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Betterwear products in the 1950s

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I can remember the small tins of lavender polish which were given out free to children.


yes !

They used to give out freeby's of allsorts of their products ' which incidentally ' the salesman had to buy .

I havn't seen anything of betterware in years .

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yes !

They used to give out freeby's of allsorts of their products ' which incidentally ' the salesman had to buy .

I havn't seen anything of betterware in years .


Still going. They don't come with a brown suitcase these days though, they leave a catalogue which you order from and then leave on your doorstep on the collection day.

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When we were kids, dad used to go from door to door selling brushes and other things from a suitcase. This would have been in the early 1950's. I have no doubt they were Betterwear products. After that he had many jobs but I often wonder why my dad would do that - sell brushes door to door from a suitcase? it seems like the pits but it was post war Britain, rationing was still a reality, social security was in its infancy, dad had four kids to feed and a crushed hand from a previous job as a steel erector. He did what was right at the time and now I have nothing but admiration for him. I'm amazed to hear that Betterwear is still around after 80 years, wonder if their merchandise is British made??

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When we were kids, dad used to go from door to door selling brushes and other things from a suitcase. This would have been in the early 1950's. I have no doubt they were Betterwear products. After that he had many jobs but I often wonder why my dad would do that - sell brushes door to door from a suitcase? it seems like the pits but it was post war Britain, rationing was still a reality, social security was in its infancy, dad had four kids to feed and a crushed hand from a previous job as a steel erector. He did what was right at the time and now I have nothing but admiration for him. I'm amazed to hear that Betterwear is still around after 80 years, wonder if their merchandise is British made??


Oh my goodness me !! When I first saw this thread yesterday, I was tempted to comment but didn't. I was going to mention this chap that would call at my grandmothers house in the 50's when I was a nipper. I always remember him in his gaberdine mac and him having something wrong with his hand and he always wore brown leather gloves. He would stop for a cup of tea and show the contents of the brown case. I remember such classic freebies as the rubber T towel holder that you stuck your finger in or the hard boiled egg slicer. He was always a welcome visitor at my nans. :D

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When we were kids, dad used to go from door to door selling brushes and other things from a suitcase. This would have been in the early 1950's. I have no doubt they were Betterwear products. After that he had many jobs but I often wonder why my dad would do that - sell brushes door to door from a suitcase? it seems like the pits but it was post war Britain, rationing was still a reality, social security was in its infancy, dad had four kids to feed and a crushed hand from a previous job as a steel erector. He did what was right at the time and now I have nothing but admiration for him. I'm amazed to hear that Betterwear is still around after 80 years, wonder if their merchandise is British made??


I can remember your dad,he used to come to our house and have a cuppa,we used to be given the small samples,Ican smell the little tins of polish now.He was the betterware man for sure.

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I remember when a man use to come around with a little brown suitcase showing what he had for sale and giving you the small tin of blue lavender furniture polish.


Remember also when the coalman use to come around and put two or three bags down my nan's grate.


As we went towards the 60's, we use to have a gypsy visit the area trying to sell sprigs of heather, it was said that if you didn't buy one from her she use to put a curse on you - my nan always sent the gypsy woman packing.


Also in the 60's, where we lived there use to be a lorry come around every Friday selling various flavours of pop, we use to buy a crate - and put it on the 'Stone Table' in the cellar,

when the weather got too cold sometimes the bottles would explode.


Sorry if I've gone of topic a little.

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