libraries in this country?







A good question and why do we give money away across the globe to other people who could manage without it?


A possible explanation I was recently is as follows.


To an extent some of the problems that arose throught he recent financial crisis were solved (or partly solved) through quantative easing. Which is most simply explained as the providing more money to go around by printing more. As all currencies, I'm told, are no longer based on anything other than regualtion, trust and dependence (they are called fiat currency). The more people we have dependent upon our currency the more worth it has.


No fiat currency has ever endured a state that bases its entire economy solely on fiat currency will eventually go bust. To boost the value of our currency we spread it around, seemingly at our own expense but in reality to enable or aid our continued financial survival by making more people dependent on it so they have to trust it.


How much credence, if any, you give to this explanation is entirely up to you.


Though I do have concerns that the theory is not without merit and I am open-minded about it.



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According to The Sun on Sunday, we're giving Nigeria over £1 billion in aid over the next 5 years.


With all their natural resources and wealth, why do we need to give them aid whilst we're shutting old people's homes and libraries in this country?






Exactly ! :loopy::huh:

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At least some people are doing something, hopefully.




This is a bit worrying though ...


In contrast to the age-old stalking and tracking skills offered by the hunters, U.S. aircraft and camera-carrying drones are searching for the girls. Military teams from America, Britain, France, Spain and Israel with expertise in surveillance, intelligence gathering, counterterrorism and hostage negotiation are also present.


Just hope there's no 'friendly fire' unfortunate accidents.

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At least some people are doing something, hopefully.




This is a bit worrying though ...




Just hope there's no 'friendly fire' unfortunate accidents.


So no teams of mercenaries then?:hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 00:31 ----------


Are you as expert on bovine entrails as you are knowledgeable in all things.




I'd like to be there when you call one of them that.

And what is wrong to having allegiance to one's own bank balance?

That's why we all go to work isn't it.

Its very presumtuous of you to make that claim about allegiance. Many mercs have girlf-friends or wives, children and extended families; They are simply doing what they know how to do best for the best return for their time and effort.





They are exactly the sort of people to send in. They would only get paid for results not like volunteers, or national armed forces who get paid for trying.

The more you say the less it seems that you actually know about this topic.



Thats why they would utilise local knowledge either provided/arranged by their employer or they would sort out their own supplier.

Do you think these people are stupid? Stupid mercenaries don't last long.

At least give mercs the credit they do deserve, they are normally highly trained professional people that do their jobs well or don't get paid and can die in the attempt. Should you screw up at work the worst that may happen is you getting sacked.




I'll dismiss that comment and put it down to your naivety on this topic. Do you think they are going to go in with an A to Z and some big sticks?




As I have already said they get paid for results and their last job is their reference for their next, unlike conscripts and national armed forces. Employing mercs for the task would have far more likelihood of success. In most circumstances the only blood bath would be the would be the people they are up against, if they are uncooperative.



They do usually get an advance but the bulk of their payment would be upon completion.


Did yuo actually read my post before commenting.


Or did you just type a knee jerk reaction because you have some fanciful ideas about the use of mercenaries. It certasinly looks as though you have not thought your post through. Normally your posts are much better put together although I do not always agree with them.


I an ideal world the situations that need to be solved through conflict or the threat of it should not and would not happen, but they do ... because it is not an ideal world.


Slightly off topic ... with the steady increase in the amount of conflict worldwide one could be forgiven for thinking that someone with a very broad and long term plan is doing their best to encourage it. But that would be a conspiracy theory.


BTW If you have any more questions about mercenaries feel free to ask a serving one or one that has recently retired. We are getting way off topic here. The issue is that nearly 300 young women and or girls have been taken against their will by a set of politically motivated nutters that are following the doctrine of an extremist view of a religion and its time something was done about it.







---------- Post added 19-05-2014 at 18:22 ----------




A good question and why do we give money away across the globe to other people who could manage without it?


A possible explanation I was recently is as follows.


To an extent some of the problems that arose throught he recent financial crisis were solved (or partly solved) through quantative easing. Which is most simply explained as the providing more money to go around by printing more. As all currencies, I'm told, are no longer based on anything other than regualtion, trust and dependence (they are called fiat currency). The more people we have dependent upon our currency the more worth it has.


No fiat currency has ever endured a state that bases its entire economy solely on fiat currency will eventually go bust. To boost the value of our currency we spread it around, seemingly at our own expense but in reality to enable or aid our continued financial survival by making more people dependent on it so they have to trust it.


How much credence, if any, you give to this explanation is entirely up to you.


Though I do have concerns that the theory is not without merit and I am open-minded about it.




You do waste a lot of your life posting the same old drivel and saying absolutely nothing convincing.

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