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200 schoolgirls abducted in Nigeria

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Ok, you silly pendant... it was reported over the previous week. I have seen at least two reports on the 10 o'clock news regarding this story. And it's plastered all over the internet on various news pages.


Now, why do you say this is being ignored when most countries and news outlets have covered the story?


With regards to your last paragraph, I believe you stated in your OP "Is it that we don't talk about about that because the terrorists are muslims and no-one is killing them yet?" So, what is that supposed to mean? Are you suggesting this story hasn't been top news, in your opinion, because the terrorists are muslim?


You do not assimilate what you read very well do you.


I said ... IS IT ... I made it easier for you to see. I was asking the question there is a question mark at the end. I made that easier for you too.


I was not expressing an opinion.


When I am expressing an opinion it will be obvious.


At the time I posted the story was being widely ignored; also there had been no reference on BBC tv and on the night I did post it was mentioned for the first time, according to the presenter, on BBC radio.


It has been reported widely now and people are begining to take notice though Nigeria has, in vain, been asking for help with their terrorist problem for a long time.


Which raises another question... Why did they not receive any help?


It has been revealed that the terrorists are muslim and it appears in keeping with their founder member that they are also going to sell the girls off as slaves. Apparently according to these nutters the girls deserve this because they went to school.



Funny how these terrorists expect us to honour their rights whilst they seek to deprive others of theirs.



It is to be hoped the girls are rescued from these people soon and the terrorists dealt with in an appropriate manner that will help discourage some others from carrying on or repeating this universally outlawed crime against humanity.




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The kidnappers are members of an extremist Muslim group who want to turn the country into a strict islamic regime.

The Nigerian government dont seem to be able to subdue them. Perhaps they should seek outside help

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The kidnappers are members of an extremist Muslim group who want to turn the country into a strict islamic regime.

The Nigerian government dont seem to be able to subdue them. Perhaps they should seek outside help



Apparently they have been asking for help for a while, to no avail.



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What about all those multi millionaires that just want to throw cash at you (for a sizeable outlay) from Nigeria ? They must be rolling in money over there as I get at least one offer per week from a wealthy Nigerian chap who wants to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams... I dont like Rich or Nigerians... :suspect:

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What an awful story.....Once again religious nutters are scraping the bottom of the barrel and using kids to make their point.....Their God must be very proud of them. :rolleyes:


I hope we do offer help if requested and hopefully find and take out the religious fruitcakes.


It must be awful for the young girls and their parents. :(





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What an awful story.....Once again religious nutters are scraping the bottom of the barrel and using kids to make their point.....Their God must be very proud of them. :rolleyes:


I hope we do offer help if requested and hopefully find and take out the religious fruitcakes.


It must be awful for the young girls and their parents. :(






Totally agree....however, it's going to be a case of "damned if we do [help] and damned if we don't".

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