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English and Proud?

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Why is that though? If you ask 90% of Scotsmen or Welshmen what nationality they are they won't say British unlike most Englishman. Can I not describe my nationality as English (or indeed northerner!) without being labeled a right wing but job?

why not? ive just described myself as english im not a right wing nutjob

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Never been proud of anything, nor do I want to be


In the context of waking in the morning, opening the curtains to a beautiful day and thinking.."Oh, I'm so proud to be English" I would agree. As for a sense of personal pride in the little achievement's I've made I wouldn't.


I have sometimes felt fortunate to be English born but that was never down to choice. Hand on heart, waving a flag and muttering some oath is alien to me quite frankly..

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I am incredibly proud to be Frisian, nationalism does not automatically equate the negative thoughts people have with it. Nobody will accuse the SNP of being racist for example.


Unless it's kept as a personal thought process I would agree, thoughts do no harm until thoughts become actions. Historically nationalism like religion is a dangerous concept when taken further than a thought process. It smacks of and promotes indoctrination..usually with negative results. Nationalism has a poor record historically.IMO

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Never been proud of anything, nor do I want to be


Well arent you a cheery soul ;)


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 14:57 ----------


I like to say i'm proud to be a yorkshire lass, i dont like being roped in with them there southerners!

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Sorry, I have to put in a semantic correction here:


Being a nationalist does not mean you are automatically of the national socialist persuasion (ie. Nazi's/fascists of the 30s/40s). It means you are proud of your nation, there is nothing wrong with that. I am a nationalist - a Frisian nationalist, I believe that Fryslan should have its own legal and sovereign status, not separate from the Netherlands, but with its culture safeguarded and protected within the Netherlands (there is talk of dissolving the province, which I am fiercely against).


That does not make me someone who hates the Dutch, or makes me think less of them in any way shape or form, it just means I am proud to be Frisian and I am happy to share it with everybody.


Now if I believed that Fryslan should be a separate state exclusively for Frisians - then I would be of the national socialist political persuasion, but that is not what I am for and I would never pursue that.

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Why is it that it's OK to say you're Scottish, Welsh or irish (or any other country for that matter) but say you're English not British and you MUST be a xenophobe or racist? I put English as my nationality on forms but always feel a bit worried that it will make me look like I'm a BNP supporter or something. I want to be proud to be English, but feel I can't. I can be English first and British second can't I? Anyone else feel like this?


Think the problem is yours. Have no problem saying British or English and it depends on the context in which it is being used. I'd have no problem about saying English or worry about people thinking I was xenophobic or a BNP supporter because it would be ludicrous. I am proudish of being English and think you should worry less about saying so.

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