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USA botches execution

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Bit of a bummer...


Well as i said earlier, as long as evidence backs up the crime 100% and DNA can prove it beyond absolute doubt then i see no harm in the DP for horrific crimes committed.


Except that DNA can be contaminated, planted etc. DNA in itself is probably infallible...people are not...unless you credit them with also being infallible.

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Tell that to Bentley,Evans ,Hanratty and any other thats been wrongfully executed next time you bump into them


You right there were many more as well sorry but the names and times elude me but i am old enough to remember the mistakes .If we had kept the death penalty they would have been many more as well.The Birmingham six and Steven Costco [spelling might be incorrect] spring to mind along with a lot more.The death sentence is no deterrent otherwise the USA would not have so many murders in one day as England has in two years proving it does not work as a deterrent.Also you can not reverse it if in later years it is proven it was a mistake.

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Except that DNA can be contaminated, planted etc. DNA in itself is probably infallible...people are not...unless you credit them with also being infallible.




But out of all the people given the death sentence since we have had DNA evidence how many innocent folk been put to death?

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But out of all the people given the death sentence since we have had DNA evidence how many innocent folk been put to death?


Which is my point. If people can be fitted up for general crimes, I see no reason to believe murder can or wouldn't be inclusive.

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I could support the aboltion of the death penalty if murderers were sent to prison for the rest of their lives, literally. However in many cases a life sentence runs to around 25-30 years. Sometimes they could be released earlier for good behaviour That's a joke. People who cold bloodedly kill should never know a days freedom for the rest of their lives

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Hi folks - whilst this is a sensitive topic and people understandably are going to have strong feelings about it, please can we refrain from bickering and personal attacks and remember that this is still a 'family friendly' forum? Thanks.


If it is a family friendly forum I am struggling to see how a graphic discussion of the all the different, degrading, horrific and disgusting ways in which a person can be put to death can be allowed to remain. Yet it does.


Are you saying that we should not write anything which might upset a child?

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But out of all the people given the death sentence since we have had DNA evidence how many innocent folk been put to death?


DNA is not the end all of everything .You can kill somebody without DNA evidence being present.I could pay someone else to do it or I could run you over in my car I could poison you there is many ways to bump someone off without DNA evidence being present.Poor Steven Coscoe [surname may be mispelt ] was convicted because he admitted it after come under pressure during interrogation . The poor man had learning difficulties and the mental age of twelve.The police stated that they found seman on the underclothes of his socalled victim.They knew he was suffering from a condition that prevented him from producing sperm but still charged him with murder.He was found guilty and I am sure he would have been considered for the death penalty if it had not been done away with .It was a journalist many years later who found out about his condition and investigated Stevens case he forced a retrial and after many years he was released from prison.Poor man was a broken soul after being subjected to humiliation for years and died just a few months after release at a relatively young age.If hanging was on the statute books I am sure he would have hang.Even though it was known he could not produced sperm they let him rot in Jail,but it could have been a lot worse.At least it made the crime figures look good,in reality it was Steven who was the victim.

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again ill tell you how i feel on the subject. i agree and believe we are a civilised country (and america purports to be too) of the most civilised animals on the planet (although we have our moments lol) like it or not we still care for those in our society as best, civilised and humanely as we can, EVEN those that dont deserve such humane treatment and/or respect


as i said we are civilised, it puts us higher than the criminals and scum, it marks us out as better

IF we dont do things in such a manner it drags us down to their level, it means we are no better than them, we lose the moral high ground.

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I don't think anyone is saying "poor prisoner"....people are just pointing out the fact that this shouldn't happen and it's therefore raised the whole death penalty debate, again!


By the way Karma is just a figment of your imagination.


No it is wrong that something is bodged, but I won't lose sleep over him leaving the planet.

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No it is wrong that something is bodged, but I won't lose sleep over him leaving the planet.

as bonzo said fella, NONE of us said wed cry over it, or lose sleep


this thread has highlighted it can and has happened, but shouldnt, its up to the authorities to make sure it doesnt again

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