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Tories NOT punishing the unemployed.

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I agree That Cameron made a mistake in hiring Coulson. The decision is on the debit side of Camerons premiership. I believe his toleration of Israeli action re Gaza will stand as a debit also.


On the credit side is the complete turning around of the economy, in fact, he with Osborne has worked a miracle.


What I do not understand is how people on this forum can disparage the man who has achieved so much for the country when compared to Labour.


In Blair/Brown time they crashed the economy to the worst state since 1929, Killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq Afghanistan and elsewhere. Lied to parliament, connived in the death of government advisers, colluded with Murdoch. Feathered their nest to the extent that the entire Labour front bench are millionaires and Blair himself is a multi millionaire. Yet still Labour has its supporters.


The Lib Dems had the integrity to work with the Tories to reverse the mess and they are castigated.


Re Prisons, we need more, the current ones are overcrowded, staffing levels are too low, prisoners are being released prematurely. Burglaries are increasing. Incarceration works.


Anyone who disagrees with this isn't getting out enough.


Re my bolds.


I'll make reply to each in turn in the order in which they come.


Tell this to the thousands using food banks. Tell it to struggling pensioners and middle class wage earners trying to make ends meet as wages are kept low and prices increase daily.


Just remember this about the Iraq invasion. The Tories voted with Labour!


Please do not insult my intelligence by suggesting Cameron has not...and does not...collude with Murdoch or "feather his nest."


The use of the word "integrity" to describe the Lib Dems actions in backing the Tories has to be a big contender for joke of the year.


And finally...who could ever have envisaged that a Tory government would have that on their record after 4 years in power! My flabber is ghasted!

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Where is your evidence to support this?


Not only that, what if they are anyway?


---------- Post added 05-08-2014 at 18:10 ----------


In Blair/Brown time they crashed the economy to the worst state since 1929


Oh, you mean the global crash of 2008, I wasn't aware that Labour ruled the world, maybe one day eh?


I also remember saying in 1984, because the miners strike was on that's how I remember, that after the banks were deregulated in 1980, what's going to happen when people begin to default on all that credit they used to create the boom after the inner city riots. Looks like it all came home to roost in 2008.


Oh and I don't call the deficit widening and borrowing up under the tories an improvement of the economy. Nor do I call suspension of benefits and the proliferation of ZHC a reduction in enemployment, maybe that's why food bank use is up to highest levels probably since WW2 and discount food stores like Lidl and Aldi are booming.

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Re my bolds.


I'll make reply to each in turn in the order in which they come.


Tell this to the thousands using food banks. Tell it to struggling pensioners and middle class wage earners trying to make ends meet as wages are kept low and prices increase daily.


Just remember this about the Iraq invasion. The Tories voted with Labour!


Please do not insult my intelligence by suggesting Cameron has not...and does not...collude with Murdoch or "feather his nest."


The use of the word "integrity" to describe the Lib Dems actions in backing the Tories has to be a big contender for joke of the year.


And finally...who could ever have envisaged that a Tory government would have that on their record after 4 years in power! My flabber is ghasted!


The thousands using food banks have been placed in that position by Labour, they crashed the economy. They were responsible for the banks for three parliaments and did nothing to curb the obvious abuses that were taking place.


The Conservatives did indeed vote with Labour over Iraq. After they, and the rest of parliament were lied to regarding "45 minutes from attack", and the dodgy "dossier" by the war criminal Blair and his supporters Blair, Brown Milliband and Balls.


Cameron does not need to "feather his nest" he is very wealthy man, as is Osborne, all politicians have been too close to Murdoch, a man whose evil has permeated British society for far too long. They are at least seeking to distance themselves now and have had the guts to investigate the press, ensure that any political "cover" for such as Coulson and co has been removed. Do you seriously think that these prosecutions would have happened under Blair/Brown.


Whether you feel my defense of the Lib Dems is amusing or not, history will show that Clegg and his party made were prepared to suffer huge damage in order to defend the country. Their sacrifice has lead to the fastest turn around of a countries fortunes in the last 20 years, in fact, second only to Germanys reconstruction after the second world war it is difficult to find a more dramatic turnabout in the last hundred.


Regarding the sentence were you state your flabber is gasted, whatever that means, I do not understand this sentence or what you refer to.


In closing, you do little to further your argument when all you do is to seek to belittle mine. If you disagree, surely you should make constructive alternative comments?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 08:49 ----------


Not only that, what if they are anyway?


---------- Post added 05-08-2014 at 18:10 ----------



Oh, you mean the global crash of 2008, I wasn't aware that Labour ruled the world, maybe one day eh?


I also remember saying in 1984, because the miners strike was on that's how I remember, that after the banks were deregulated in 1980, what's going to happen when people begin to default on all that credit they used to create the boom after the inner city riots. Looks like it all came home to roost in 2008.


Oh and I don't call the deficit widening and borrowing up under the tories an improvement of the economy. Nor do I call suspension of benefits and the proliferation of ZHC a reduction in enemployment, maybe that's why food bank use is up to highest levels probably since WW2 and discount food stores like Lidl and Aldi are booming.


I refer you to my earlier reply to Swami.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 08:50 ----------


Where is your evidence to support this?


The evidence is freely available from various sources including google.

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The thousands using food banks have been placed in that position by Labour, they crashed the economy. They were responsible for the banks for three parliaments and did nothing to curb the obvious abuses that were taking place.


The Conservatives did indeed vote with Labour over Iraq. After they, and the rest of parliament were lied to regarding "45 minutes from attack", and the dodgy "dossier" by the war criminal Blair and his supporters Blair, Brown Milliband and Balls.


Cameron does not need to "feather his nest" he is very wealthy man, as is Osborne, all politicians have been too close to Murdoch, a man whose evil has permeated British society for far too long. They are at least seeking to distance themselves now and have had the guts to investigate the press, ensure that any political "cover" for such as Coulson and co has been removed. Do you seriously think that these prosecutions would have happened under Blair/Brown.


Whether you feel my defense of the Lib Dems is amusing or not, history will show that Clegg and his party made were prepared to suffer huge damage in order to defend the country. Their sacrifice has lead to the fastest turn around of a countries fortunes in the last 20 years, in fact, second only to Germanys reconstruction after the second world war it is difficult to find a more dramatic turnabout in the last hundred.


Regarding the sentence were you state your flabber is gasted, whatever that means, I do not understand this sentence or what you refer to.


In closing, you do little to further your argument when all you do is to seek to belittle mine. If you disagree, surely you should make constructive alternative comments?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 08:49 ----------



I refer you to my earlier reply to Swami.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 08:50 ----------



The evidence is freely available from various sources including google.


The whole of the first paragraph is a nonsense reply frankly. The number of people using food banks has more than tripled under the current administration! Add to this the number of prosecutions against banks and financial institutions in the last four years and your attempt to score points looks lost again.


The idea of your party being led astray by Blair is risible and shows your grasp of parliamentary procedure to be somewhat suspect.

I'm aware of how rich Cameron and Osborne are. During their time in the Bullingdon Club whilst at University they would go en masse to restaurants and clubs and get blind drunk before wrecking the places. They were rich enough to laugh it off and immediately pay for all the damage caused.


The prosecutions were not brought by the government so your point is invalid.


If you believe that Cameron is still not "in bed" with Murdoch I fear you may be opening yourself up to accusations of gullibility being levelled against you.


I wonder how disingenuous you were being with your professed lack of

understanding of the word flabbergasted. I made a play on words in response to your description of the current state of the prison service and the fact that the "hang 'em and flog 'em" party had allowed it to happen during their term of office.


I trust that this reply will measure up to your exacting standards of "constructive." ;)

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