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Tories NOT punishing the unemployed.

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Only they ARE punishing the unemployed. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27177767. Having to sign on everyday at those places is punishment. Unless things have changed massively there are hardly any jobs on the boards, some of those are made up, all held together by disinterested, and now overworked staff. If a jobcentre plus was worth it's salt it might be useful but I can't think of anyone who got a job as a result of going there. I never did when I was on the dole. Has anyone?

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Personally I think this is about Ian Duncan Smith and the DWP top brass rolling out a press release so as to convince the public that they are 'waging war on the feckless and scroungers' (as the press like to portray them).


However if I were IDS I'd be more concerned that many of the jobs advertised (at least a third of a million - 350,000) are fake http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/05/government-universal-jobmatch-website-fraud


Pretty disgusting when you think about it. There's been harrowing evidence of the unemployed being reduced to suicide, disabled people had benefits removed, multiple lies and deciet from DWP officials, countless 'errors' resulting in grief and hardship for the unemployed, the unemployed being conned out of their benefits by fake employers, DWP cover ups, A4E fiasco, the full works....And the government want us to know that they're going to punish the unemployed.

I despair :mad:

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I think the benefits system needs reforming. There are too many choosing tossing off as a career choice. This will not stop them, this will not help them. It will clog up a broken system. If the job centre can't help someone get a job in 2 years, rocking up every day instead of doing something constructive wastes everyone's time.


Epic fail ids and I suspect after the daily fail readers have finished their post-poor-beating cigarette this scheme will disappear.

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I think the benefits system needs reforming. There are too many choosing tossing off as a career choice. This will not stop them, this will not help them. It will clog up a broken system. If the job centre can't help someone get a job in 2 years, rocking up every day instead of doing something constructive wastes everyone's time.


Epic fail ids and I suspect after the daily fail readers have finished their post-poor-beating cigarette this scheme will disappear.


You watch too much BBC!

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It's only for those people who have been claiming for 2 years or more.


If you can't get off your ass and find a job in two years then they should be dragged down the Job Centre every morning to explain themselves.


2 years??? Lazy sods.

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As part of my previous job I went to the job centre on West Street with a wheelchair user for an appointment with a disability officer about the Work Choice programme.

We were in a long queue of other people outside the job centre waiting for it to open, and I couldn't help but notice the expressions on the faces of pedestrians passing by, and passengers on buses and trams - we were looked on as scum. (Pretty much how they're spoken about on here)


I just don't think that punishing and marginalising those without work will get the best out of them.


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 10:54 ----------


The rest of us have to get up in the morning to work for our money, why shouldn't the unemployed have to get up to get their money. We are paying for them after all.


And the vast majority of those unemployed will have paid into the system as well! They are not different to any one of us

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