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Leeds Teacher Stabbed to Death

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Apparently this youth has already had to be moved to a different YOI for his own safety.

Yesterday afternoon a large maroon coloured helicopter landed near the young offenders secure unit at Limb Lane and was there for about an hour.

I wonder if these two things are connected.



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In the light of the revelation that it was a juvenile who killed Ann Maguire, I was reading about the fate of other immediate families whose children have killed others:




What is interesting are the very different reactions of the people in the local area where the family lived...some were supportive, others shunned them. It's definitely worth a read.


Fascinating. You couldn't help but sympathise.

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Hopefully he gets a taste of "prison justice" very soon, as our official justice system doesn't seem to be worthy of that name.


You hope he's beaten, injured and made to suffer pain. Looks like you have a lot in common with the murderer.

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A quick google shows that the average amount of time served for murder is 15 years, this young lad will be doing a minimum of 20


I am not sure why they dont all serve a similar sentence, murder is murder, should a child serve less or more than an adult, should you serve less for killing a cleaner, should you serve less for killing an older person because they are nearing the end of their life anyway.


Why is this young lad serving longer than average?


Because of the circumstances, lack of remorse, etc...


It's murder if you kill someone in a fight.


But it's considered to be "worse" if you stab someone in the back, then chase them from the room continuing to stab them, then go and sit back down covered in blood and appear to be very pleased with yourself. Then later when questioned express no remorse and indeed seem to think that what you did was right.


Given his behaviour I'm not convinced that he'll ever be safe to be released. He's been diagnosed as having psychopathic tendencies.

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Ive a feeling this boy won't make 20 months, let alone 20 years.


I understand this was a serious murder, planned and no remorse; but its in the media because she was a good teacher. Should a person spend more time in jail because the person that they murder is a teacher or policeman?

If any of my loved ones was murdered, I would think that all lives are equall.

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I understand this was a serious murder, planned and no remorse; but its in the media because she was a good teacher. Should a person spend more time in jail because the person that they murder is a teacher or policeman?

If any of my loved ones was murdered, I would think that all lives are equall.


I think the murderers of policemen etc should spend more time in prison because assaults on them undermine the fabric of what we deem to be a civilised society, especially as people in these jobs are expected to put themselves in harm's way. I'd have to think about whether the same rationale should exist for teachers.

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