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USA botches execution

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Murderer's when caught should have fear instilled into them the same way as they have instilled that fear into their victims - forget about prisons sentences.....its you the tax payer who keeps them alive in prisons and being able to watch television and playing pool etc, at least they are living - more than what can be said for the poor victim !


There is no doubt whatsoever these days if the suspect has committed murder due to DNA.


If someone has taken someone else's life, then they should forfeit their own and be aware that it will happen to them.


If there was a vote on capital punishment being re-introduced, my name would be top of the list and I would suggest that it be carried out publicly.

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Murderer's when caught should have fear instilled into them the same way as they have instilled that fear into their victims - forget about prisons sentences.....its you the tax payer who keeps them alive in prisons and being able to watch television and playing pool etc, at least they are living - more than what can be said for the poor victim !


There is no doubt whatsoever these days if the suspect has committed murder due to DNA.




You might want to consider the numbers. When they say there is a 1 in amillion chance of a DNA match - that still means there are 60 people that match that profile in the UK... most of those will be the relations of the accused who are quite possibly invovled instead...


DNA is a good tool - but it's not the be all and end all and it's never the magic bullet that proves guilt.

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You would have made a good Nazi.


That you compare anyone to a Nazi does not say very much for you.




I have looked through Bypassblade's posts and seen nothing to indicate that he thinks Germans are the master race and wants to start commiting genocide or that he has any inclinations towards world domination.


Would you care to justify your comment.



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The Chinese method seems to work very efficiently. A bullet to the back of the head. No pain. dead in a second.


The reason it's not used in our part of the world is that it's considered barbaric ... our western mentality sees the use of a gun as primitive so instead they waste time and loads of money strapping the condemned to a gurney and muck around with machines full of chemicals trying to get the right mixture to kill off the person as quickly and painlessly as possible. Kind of ridiculous when you think about it

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The Chinese method seems to work very efficiently. A bullet to the back of the head. No pain. dead in a second.


The reason it's not used in our part of the world is that it's considered barbaric ... our western mentality sees the use of a gun as primitive so instead they waste time and loads of money strapping the condemned to a gurney and muck around with machines full of chemicals trying to get the right mixture to kill off the person as quickly and painlessly as possible. Kind of ridiculous when you think about it


I seem to recall there is one state that permits a firing squad still?


IF you must have a death penalty, which I don't agree with at all, but leaving that aside then executing people quickly and painlessly seems best. To that extent, what's wrong with the noose, or a pistol? Lethal injection and electrocution both seem to have so many issues. If you really want a clean method, bring back the gas chamber and flood it with pure nitrogen....

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