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What's Your Bar Request?

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At this precise moment I am sat in a bar drinking Sam Smiths organic pale ale. It's a beer shop where you choose your bottle of beer but can either drink in for 50p extra or take away. Great idea, huge range of beers and great difficulty leaving.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I don't think there are any many decent beers left now they are all much the same its all just Euro fizz..I lost interest in drinking beer when Wards went and Stones went to be brewed in Burton..I do like a nice cider not that silly stuff though...I'm more of a whisky man myself I like Grants and Lagavulin..

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Real ale for me, with my current favourite being black IPA's like Thornbridge Raven.


I was recently on a two day booze up in Nottingham and we went to Hooters for our dinner.


I tried drinking a pitcher of lager, but ended up leaving quite a bit of it because it was so tasteless.....Do people really like drinking bland lagers like Becks?


Fortunately afterwards we found a pub selling a nice 7.5% beer....That washed away the taste of the lager.





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Lager is rubbish, it is basically the cheap end of the Pilsner scale that is being brewed in ridiculous quantities and no love or care. There are great pilsners out there but it takes a bit of knowledge to find the right ones, also, it is best to drink it when it is nice and warm out there, it is supposed to be a refresher, not a pitcher/pint sized quantity to get drunk on.


Btw: There is now a really, really great British lager as well - produced by British vineyard Chapel Down. It is called Curious Brew and is outstanding.

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Btw: There is now a really, really great British lager as well - produced by British vineyard Chapel Down. It is called Curious Brew and is outstanding.


I think I've seen that at Waitrose, I might have to give it a try and report back. :)





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I don't think there are any many decent beers left now they are all much the same its all just Euro fizz..I lost interest in drinking beer when Wards went and Stones went to be brewed in Burton..I do like a nice cider not that silly stuff though...I'm more of a whisky man myself I like Grants and Lagavulin..


There are hundreds of decent beers left that in no way, shape or form could be labeled as "Euro fizz".

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Real ale. The thread title should read 'What're your bar requests'. 'What's' is incorrect.


Why is it incorrect? What's your bar request = what is your bar request (single)

What're your bar requests = what are your bar requests (plural)

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