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200 schoolgirls abducted in Nigeria

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You are ridiculously condescending for a no mark


Perhaps you should attempt the thought process yourself.


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 17:49 ----------


If a bounty hunter wants to risk his life to make money,that should be left for them to make the decision,they already do in fact,it is their profession,they choose to do that................make the offer for them to rid the world of another psycho causing misery for thousands of people and see if they go for it,again,it's their choice............if they do the job successfully it's a win win situation for everybody............now hows that for great thinking?


Well here's the snag.

You see mercenaries fight for money. They don't owe any loyalty to anyone. So a couple of dozen nutters from around the world turn up on an aircraft. They take $5000 each and troop off into the jungle. There they meet a couple of guys who are with the rebels who say to them why not take $5000 from us and a few of these spare women we have around and help us attack the government. Not good eh?


Add to that the fact that mercenaries have no local knowledge of the area they are expected to search and you have to ask what possible benefit would there be to pay a bunch of unknown overseas nutters to do a job they couldn't possibly do as well as your own trained loyal forces? Perhaps time for a bit more thinking.

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So no idea then? Except not British.


So who do you think should be laying down their lives to resolve this situation?


presume you don't read up on the facts then? this morning it said on the news the US was sending military experts, negiotiators etc in to advise and help the Nigerians

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Well here's the snag.

You see mercenaries fight for money. They don't owe any loyalty to anyone. So a couple of dozen nutters from around the world turn up on an aircraft. They take $5000 each and troop off into the jungle. There they meet a couple of guys who are with the rebels who say to them why not take $5000 from us and a few of these spare women we have around and help us attack the government. Not good eh?


Add to that the fact that mercenaries have no local knowledge of the area they are expected to search and you have to ask what possible benefit would there be to pay a bunch of unknown overseas nutters to do a job they couldn't possibly do as well as your own trained loyal forces?


Well,there's an easy answer to that problem...........you pay them when the job is done,so nobody is taking any money anywhere before the required result is achieved.As for not having local knowledge,i'm happy for the bounty hunters to decide themselves if they are up to the job and if the money is attractive for them,Nigeria already has help promised from other countries for technical knowledge,they can work together with local Nigerian forces who do know the country and who already have the responsibility of dealing with the psycho as their job,but have so far failed in whatever attempts they have made in doing so,local knowledge or not............maybe it's a lack of willpower?

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The mercenaries idea does have its appeal.


They'd go in with no other agenda than to earn their money by completing their contract. Of course they will do better with local help, which they would probably insist on as a part of their contract and would be in the best interest of both the mercs and their employers


Hopefully there will soon be a lot of rescued young ladies and a lot more terrorists neutralised (arrested or dead probably) and a lot more people discouraged from this form of child abuse. Contract completed and having no reason to stay and with money in their pockets the mercs will leave, either to go and spend their cash or onto the next contract.


With no obvious incitement other than money no-one can really accuse them of having political, racial, or the most potentially contravertial, religious motivations.


When we do see the light and stop throwing our money away abroad as foreign aid to people that don't even need it then we could afford to chip in a bit in this particular instance.


And before anyone says it ..if it does set a precedent .. then all the better. Ridding the world of terrorists of the Boku Horram ilk that seek to get their way by using kids can never be a bad thing. We can look at the validity of funding other operations of a similar nature in future before we agree to donate a little cash.


Another plus is that no members of other countries armed forces get killed injured or mentally scarred for life.


The thing to avoid of course would be allowing any one mercenary group to get a monopoly on providing this service.. I'm sure I don't need to explain the reasons why.


I would not advocate filming these mercs at work we don't want to make celebrities out of them. Again some of the reasons are obvious.


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Well,there's an easy answer to that problem...........you pay them when the job is done,so nobody is taking any money anywhere before the required result is achieved.As for not having local knowledge,i'm happy for the bounty hunters to decide themselves if they are up to the job and if the money is attractive for them,Nigeria already has help promised from other countries for technical knowledge,they can work together with local Nigerian forces who do know the country and who already have the responsibility of dealing with the psycho as their job,but have so far failed in whatever attempts they have made in doing so,local knowledge or not............maybe it's a lack of willpower?


Yes I'm sure you will find mercenaries who send invoices after the job is finished and the cheques will be sent to the widows of those who didn't make it. Those employing mercenaries would be the last to trust for payment because 10 of the hostages didn't make it.


Perhaps if you stopped living in your fantasy world you might actually come up with something constructive.


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 19:36 ----------


presume you don't read up on the facts then? this morning it said on the news the US was sending military experts, negiotiators etc in to advise and help the Nigerians


I read up on the facts actually. As you say EXPERTS to ADVISE. Not to put their lives on the line.

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Yes I'm sure you will find mercenaries who send invoices after the job is finished and the cheques will be sent to the widows of those who didn't make it. Perhaps if you stopped living in your fantasy world you might actually come up with something constructive.


It's not my fantasy world,I've already said that it is up to bounty hunters to decide if they want to do the job or not..........they can always decide not too,nobody is forcing them,they can even listen to their wives if they don't want them to go and say something like 'wife,you are more important to me than a cheque'..............see,it's not difficult is it?............maybe some bounty hunters don't have family,so there's only them to please.

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Saw the video of this on the news yesterday from the vile Boko Haram

leader who has kidnapped over 200 girls from a school. I was just wondering if this is really something these lunatics believe they are entitled to do. He then went on to say "Allah has instructed me to sell them. They are his property and I will carry out his instructions". Really, he heard his voice did he ? And does he really expect any normal person to believe that. What planet is he on? Must feel very big kidnapping vulnerable girls.


Unfortunately I feel the worse but hope somebody takes some decisive action sooner rather than later and the girls are reunited, unharmed, with their families.

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As it seems Muslims were the original slave traders in Africa, along with the Portugese, and as slavery is still permitted under sharia, it's not surprising that he thinks he has that right?


I didn't realise any of this.



The more you find out about Islam, the worse it gets, seriously.

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