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Has anyone else heard a cuckoo this year.

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On Thursday we were walking up Padley Gorge from Grindleford Station. Towards the top of the gorge we heard a cuckoo. It was the first I've heard all year. Itcooed at least 30 times in 10 minutes. We also spotted a pair of pied fly catchers and what I think was a redstart.

Has anyone else heard a cuckoo?

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I have lived in Sheffield S5 for 14 years and the Cuckoo is the 1 bird I miss hearing since leaving the countryside in North Wales. Every year at this time I listen out for it, to no avail. I remember hearing it on warm sunny mornings back in Wales while I was growing up and it always signified that summer was fast approaching. I walk my dogs twice a day and I'm still listening for it. I'd love to hear it again.

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Heard one or a pair on at least 5 occasions (different days, different places) last week in North East France. Also sighted nesting storks, bats and swallows (all very plentiful).


You could tell it's been a very mild winter there. Far more insect activity (not enough eggs killed by frost), a lot more deers/boars tracks as well (unseasonably so). It looked and felt like early summer.


No cuckoo calls yet this year in North Worksop, but plenty of woodpecker activity already.

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