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Sheffield History Events this May at UoS - Free, open to all!

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Hi all,


Apologies for the multiple posting, but I feel this will be of great interest to Sheffield history enthusiasts. The University of Sheffield is running a month of events this May, called In The City (full programme here: http://www.shef.ac.uk/artsenterprise/inthecity). Included are a multitude of fantastic, free events based around Sheffield History. Here are some previews and details:



To Build a Home: Modernism & Urban Planning in Post-war Britain


Speaker: John Grindrod, author of Concretopia

Date: 6 May - 7pm

Venue: St George's Church

Tickets: Free, please register at http://tobuildahome-part1.eventbrite.co.uk

To Build a Home looks to explore the drive for social housing in the mid-20th Century, from multiple perspectives. Behind the ‘grand designs’ of buildings such as Park Hill Flats, lie stories of huge social upheaval, influential protest movements, but also political determination and a desire to improve the lives of urban residents.


In the first evening of this two part event, acclaimed new writer John Grindrod will present a talk based on his book, ‘Concretopia’, a personal journey through the history of the modernist housing drive after WW2. The talk will be followed by insights from residents involved in Sheffield’s side of the story, interviewed by students. There will also be an exhibition and archive photos, with oral history clips from the Heritage Lottery Fund supported Walkley Ways, Walkley Wars history project.




To Build a Home: Sea-Change in Sheffield Housing and Planning Practice


Speakers: Professor Geoff Green, Emeritus Professor of Urban Policy at Sheffield Hallam, Veronica Hardstaff, Narendra Bajaria CBE

Date: 8 May, 7pm

Venue: Jessop West Exhibition Space

Tickets: Free, please register at http://tobuildahome-2.eventbrite.co.uk


The second part of the To Build a Home series brings together an exciting panel talk, based on the story of the highly influential Walkley Action Group and the proposed slum clearance by Sheffield City Council in the 1970s. Professor Geoff Green, Veronica Hardstaff and Narendra Bajaria will discuss their role in the activism and the subsequent sea-change in Sheffield planning that saved Central Walkley from the bulldozers.


The talk will be followed by more interviews from Walkley Witness, which is a Department of History project that contributes to Walkley Ways, Walkley Wars through oral history.


Art & Craft in Sheffield: Our History in 100 Objects (Exhibition)


Date: 9 May onwards

Venue: Weston Park Museum

Tickets: Free, no tickets required.


The Our History in 100 Objects project began in the summer and autumn of 2013, where members of the public nominated objects to Sheffield Visual Arts Group (S.V.A.G.), that they felt reflected the city’s artistic and cultural heritage. Museums Sheffield have now opened up their stores to small groups from ‘hard to reach’ and interested communities. The groups selected objects for this exhibition in Weston Park Museum, which will represent a new history of Sheffield told through objects, curated by the public. More information on Weston Park museum, including opening times, can be found here.



Sheffield's World War 1: Your Objects & Stories


Speaker: Short talks will take place throughout the day, by experts from both the University of Sheffield, and Museums Sheffield.

Date: 10 May, 11am-3.30pm

Venue: Weston Park Museum

Tickets: Free, no tickets required.


Do you have any objects or heirlooms that can help us understand life in Sheffield during World War One? Did your grandfather join the City Battalion? Was your grandmother a 'Woman of Steel' in the munitions factories? Bring along your objects and tell us your stories at Weston Park Museum. Experts, curators and a professional photographer will be on hand to document and record this people's archive, and give you some extra insight into your objects. The day will also feature an exciting variety of talks from experts based at the museum, and the University of Sheffield, including talks on Lizzie the Elephant, Redmires Training Trenches & more.


The day, and the objects you bring will also have the opportunity to be photographed to contribute to the new Europe-wide online history archive, Europeana 1914-1918.



This is Our City: Sheffield on Film w/ Iain Sinclair


Please note this event is starting earlier than previously scheduled due to the number of films being shown.


Speaker: Iain Sinclair

Date: 12 May, 6.15pm-8.30pm

Venue: The Showroom

Tickets: Free, please book via The Showroom box office in person or over the phone on 0114 275 7727.


This is Our City showcases the work of some of the many filmmakers working in Sheffield to document our city. Films will include a vivid story about a forgotten event on the River Don; a portrait of a Sheffield band which has played together for 30 years; a powerful human story of the last days of a small factory in the city; and other films which explore the lives and places of Sheffield.


The event includes a talk by award winning British writer and filmmaker, Iain Sinclair. Much of his work focuses on London, its history, spirit and surroundings, and his books are widely regarded as foremost examples of psychogeography. Image courtesy of Andy Miah.


No Lectures From Western Works


This event is currently sold out, but more tickets may be released nearer the event.


Speakers & Performers: Stephen Mallinder, Dr Matthew Cheeseman, School of English, Thomas Maxwell-Shore, Ron Wright, Paul Bower & more.

Including live performances from IBBERSON, Blood Sport, BHS, Juxtavoices and Spandril.

Date: 16 May, 7– 10.30pm

Venue: The John Pemberton Lecture Theatres, Regent Court

Tickets: Free, please register at http://westernworks.eventbrite.co.uk


The John Pemberton Lecture Theatres are as close as we can get to the site of Western Works, Cabaret Voltaire's recording studio that once stood on the corner of Regent Street and Portobello. No Lectures... aims to explore the space that remains in 2014. Contemporary musicians will draw on the material recorded here while writers and academics will discuss some of the ideas that travel around the place. Join residents and workers past, present and future in experimenting with art and Sheffield, music and technology, health and disease.


The evening will feature live performances from Blood Sport, Juxtavoices, and B.H.S., video installations and panel talks, with much help from The Audacious Art Experiment, an industrious DIY record label based in Sheffield. Paul Bower (2.3 & Gunrubber) will be talking about the space in use and discovery, and Ron Wright (Hula, Now Society) will ruminate on time spent there. Bob Baker (Clock DVA) and friends will perform their own special lecture. We’re also very excited to announce that other former members of Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, and In The Nursery will be performing an exclusive collaboration as ‘IBBERSON’ for the event.



Stories of Activism: City Activist Walk


Speakers: Dr Adrian Bingham, History Department, River Wolton

Date: 17 May, 1-3pm

22 May, 6-8pm

Venue: Starting Point: Fargate entrance to Orchard Square

Tickets: Free, please register at http://cityactivistwalks.eventbrite.co.uk


Sheffield has a rich and vibrant history of activism. Over the past few years, the Stories of Activism in Sheffield, 1960-present project has been conducting interviews with activists from around the city. The city centre and its immediate surrounding areas are an important part of their stories. Join poet River Wolton and others as we trace the City’s activist past and present through its buildings, landmarks and streets. The stories we tell will bring to life again—and update—the famous ‘Radical History Walk’. All participants are invited to add their stories as we walk, and contribute to the project’s growing collection stored at Sheffield Archives.


Opening The Archive


Speaker: Dr Amber Regis, School of English

Date: 23 May, 1-3pm & 24 May, 1-3pm

Venue: Sheffield Archives & Jessop West Exhibition Space

Tickets: Drop in event, no tickets required.


Help us unlock the city's archives and tell its secrets. Come along and see some of the treasures held by Sheffield Archives and the University of Sheffield Special Collections. Items on display will range from the 15th to 20th centuries, from a selection of letters autographed by Mary of Queen of Scots to the catalogues produced by Painted Fabrics Ltd in the wake of World War One. Read and hold these materials, and discuss their significance with experts and archivists.

23 May, 1-3pm, Sheffield Archives, 52 Shoreham Street, S1 4SP

24 May, 1-3pm, Jessop West Exhibition Space, Jessop West, S3 7RA



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