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Tories NOT punishing the unemployed.

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No-ones out to thrash the disabled are they??


A person who cannot work through ill health and a person who is fit and chooses not to work are two completely different cases and should not be mixed up.


The way the disabled review was completely botched is a travesty IMO.


There are a lot of sick people in the community. Remember when they shut the asylums and went for 'care in the community'? A lot of those got precious little help and have slipped through the net. They are incapable of work,(many with mental health issues) but passed the infamous blunt instrument that was the totally unsatisfactory ATOS test.


Harrassing them isn't going to help anyone.

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Yep, a bad problem was made worse by those morons at A4E, couldn't have picked a worse company to do the job :rant::rant:


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 14:31 ----------



If I spend two years sat on my arse because I 'couldn't be bothered' then yes I would.


Having read your contributions hitherto I wonder if you wouldn't sit on your elbow by mistake!

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Personally I think this is about Ian Duncan Smith and the DWP top brass rolling out a press release so as to convince the public that they are 'waging war on the feckless and scroungers' (as the press like to portray them).


However if I were IDS I'd be more concerned that many of the jobs advertised (at least a third of a million - 350,000) are fake http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/05/government-universal-jobmatch-website-fraud


Pretty disgusting when you think about it. There's been harrowing evidence of the unemployed being reduced to suicide, disabled people had benefits removed, multiple lies and deciet from DWP officials, countless 'errors' resulting in grief and hardship for the unemployed, the unemployed being conned out of their benefits by fake employers, DWP cover ups, A4E fiasco, the full works....And the government want us to know that they're going to punish the unemployed.

I despair :mad:


What do you see them as then ?


Why shouldnt they be made to sign on every day . afterall they arnt doing owt else .


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:08 ----------


As part of my previous job I went to the job centre on West Street with a wheelchair user for an appointment with a disability officer about the Work Choice programme.

We were in a long queue of other people outside the job centre waiting for it to open, and I couldn't help but notice the expressions on the faces of pedestrians passing by, and passengers on buses and trams - we were looked on as scum. (Pretty much how they're spoken about on here)


I just don't think that punishing and marginalising those without work will get the best out of them.


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 10:54 ----------



And the vast majority of those unemployed will have paid into the system as well! They are not different to any one of us



Nor will letting they stay in their pits while lunchtime before settling down on the sofa for an afternoon of watching Jeremy Kyle repeats


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:13 ----------


The tories doing what they do best, aided and abetted by the likes of the Daily Mail and Telegraph.


No doubt it'll be with a view to suspend benefits.


and hey presto ...



"Those who fail to take part could lose jobless benefits for fixed periods.


Jobseeker's allowance (JSA) can be suspended for four weeks for their first failure, then 13 weeks for a second failure"


Suspension of benefits = employment. No wonder they are keen to say unemployment is falling.



And why shouldnt someone lose their benefits if they fail to keep appointments . ? why should they receive money but not have to do anything in return for it. ?

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What do you see them as then ?


Why shouldnt they be made to sign on every day . afterall they arnt doing owt else .


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:08 ----------




Nor will letting they stay in their pits while lunchtime before settling down on the sofa for an afternoon of watching Jeremy Kyle repeats


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:13 ----------




And why shouldnt someone lose their benefits if they fail to keep appointments . ? why should they receive money but not have to do anything in return for it. ?


yeah yeah you keep saying. If you care to read the thread, you'll find I told you why

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What do you see them as then ?


Why shouldnt they be made to sign on every day . afterall they arnt doing owt else .


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:08 ----------




Nor will letting they stay in their pits while lunchtime before settling down on the sofa for an afternoon of watching Jeremy Kyle repeats


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:13 ----------




And why shouldnt someone lose their benefits if they fail to keep appointments . ? why should they receive money but not have to do anything in return for it. ?


You shouldn't judge others on the basis of what you get upto Penny

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Why shouldnt they be made to sign on every day . afterall they arnt doing owt else .


---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:08 ----------


Nor will letting they stay in their pits while lunchtime before settling down on the sofa for an afternoon of watching Jeremy Kyle repeats

---------- Post added 30-04-2014 at 20:13 ----------


And why shouldnt someone lose their benefits if they fail to keep appointments . ? why should they receive money but not have to do anything in return for it. ?


This just sounds so vindictive.


The unemployed are not criminals you know, and should be treated with some respect. (You too might join their ranks any time.) Continual harrassment is not productive.

Community service is what drunk drivers and petty thieves are supposed to do as punishment. If the unemployed are required to do it then it's a job, and should be paid for as such.


If they have to spend half their day walking miles to and from the jobcentre to sign on, they aren't going to have as much time or energy to spend looking for work.

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  • 2 months later...

Another desperately sad story.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/sister-launches-petition-inquiry-after-3932691


If the same amount of people had died as a consequnce of neglect in an old people's home, as had died as consequence of benefit changes then surely the Government would have ordered an inquiry?

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Another desperately sad story.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/sister-launches-petition-inquiry-after-3932691


If the same amount of people had died as a consequnce of neglect in an old people's home, as had died as consequence of benefit changes then surely the Government would have ordered an inquiry?


Shame his sister couldn't have offered him a bed or the use of a fridge.

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Perhaps he was too proud to tell her that he was penniless?


Then there's only so much anyone can help. I'm not advocating the current level of sanctions - it's appears target driven and wrong, it might have been nice for the family to get involved whether he liked it or not. I'm not sure we're getting the full story on this one.

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