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Tories NOT punishing the unemployed.

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I disagree. My barometer, albeit a personal one that isn't scientific, is traffic. There's lots of traffic and freight on our nations roads and that has dropped backed when times were hard.


One of the most interesting indexes is the Baltic Dry index. Essentially it measures the demand for dry bulk carriers that move most of the worlds raw materials. It's very good at predicting what future demand is going to be and is a good leading indicator as to where the economy is heading.


It s slightly clouded as it includes the effects of bunkerage costs so you have to be aware of the historical crude fractions prices and which ones count (the price of bunker B/C is the important one, not diesel). It's worth looking at what it did during the crash in 2008 - it fell about 94% from it's high - it's *very* sensitive to demand changes as the supply of large bulk carriers is exceedingly inelastic.


Edit: Link to some more info about it http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2003/10/the_shipping_news.html

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Cameron hired this man despite being warned that he was involved in illegal phone tapping and was more than a lot less whiter than white. He took the chance because (imo) his arrogance led him to believe he would get away with it. He didn't...but luckily for him his spin machine spun their way around it. What is it they say again?...you can fool some of the people...


You didn't say why you thought there should be more prisons.


I agree That Cameron made a mistake in hiring Coulson. The decision is on the debit side of Camerons premiership. I believe his toleration of Israeli action re Gaza will stand as a debit also.


On the credit side is the complete turning around of the economy, in fact, he with Osborne has worked a miracle.


What I do not understand is how people on this forum can disparage the man who has achieved so much for the country when compared to Labour.


In Blair/Brown time they crashed the economy to the worst state since 1929, Killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq Afghanistan and elsewhere. Lied to parliament, connived in the death of government advisers, colluded with Murdoch. Feathered their nest to the extent that the entire Labour front bench are millionaires and Blair himself is a multi millionaire. Yet still Labour has its supporters.


The Lib Dems had the integrity to work with the Tories to reverse the mess and they are castigated.


Re Prisons, we need more, the current ones are overcrowded, staffing levels are too low, prisoners are being released prematurely. Burglaries are increasing. Incarceration works.


Anyone who disagrees with this isn't getting out enough.

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but Labour support the people right, and the Torys only care about big business.


You'd never catch a Labour man doing a shady deal for the benefit of his chums.

They also wouldn't (at the same time) take a massive HINT that things in the financial industry were spiralling out of control and someone should step in.

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but Labour support the people right, and the Torys only care about big business.


You'd never catch a Labour man doing a shady deal for the benefit of his chums.


Its quie scary to think that some people actually do belive that sort of thing :D

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I agree That Cameron made a mistake in hiring Coulson. The decision is on the debit side of Camerons premiership. I believe his toleration of Israeli action re Gaza will stand as a debit also.


On the credit side is the complete turning around of the economy, in fact, he with Osborne has worked a miracle.


What I do not understand is how people on this forum can disparage the man who has achieved so much for the country when compared to Labour.


In Blair/Brown time they crashed the economy to the worst state since 1929, Killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq Afghanistan and elsewhere. Lied to parliament, connived in the death of government advisers, colluded with Murdoch. Feathered their nest to the extent that the entire Labour front bench are millionaires and Blair himself is a multi millionaire. Yet still Labour has its supporters.


The Lib Dems had the integrity to work with the Tories to reverse the mess and they are castigated.


Re Prisons, we need more, the current ones are overcrowded, staffing levels are too low, prisoners are being released prematurely. Burglaries are increasing. Incarceration works.


Anyone who disagrees with this isn't getting out enough.


He's oop North again wearing his Bob the Builder outfit.

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but Labour support the people right, and the Torys only care about big business.


You'd never catch a Labour man doing a shady deal for the benefit of his chums.

They also wouldn't (at the same time) take a massive HINT that things in the financial industry were spiralling out of control and someone should step in.


Good god, have you never heard of Poulson? He bribed virtually every Labour council in the country. Get on Google look his name up, then try T Dan Smith. Then look up Donniegate, Take a read of the NUMs actions during the miners strike when their leaders were sunbathing in Spain whilst their members were starving.


Remember the words of the Red Flag,


"The working class can kiss my arse

Im on the local council at last"

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