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My oldest son was born in Redruth, Cornwall of two Sheffielders. My Mini had a Cornwall plaque on the trunk lid, and a WA registration. fellowSheffielders couldn't figure us out till I told them I was a Cornish immigrant. i still love the place especially when it wasn't being ruined by Holidaymakers. I used to go into a pub in Helston where this old fella would play the village idiot for the Londoners. Sez he" OI moight look stoopid but they buys me beer"


yep! Had a buddy who was from Cornwall and we kept in touch after the Army. Went there a couple of times. Real pretty place and the people friendly.


Your real Cornishman is a Celt, more closely related racially to the Welsh and the Bretons although like in Brittany the Celtic language has died out in Cornwall.... but i expect you know that anyway.


A return trip to Cornwall to look up my old buddy is on my bucket list

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yep! Had a buddy who was from Cornwall and we kept in touch after the Army. Went there a couple of times. Real pretty place and the people friendly.


Your real Cornishman is a Celt, more closely related racially to the Welsh and the Bretons although like in Brittany the Celtic language has died out in Cornwall.... but i expect you know that anyway.


A return trip to Cornwall to look up my old buddy is on my bucket list

Real Cornish men and women are ENGLISH The same as real Sheffielders.

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Real Cornish men and women are ENGLISH The same as real Sheffielders.


Well yes they are English. If you ask a Cornishman what his nationality is he'll answer either English or British just like a Sheffileder but the ancient Cornish people were Celts... make no mistake about that. The Celtic language died out there sometime in the late 18th century I think. Unlike their brothers in Wales and Brittany they never harboured any desire to revive their ancient language or held any feelings of Cornish nationalism but nevertheless you'll never find a true Cornishman who isnt proud to be one

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So maybe a Welshman or a Cornishman should have had "those posters when you lot turned up" You lot being the Romans, Jutes, Saxons and Danes.


If you want to say that the only real Americans are the Indians then are the only real British the Celts? What's a few centuries difference in time anyway.


It all amounts to the same thing. One peoples displaced by another.


Half the Commonwealth is made up of Euros who displaced the natives


You are being deliberately obtuse aren't you? :)


It's very simple, If you are a Native American of whatever Nation then you have no option but to refer to yourself as American if you wish people to have a clear understanding of where you come from.


However, the only prefix you could add would be Comanche, Cherokee, Apache, etc.


Because you would have no other identifying description, your ancestors going back from the time before recorded history came from the land now known as America.


However, as you are well aware the majority of Americans are descended from Immigrants from the rest of the world, with a large European contingent.


No matter how long their ancestors have been in America, unless they have intermarried with native Americans they have no racial blood connection to the land.


No matter how much you may want it to be different it is a fact, a fact which can be scientifically proven.


The DNA of a Native American and the DNA of a descendent of other Americans of immigrant descent are different.


One is an American without qualification the other an American from foreign descent.


Therefore, the native American in the YouTube clip was perfectly entitled to point out to the protestors that it was a little rich of them to be protesting against immigration, when they themselves were only there as a result of their ancestors arriving that way.


Whilst the same situation is also present elsewhere it doesn't alter facts.


In any other country where a native population exists they are entitled to view the later arrivals as foreigners in their land.


Go Home Paleface! :D

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In any other country where a native population exists they are entitled to view the later arrivals as foreigners in their land.


Go Home Paleface! :D


Sorry, but that is bull. A foreigner is someone who is in a land they do not consider to be their own, by your definition you are dismissing millions of Brits, that were born here, or lived here for a long time and consider it home, because their parents or grandparents were born elsewhere.

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You are being deliberately obtuse aren't you? :)


It's very simple, If you are a Native American of whatever Nation then you have no option but to refer to yourself as American if you wish people to have a clear understanding of where you come from.


However, the only prefix you could add would be Comanche, Cherokee, Apache, etc.


Because you would have no other identifying description, your ancestors going back from the time before recorded history came from the land now known as America.


However, as you are well aware the majority of Americans are descended from Immigrants from the rest of the world, with a large European contingent.


No matter how long their ancestors have been in America, unless they have intermarried with native Americans they have no racial blood connection to the land.


No matter how much you may want it to be different it is a fact, a fact which can be scientifically proven.


The DNA of a Native American and the DNA of a descendent of other Americans of immigrant descent are different.


One is an American without qualification the other an American from foreign descent.


Therefore, the native American in the YouTube clip was perfectly entitled to point out to the protestors that it was a little rich of them to be protesting against immigration, when they themselves were only there as a result of their ancestors arriving that way.


Whilst the same situation is also present elsewhere it doesn't alter facts.


In any other country where a native population exists they are entitled to view the later arrivals as foreigners in their land.


Go Home Paleface! :D


Go home where? I believe that you're one of those people who think that sharing a common language makes Americans some kind of ex-pat Brits.


A whole cuture developed here from those who were not of "native American stock" Everything from Jazz, Rock and Roll to Baseball to western movies to clothing to words that are now commonly used both sides of the Atlantic to fast food and lots and lots more and you know what? It spread all over the world, internationally cherished and loved obviously otherwise it would never have left these shores. Oh yes it has it's detractors, those kind of people who think anything starting in Calais is unworthy to be called culture


So to put paid to your argument... yes there is such a thing as "American" It's a way of life, a culture, an attitude, a way of thinking and it all came togethere through immigrants from many lands and those who were brought here against their will and of course your native Americans included.


What about Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and white South Africans? Foreigners in their lands?

There has been far less inter-marriage between whites and the natives than in America so is there any specific reason you seem to single out America as being the land of the phony ?

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Sorry, but that is bull. A foreigner is someone who is in a land they do not consider to be their own, by your definition you are dismissing millions of Brits, that were born here, or lived here for a long time and consider it home, because their parents or grandparents were born elsewhere.


Have you been following the posts between Harleyman and me?


At no time have I tried to claim that he isn't a bone fide American.


He holds an American passport as does Buck that makes them Americans and I have never tried to say any different.


My point is simply that there is a difference between nationality and race.


You can change your nationality but there's nothing you can do about your race.


If the natives of any particular land wish to view incomers as foreign, then they are perfectly entitled to do so aren't they?


As to the people born here but descended from parents or grandparents from somewhere else, they are not English.


They are British and as they were born here they can if they wish call themselves English, up to them no concern of mine however in reality they are not English.


They have not suddenly become Anglo-Saxon they are whatever their bloodline is.


I'm Anglo-Irish one English parent one Irish. That gave me a birthright of dual nationality.


I hold an Irish passport, that makes me an Irish citizen, but it doesn't make me Irish, I cannot change the fact that I'm Anglo-Irish it's simply a matter of fact.


And the same applies to all of us.

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Sorry, but that is bull. A foreigner is someone who is in a land they do not consider to be their own, by your definition you are dismissing millions of Brits, that were born here, or lived here for a long time and consider it home, because their parents or grandparents were born elsewhere.


Quite so. That's why there are such things as birth certificates which establish right of nationality, passports that define a person as being a citizen of a particular country with obligations and duties to that country


Oor friend mjw47 dont seem to get it though :sad:

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Go home where? I believe that you're one of those people who think that sharing a common language makes Americans some kind of ex-pat Brits.


A whole cuture developed here from those who were not of "native American stock" Everything from Jazz, Rock and Roll to Baseball to western movies to clothing to words that are now commonly used both sides of the Atlantic to fast food and lots and lots more and you know what? It spread all over the world, internationally cherished and loved obviously otherwise it would never have left these shores. Oh yes it has it's detractors, those kind of people who think anything starting in Calais is unworthy to be called culture


So to put paid to your argument... yes there is such a thing as "American" It's a way of life, a culture, an attitude, a way of thinking and it all came togethere through immigrants from many lands and those who were brought here against their will and of course your native Americans included.


What about Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and white South Africans? Foreigners in their lands?

There has been far less inter-marriage between whites and the natives than in America so is there any specific reason you seem to single out America as being the land of the phony ?


You are really not getting it, I have no problem with you or anyone else referring to yourselves as American.


But American is not a race. It's a country, it's a nation, it's a culture but there is no common DNA connection between Americans.


When identifying an American as an individual you have to describe him/her as Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, Native etc.


There are no common racial characteristics shared by Americans.


Not only is this not a problem, it is in my view, a strength.


America has benefited from an influx of peoples from all over the world.

They brought all that diversity with them and the nation prospered as a result.


For the first time practically in human history a country wasn't under the heel of Kings or Tyrants and the people were given the chance to prosper by their own efforts.


Obviously we've now had a bit of a 'reversion to the mean' still it was good whilst it lasted. :)


'Land of the phony' where the hell are you getting that from?

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Have you been following the posts between Harleyman and me?


At no time have I tried to claim that he isn't a bone fide American.


He holds an American passport as does Buck that makes them Americans and I have never tried to say any different.


My point is simply that there is a difference between nationality and race.


You can change your nationality but there's nothing you can do about your race.


If the natives of any particular land wish to view incomers as foreign, then they are perfectly entitled to do so aren't they?


As to the people born here but descended from parents or grandparents from somewhere else, they are not English.


They are British and as they were born here they can if they wish call themselves English, up to them no concern of mine however in reality they are not English.


They have not suddenly become Anglo-Saxon they are whatever their bloodline is.


I'm Anglo-Irish one English parent one Irish. That gave me a birthright of dual nationality.


I hold an Irish passport, that makes me an Irish citizen, but it doesn't make me Irish, I cannot change the fact that I'm Anglo-Irish it's simply a matter of fact.


And the same applies to all of us.


I dont think anyone is disputing that but as I've explained before the culture, the way of life and environment you were born into and grew up in makes you what you are as a citizen of that particular country. Your tastes, interests, manner of speech etc all reflect that.

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