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Tories NOT punishing the unemployed.

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The whole of the first paragraph is a nonsense reply frankly. The number of people using food banks has more than tripled under the current administration! Add to this the number of prosecutions against banks and financial institutions in the last four years and your attempt to score points looks lost again.


The idea of your party being led astray by Blair is risible and shows your grasp of parliamentary procedure to be somewhat suspect.

I'm aware of how rich Cameron and Osborne are. During their time in the Bullingdon Club whilst at University they would go en masse to restaurants and clubs and get blind drunk before wrecking the places. They were rich enough to laugh it off and immediately pay for all the damage caused.


The prosecutions were not brought by the government so your point is invalid.


If you believe that Cameron is still not "in bed" with Murdoch I fear you may be opening yourself up to accusations of gullibility being levelled against you.


I wonder how disingenuous you were being with your professed lack of

understanding of the word flabbergasted. I made a play on words in response to your description of the current state of the prison service and the fact that the "hang 'em and flog 'em" party had allowed it to happen during their term of office.


I trust that this reply will measure up to your exacting standards of "constructive." ;)


Yes the number of people using food banks has trebled, this is due to the Tories taking charge at a low ebb, the use of food banks will desist once the economic situation improves further.


Your pathetic attempts at wordy sarcasm merely display your lack of argument, references to the Bullingdon club are as irrelevant as Blairs musical experiments, and Balls football ability.


You mention Cameron and Murdoch being in cahoots, where is your evidence? I ask again, do you believe that criminal proceedings would have been taken against members of Murdoch empire under Blair? Your inference that governments have no influence on whether or not criminal proceedings take place is unbelievably naïve, and the Labour party have plenty of form for this dating back to Harold Wilson, (Kagan anyone?)


This "constructive" reply again attempts to goad you into stating something positive or adding to the debate instead of showing us what a clever little "swami" you are.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:28 ----------


Alan Ladd. :hihi: Welcome back xenia.


Never been away Stan.

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Yes the number of people using food banks has trebled, this is due to the Tories taking charge at a low ebb, the use of food banks will desist once the economic situation improves furt.her


Your pathetic attempts at wordy sarcasm merely display your lack of argument, references to the Bullingdon club are as irrelevant as Blairs musical experiments, and Balls football ability.


You mention Cameron and Murdoch being in cahoots, where is your evidence? I ask again, do you believe that criminal proceedings would have been taken against members of Murdoch empire under Blair? Your inference that governments have no influence on whether or not criminal proceedings take place is unbelievably naïve, and the Labour party have plenty of form for this dating back to Harold Wilson, (Kagan anyone?)


This "constructive" reply again attempts to goad you into stating something positive or adding to the debate instead of showing us what a clever little "swami" you are.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:28 ----------



Never been away Stan.


Re my bold.


The use of food banks is increasing on a daily basis! It is higher now than at any time since the second world war!

However, according to you the economy has turned around and everything is getting rosier and rosier. You can't have it both ways!


Murdoch was prosecuted for his involvement in phone hacking and it had nothing to do with government. They did not bring the prosecution. I don't doubt that had government had its way...any government...the case would never have come to court.


As you told poppet2...the evidence regarding Cameron/Murdoch is freely available from various sources including google.

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Re my bold.


The use of food banks is increasing on a daily basis! It is higher now than at any time since the second world war!

However, according to you the economy has turned around and everything is getting rosier and rosier. You can't have it both ways!


Murdoch was prosecuted for his involvement in phone hacking and it had nothing to do with government. They did not bring the prosecution. I don't doubt that had government had its way...any government...the case would never have come to court.


As you told poppet2...the evidence regarding Cameron/Murdoch is freely available from various sources including google.




I have enough to do avoiding the thought police and their master investigator Stan Tumudo, without doing poppets research for her.


The economy is improving dramatically, its just that the benefits haven't reached you lot at the bottom yet.


Repeating the same drivel does not make you right.


Don't worry about it Swami, you now it makes your head hurt. Just vote Conservative and leave it to us.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 12:00 ----------


I know you haven't. You're also the bloke who makes deliberate spelling mistakes as well aren't you?


I am sorry, but I have tried to indulge you, I really do not know what you are on about, I have never made deliberate spelling mistakes on this forum, of which I have been a member for a few days, or anywhere else.

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I have enough to do avoiding the thought police and their master investigator Stan Tumudo, without doing poppets research for her.


The economy is improving dramatically, its just that the benefits haven't reached you lot at the bottom yet.


Repeating the same drivel does not make you right.


Don't worry about it Swami, you now it makes your head hurt. Just vote Conservative and leave it to us.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 12:00 ----------



I am sorry, but I have tried to indulge you, I really do not know what you are on about, I have never made deliberate spelling mistakes on this forum, of which I have been a member for a few days, or anywhere else.


I want you to picture me furiously tugging at my forelock with one hand whilst typing with the other my lord and master!

Please forgive me for failing to realise I was in the presence of so exalted a person!

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I want you to picture me furiously tugging at my forelock with one hand whilst typing with the other my lord and master!

Please forgive me for failing to realise I was in the presence of so exalted a person!


I forgive you Swami, but don't let it happen again.

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I don't hate them. They are either thieves or the receivers of stolen property that should return the land to common.


Land tenure can be a good thing, if it is extended to all. but when land is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, then the landless are made into slaves.

Didn't you recently state on another thread that you own property other than your home? Do I need to contact the police and report you?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 14:42 ----------


I am glad the prison population is high, we need to keep them full.




Does that mean you like a society full of criminals?


Or would you want to make more criminals out of innocents, eg locking up people for wearing a loud shirt in a built up area?


I really don't understand. I'm not for leniency, more for reducing moral criminality

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Where are all the facts and figures on food bank use, is it even accurately recorded???


That is a very good point where is the evidence?


Also if poor people cant afford food why are they so fat? Are they abusing the food banks?


Is Swami and his followers kindness being abused, are these people taking too much?


I think we should be told.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 14:45 ----------


Didn't you recently state on another thread that you own property other than your home? Do I need to contact the police and report you?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 14:42 ----------




Does that mean you like a society full of criminals?


Or would you want to make more criminals out of innocents, eg locking up people for wearing a loud shirt in a built up area?


I really don't understand. I'm not for leniency, more for reducing moral criminality


Not enough people going to jail, no doubt about it, jail works. Lock em up that's what I say.

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