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Tory think tank recommends drug legalisation

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I know what you said and it is just the ranting of the delusional mind because you simply cannot know that no one cares what you think.


No, I said on one cares what YOU think, not me.


And you're the one who accuses everyone of being high as a kite?!

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No, I said on one cares what YOU think, not me.


And you're the one who accuses everyone of being high as a kite?!


I know what you said, and you simply cannot know that no one cares what I think, and I haven't accused everyone of being high as a kite. You mind is clearly playing tricks with you again.

Edited by ivanava
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If you don't know then clearly you don't know if the word I used is the incorrect word.

Clearly I do.

Bonzo:No body cares what you think anyway. That was made clear from the cannabis thread!

You:I think you are hallucinating again, you must understand that you simply cannot know what everyone thinks.


You wrote that Bonzo mistakenly believes he knows what everyone thinks. A mistaken belief, contradicted by reality, is called a delusion. It isn't called an hallucination - that's a different thing entirely.


Not that he even claimed that in the first place, he said nobody cares what you think. Which may be a slight exaggeration, even in the intended context; presumably you care what you think?

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Clearly I do.




You wrote that Bonzo mistakenly believes he knows what everyone thinks. A mistaken belief, contradicted by reality, is called a delusion. It isn't called an hallucination - that's a different thing entirely.

Not that he even claimed that in the first place, he said nobody cares what you think. Which may be a slight exaggeration, even in the intended context; presumably you care what you think?


They are not as different as you think.



It would be reasonable to regard the hallucinations as exercising a causative role in the development of delusions.



Hallucination may play a primary causative role in the genesis of delusions.



There are many connections between delusions and hallucinations.



Use of Cannabis can cause a condition called drug-induced psychosis.



Symptoms include delusions and hallucinations

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They are not as different as you think.



It would be reasonable to regard the hallucinations as exercising a causative role in the development of delusions.



Hallucination may play a primary causative role in the genesis of delusions.



There are many connections between delusions and hallucinations.



Use of Cannabis can cause a condition called drug-induced psychosis.



Symptoms include delusions and hallucinations


Why do you instantly start saying people are deluded (or hallucinating:roll:), as soon as someone is pro drug legalisation? You really are an infuriating individual. You clearly know nothing about drugs. You seem to think posting links from sites with a clear bias towards the negative affects of drugs is justification. It's not. There's a bigger picture that you don't seem to be able to acknowledge.


People will take drugs, despite the dangers. It's human nature. Prohibition feeds criminals and funds terrorism. It also takes innocent lives. I take it by you're stance that this is OK with you? Because you and I both know that nothing will stop drugs being consumed.

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Stop rising to his trolling, ignore him and he'll go away.


It is the only way.


He'll spin this thread on for quite a few more pages. Using provocative questions and a series of red herrings. I can almost guarantee that he'll not produce any solid evidence for any of his opinions.


I gave up months ago.

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Why do you instantly start saying people are deluded (or hallucinating:roll:), as soon as someone is pro drug legalisation? .


I don't, I only say it when someone is clearly delusional, as I have said several times, you clearly can't know the opinions of everyone, so saying no one is interested in my opinion is clearly a delusion, and you have admitted to being a drug user and your drug of choice can cause hallucinations and delusions. So it is very likely that your delusions are caused by your drug use, there could be other reasons but for now your drug use is the most likely cause.

Edited by ivanava
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It is the only way.


He'll spin this thread on for quite a few more pages. Using provocative questions and a series of red herrings. I can almost guarantee that he'll not produce any solid evidence for any of his opinions.


I gave up months ago.


The reason it is going down this road is because you lot can't counter my on topic argument, so you resorted to personal attacks.


---------- Post added 01-05-2014 at 09:28 ----------



People will take drugs, despite the dangers. It's human nature. Prohibition feeds criminals and funds terrorism. It also takes innocent lives. I take it by you're stance that this is OK with you? Because you and I both know that nothing will stop drugs being consumed.


People will always brake the law but that doesn't mean the war on crime should be stopped, all we can do is counter crime to the best of our ability in order to minimise the the consequences of crime.

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