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USA botches execution

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I didn't say I wouldn't stand in the way. I didn't say I wouldn't dish out some myself (if I were personally involved). I wouldn't be able to torture and kill someone though. Doesn't bare thinking about!


Neither could i..! Im pint sized and the most damage i could inflict upon someone is probably a burst ear drum from squealing!


But there are many out there that can and will inflict torture and pain upon monsters who have committed awful crimes because they feel thats the only real justice... I for one, as i have stated before have no pity should this happen to said monster!


It doesn't mean i think it should happen! there's the difference

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I didn't say I wouldn't stand in the way. I didn't say I wouldn't dish out some myself (if I were personally involved). I wouldn't be able to torture and kill someone though. Doesn't bare thinking about!


Yeah, It isn't the action that would get me off, it would be the fear of the pleasure in the action that would worry me. Violence and sexual arousal are heavily interwoven.

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My main concern is that one innocent person executed is one too many.

I agree there were many hanged who were innocent before we abolished the death sentence.They were proved innocent years after when eventual they did get the right person.But there seems to be many on here who would not mind dangling from a rope knowing they were innocent as long as it. give every body else the right message.Ist that nice of them.Or may be they would like to see their son or daughter on the end of a rope knowing they were innocent as long as it gave the right message to the rest of us who cares.Perhaps we could sell tickets so we could go and watch .

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I agree there were many hanged who were innocent before we abolished the death sentence.They were proved innocent years after when eventual they did get the right person.But there seems to be many on here who would not mind dangling from a rope knowing they were innocent as long as it. give every body else the right message.Ist that nice of them.Or may be they would like to see their son or daughter on the end of a rope knowing they were innocent as long as it gave the right message to the rest of us who cares.Perhaps we could sell tickets so we could go and watch .


And who of these people on here are you referring to? I havent seen a post say that someone thinks innocents should hang and they'd enjoy it..


Your twisting it for your own pleasure of hearing your own opinion

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And who of these people on here are you referring to? I havent seen a post say that someone thinks innocents should hang and they'd enjoy it..


Your twisting it for your own pleasure of hearing your own opinion


Its the complete opposite I dont get pleasure voicing my opinion .What I am saying is the justices system made lots of errors sending innocent people to the gallows.There is people on here who would welcome the death penalty back and that would once again see people who are innocent sent to be hung.Surely you dont think that our system does not make mistakes do you.What a wonderful world you must live in.

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Its the complete opposite I dont get pleasure voicing my opinion .What I am saying is the justices system made lots of errors sending innocent people to the gallows.There is people on here who would welcome the death penalty back and that would once again see people who are innocent sent to be hung.Surely you dont think that our system does not make mistakes do you.What a wonderful world you must live in.


Erm no, because if it was wonderful we wouldn't have murderers / rapists etc living in it in the first place would we...


And i have never personally said i want the death penalty bringing back, my opinion was and has always been that if a criminal is to be put to death because of the awful crimes they have committed, like the ones the original post was about, i don't care that they have suffered before meeting their maker, and that is the feeling for most people who have posted on here... I don't recall seeing a post by anyone asking for a all out and out DP sentence in the UK.


If i have missed one, then apologies

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Erm no, because if it was wonderful we wouldn't have murderers / rapists etc living in it in the first place would we...


And i have never personally said i want the death penalty bringing back, my opinion was and has always been that if a criminal is to be put to death because of the awful crimes they have committed, like the ones the original post was about, i don't care that they have suffered before meeting their maker, and that is the feeling for most people who have posted on here... I don't recall seeing a post by anyone asking for a all out and out DP sentence in the UK.


If i have missed one, then apologies


Apology accepted

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Hiya Sierra, I can see where Mel is coming from and I also see your point too. I'm minded to agree with you both in parts of what you say.

I agree with Mel insofar as I've found it sickening to hear the "blood lust" of many on this thread in describing the methods of punishment they would mete out. It leaves a very nasty taste!

I agree with you insofar as I see a difference between having those thoughts and actually carrying them out by torturing and killing another person.


One of the great minds of the 20th century, Dr Jacob Bronowski said, "The wish to hurt, the momentary intoxication with pain, is the loophole through which the pervert climbs into the minds of ordinary people."

I know from personal experience the profound wisdom of those words.


On a much lighter note I hope you and your daughter are hale and hearty!


Hello back Swami my friend, nice to see you around. :)


I certainly understand about errant thoughts. Haven't all of us at one time or another had thoughts that would shame hell? I know I have.


Some years ago, I watched a jailhouse interview with two of Sharon Tate's and Rosemary and Leo LaBianca's murderers. Leslie Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel, I believe.


Their death sentences were commuted after this ruling. So they were rotting away in jail. I can't keep these two straight, but during the interview, one of them broke down and cried. She sobbed that she had been in her twenties when she participated in the murders. She was then in her forties, older than Rosemary LaBianca when she was killed.


She said that the impact of what she had done hadn't really hit home until just recently. "I took away all that life!!" I have no idea if she were truly repentant, or if it was an act. I guess she's had enough practice in front of the parole board. She said she knew she would die in prison and that no one could know just how sorry she truly was. Now that's her burden and fair enough, she more than deserves it.


I'm just rambling. But I will say that I agree with those who say the death penalty isn't a deterrent, not entirely anyway. It is for some people, but there are plenty who are too stupid, who lack impulse control, who are mentally unbalanced, who are high or drunk and many who just don't care. They wake up one day in jail and don't understand how they got there.


A good (if very disturbing) book to read is Alone with the Devil. Written by a psychiatrist who determined if people were mentally fit to stand trial.


And it was kind of you to inquire about my daughter. You remembered! We're both just fine. God bless, Swami. :)


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 20:10 ----------


the mind is a terrible thing to taste


Taste? :hihi::hihi:

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Hello back Swami my friend, nice to see you around. :)


I certainly understand about errant thoughts. Haven't all of us at one time or another had thoughts that would shame hell? I know I have.


Some years ago, I watched a jailhouse interview with two of Sharon Tate's and Rosemary and Leo LaBianca's murderers. Leslie Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel, I believe.


Their death sentences were commuted after this ruling. So they were rotting away in jail. I can't keep these two straight, but during the interview, one of them broke down and cried. She sobbed that she had been in her twenties when she participated in the murders. She was then in her forties, older than Rosemary LaBianca when she was killed.


She said that the impact of what she had done hadn't really hit home until just recently. "I took away all that life!!" I have no idea if she were truly repentant, or if it was an act. I guess she's had enough practice in front of the parole board. She said she knew she would die in prison and that no one could know just how sorry she truly was. Now that's her burden and fair enough, she more than deserves it.


I'm just rambling. But I will say that I agree with those who say the death penalty isn't a deterrent, not entirely anyway. It is for some people, but there are plenty who are too stupid, who lack impulse control, who are mentally unbalanced, who are high or drunk and many who just don't care. They wake up one day in jail and don't understand how they got there.


A good (if very disturbing) book to read is Alone with the Devil. Written by a psychiatrist who determined if people were mentally fit to stand trial.


And it was kind of you to inquire about my daughter. You remembered! We're both just fine. God bless, Swami. :)


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 20:10 ----------



Taste? :hihi::hihi:


I recently watched a programme on the BBC called "Life and Death Row."

They interviewed people on death row in your country and also interviewed the victims and the victims family where the victims had been killed. It was a very harrowing watch but I'm glad I persevered.

I believe you can still watch it on the i-player if you get access to it over there and it may well be on youtube if not.

I'll have a look for the book too. Thanks for the heads up.

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