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Fire Drills in Public Places

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I was wondering round Crystal Peaks earlier and thought what if a fire drill went off effecting the entire mall.


It would probably not be a bad thing as it is not a massive mall, unlike Meadowhall which is the size of Baghdad.


I know in any small business or department store they are common place but what about major shopping malls.


What if people are half naked in the clothing changing rooms, do they have to run out with boobs hanging out.


Also, what if people who have tried on products end up doing a runner when outside at the meeting points.


I would think there is nothing the stores or the malls could do in this situation, surely it's the risk of having a drill.


I would love to be in Meadowhall trying a French Connection leather jacket on and being told to get out, excellent :hihi:

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What if it was a bomb scare :rolleyes:


1) The word "bomb" wouldn't be mentioned by anyone.

2) People would be asked to leave immediately, but not forced to run out while screaming and half naked.


By far the biggest danger in an evacuation scenario is panic from the people leaving, which only snowballs if they then think there's something preventing them from leaving - like everybody trying to get through a doorway at once. That ends up with people dead, even when there is no actual danger.


Take it you've never been evacuated from anywhere Bedrock?

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When I used to work at Meadowhall, we did fire drills during opening hours, this included evacuating all the shops, the Oasis and the cinema. There are hundreds of staff in Meadowhall (shop staff and the centre's own customer service, security and cleaning team) and everyone has a part to play. I am not sure what the stats are now but we used to be able to get everyone out within 4 minutes of the alarm sounding.


As dosxuk says, it's all very calm, announcements are made asking customers to leave the centre via their nearest fire exit, staff will man the fire exits to help customers out and other staff will check areas such as toilets to ensure nobody is still there. Yet more staff will block the car park exits to stop people leaving en-mass and blocking up the roads (which may be needed by the emergency services).


Is this a good point to mention the 10,000 body bags stored at Meadowhall? :hihi:

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Fire drills and evacuation drills have several objectives:

Ensure a building is evacuated quickly

ensure audible and visual alarms are working correctly

ensure emergency lighting is functioning correctly

Ensure staff are familiar with the evacuation procedure and if necessary assist with the evacuation.

Determine faults within the current system and modify accordingly.


The only way to find out if an evacuation procedure is effective is to test it. However the recent

South Korean ferry tragedy clearly demonstrates what can happen if nobody understands what you are

supposed to do in an emergency.


So Bedders if you are in a building or on ship and members of staff or crew are running in circles

shouting "We are all going to die", well you have bit of a problem.

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Fire drills and evacuation drills have several objectives:

Ensure a building is evacuated quickly

ensure audible and visual alarms are working correctly

ensure emergency lighting is functioning correctly

Ensure staff are familiar with the evacuation procedure and if necessary assist with the evacuation.

Determine faults within the current system and modify accordingly.


The only way to find out if an evacuation procedure is effective is to test it. However the recent

South Korean ferry tragedy clearly demonstrates what can happen if nobody understands what you are

supposed to do in an emergency.


So Bedders if you are in a building or on ship and members of staff or crew are running in circles

shouting "We are all going to die", well you have bit of a problem.


If Korean battle ships are present I will jump in the sea :hihi:

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