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English and Proud?

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No, you can prefer to be English, that isn't the problem. The problem occurs when you claim the English are better than the Pakistani.


Or when you claim that you're better for no other reason that you're English rather than Pakistani.

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Why is that though? If you ask 90% of Scotsmen or Welshmen what nationality they are they won't say British unlike most Englishman. Can I not describe my nationality as English (or indeed northerner!) without being labeled a right wing but job?


In which case they - the Scots and Welsh - would be incorrect.


There is no such Nationality as English, Scots or Welsh, all are British.


Might change in September! :)


Agree with tzijlstra on this one. There is no reason whatsoever why you shouldn't state that you're an Englishman and happy about it.


Obviously if you then go on to state that the English are somehow superior to other people merely because their English then you've gone too far and are in racist territory.


I'm Anglo-Irish and quite happy to be so. I will correct anyone who tries to tell me I'm one or the other, but think both have much to recommend them and, in fairness, a bit to criticise them both for also.


Same as most groups of people.


Not sure about Proud though.


Unless you have done something personally to enhance the country's standing in the world I'm not sure what there is to be proud of.


Because if you start being proud of other peoples achievements you would also need to be ashamed of other peoples crimes.


Best not to go down that route in my view.

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Why is it that it's OK to say you're Scottish, Welsh or irish (or any other country for that matter) but say you're English not British and you MUST be a xenophobe or racist? I put English as my nationality on forms but always feel a bit worried that it will make me look like I'm a BNP supporter or something. I want to be proud to be English, but feel I can't. I can be English first and British second can't I? Anyone else feel like this?


I think you've got issues!


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 17:28 ----------


yeah, these days right, if you say you're English, you get arrested and thrown in Jail.


:hihi::hihi::hihi: Love Stewart Lee...


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 17:31 ----------


I'M BATMAN!!!! (and proud)

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Why is it that it's OK to say you're Scottish, Welsh or irish (or any other country for that matter) but say you're English not British and you MUST be a xenophobe or racist?

Who told you that, Nick Griffin?

I put English as my nationality on forms but always feel a bit worried that it will make me look like I'm a BNP supporter or something.

I suspect it makes you look nothing other than someone who's English.

I want to be proud to be English, but feel I can't. I can be English first and British second can't I? Anyone else feel like this?




---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 17:58 ----------


Why is that though? If you ask 90% of Scotsmen or Welshmen what nationality they are they won't say British unlike most Englishman. Can I not describe my nationality as English (or indeed northerner!) without being labeled a right wing but job?


Bizarre reasoning tfh, if you don't want to describe yourself as something you don't have to. If you're comfortable about describing yourself as English what's the problem?


---------- Post added 29-04-2014 at 18:00 ----------


British by birth, English by the power of God.


..and here's the answer. I think you're struggling to say anything positive about being English if you assign your membership to having involved the supernatural.

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Many Americans who dont know much about accents have asked mt if I'm


A. Australian

B. Irish

C. Scottish


or if they're not sure they say 'What kind of accent is that"?


I always answer "I'm English" because it seems more specific and natural for some reason than to say "British"


I started using this standard reply after hearing some big loud mouthed Jock in a local bar when asked if he was British answering


"Away to hell with ye mon ! I'm Scawts born and bred so dinna tak me for a Sassenach"

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I would say I am glad to be English and love my country (homeland and all that), although I do also hate it at times. I wouldn't say I'm proud of being English though, it's not the right word.

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I would say I am glad to be English and love my country (homeland and all that), although I do also hate it at times. I wouldn't say I'm proud of being English though, it's not the right word.


This typifies the way I feel about being English, but like Maz3, I don't feel 'proud' is the right word.

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This typifies the way I feel about being English, but like Maz3, I don't feel 'proud' is the right word.


Is glad the right word? You look at Syria and loads of other violent and/or oppressive countries and you thank your lucky stars you don't live there and because you're English you can't be sent over there ( unless you join the army of course but you know what I mean).

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Is glad the right word? You look at Syria and loads of other violent and/or oppressive countries and you thank your lucky stars you don't live there and because you're English you can't be sent over there ( unless you join the army of course but you know what I mean).


That's what I meant by using the word glad. Things could be so much worse ....

Also, the climate suits me and we have manageable insect life.

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