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Gerry Adams arrested.

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There you go again. You really are nuts :hihi: Who the hell cares if I'm a "proper American" or not. I certainly dont and neither does anybody else. What's your point, what are you trying to prove and what the F. does it matter? If you want the last word you got it. I bin married over 40 years so I'm used to the missus always getting the last word


Define exactly what a "proper American" is anyway and dont give me the old bull crap that the only "proper American" is a member of the Indian nation.


I cancelled the golf game this morning cos it's real hot here but I reckon like Rudyard Kipling once wrote about mad dogs and Englishmen out in the noon day sun you been out in that noon day sun too long :hihi: Chrissakes wear a pith helmet or get into the shade, cool off and drink a nice cuppa tea :hihi:






If women are so bloody good at multi-tasking, how come they cant have a headache and sex at the same time?


First of all golf not being a sport holds no interest for me whatsoever.


Secondly it's cool and sunny with showers here as we get real weather


The dispute with you about real or otherwise Americans began at your post 56 when you decided to introduce the 'Plastic Paddy' insult into the conversation.


My point was,and still is, that all Americans other than Native Americans originate from another country, and many of them choose to continue to hold an affection for their country of origin.


That is their privilege and just because you don't agree with the Irish supporting what they see as freedom fighters doesn't make you right.


Proper American?


Any American who can use that one word description to describe exactly what he/she is, and not need or indeed or be able to add an ancestors differing nationality.


You can't go to France Germany China or any other country and live there without intermarrying with the natives and then claim that you are anything more than a legal citizen of that country.


If your children also only intermarry with non natives they and their descendents also remain non native.


You can't alter DNA by being born on a different piece of land.


Why should America be different? It isn't, the majority of Americans are immigrant blow ins. :D




Why am I bothered? I'm not, it's a matter of complete indifference to me but it's obviously winding you up no end. :hihi:


Take your own advice Harleyman, sit down have a cup of tea. :D

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I'm just a simple sailor who finally wore the three buttons on each sleeve that shows I was a Chief Petty Officer. I served on 3 combat squadrons on 6 different Carriers and finally the frigate HMS Naiad, Flotilla Leader of the Derrry Squadron fortunate enough to spend only a very short time in that City. The Duke of Wellington was indeed Irish and a great man. My Hero's effigy stands on the top of a pole in Trafalgar Square, the little one armed, one eyed man whose body was brought back to England in a pickle barrel and now lies in St. Paul's Cathedral. There was also Sir Francis Drake, scourge of the Spanish. Both English sailormen, the best in the world. The RN gave me the skills that Canada wanted, so I took advantage of it. Following that my American company wanted me down here so I came. Nothing anti British about it. In UK I worked for Davy Ashmore after I left the service as senior staff with an excellent salary and a company car. When I left I had a reference from them that I would be welcome back anytime. Davy Ashmore is no more.

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I'm just a simple sailor who finally wore the three buttons on each sleeve that shows I was a Chief Petty Officer. I served on 3 combat squadrons on 6 different Carriers and finally the frigate HMS Naiad, Flotilla Leader of the Derrry Squadron fortunate enough to spend only a very short time in that City. The Duke of Wellington was indeed Irish and a great man. My Hero's effigy stands on the top of a pole in Trafalgar Square, the little one armed, one eyed man whose body was brought back to England in a pickle barrel and now lies in St. Paul's Cathedral. There was also Sir Francis Drake, scourge of the Spanish. Both English sailormen, the best in the world. The RN gave me the skills that Canada wanted, so I took advantage of it. Following that my American company wanted me down here so I came. Nothing anti British about it. In UK I worked for Davy Ashmore after I left the service as senior staff with an excellent salary and a company car. When I left I had a reference from them that I would be welcome back anytime. Davy Ashmore is no more.


Wellington, Nelson, Drake :thumbsup: So were Generals Wolfe and Howe, the former defeating Montcalm's French Army outside Quebec City and thus ending the French-Indian wars, the latter being very succesful in the initial war against the Americans but deciding later to leave the Army and return to England.


Wellington later described the battle of Waterloo as "a close thing" or words similar.

Despite repeated French attacks the British lines held thanks to the bloody minded, stubborn line soldier who Wellington had little respect for judging by some comments he was alleged to have made. it was the arrival of Prussian General von Blucher and his army which broke through the French ranks and together the Anglo-Prussian forces drove the French from the field.


We used to sing a song at school that went


Boney was a warrior hey hey ho,

Boney was a warrior Jean Francois


I heard that on the morning before the battle that song was sung by the British soldiers.


Anyway you have to give old Boney a lot of credit for being pretty brilliant himself. It took a long time to defeat him

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I'm just a simple sailor who finally wore the three buttons on each sleeve that shows I was a Chief Petty Officer. I served on 3 combat squadrons on 6 different Carriers and finally the frigate HMS Naiad, Flotilla Leader of the Derrry Squadron fortunate enough to spend only a very short time in that City. The Duke of Wellington was indeed Irish and a great man. My Hero's effigy stands on the top of a pole in Trafalgar Square, the little one armed, one eyed man whose body was brought back to England in a pickle barrel and now lies in St. Paul's Cathedral. There was also Sir Francis Drake, scourge of the Spanish. Both English sailormen, the best in the world. The RN gave me the skills that Canada wanted, so I took advantage of it. Following that my American company wanted me down here so I came. Nothing anti British about it. In UK I worked for Davy Ashmore after I left the service as senior staff with an excellent salary and a company car. When I left I had a reference from them that I would be welcome back anytime. Davy Ashmore is no more.


Nelson was undoubtedly a great sailor although he didn't do his reputation much good in Naples.


There's a story of the one and only meeting between Wellington and Nelson where it's said that Nelson behaved like a pompous show off until someone told him who Wellington was and he then changed totally showing his intelligence and grasp of strategy once he realised that he was talking to an equal.


Whether that's true or not is another matter. :)


The Royal Navy was the best in the world for many years which was a major reason for Britain's accumulation of wealth, or piracy and theft as we'd call it today. :D


Mind you the Dutch had success against us, and then when America tooled up that was the end of that.


Good run whilst it lasted though.


My uncle, my fathers much older brother served in the RN in the First war, he had three ships sunk under him and my dad used to pull his leg telling him that the Germans obviously had no problem with the rest of us, they were just out to get him. :)

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An American admiral supposedly signalled the Admiral of an accompanying British fleet with the words"How's the world's second biggest Navy" The reply was "Hows the world's second best". Seriously though, few Generals are at the front of the action, unlike Admirals who have no choice but to be in the thick of it. Nelson got shot because he was dressed in a way that he was bound to get shot someday.

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You heard the story about the RN captain back in those days who always sent the cabin boy to fetch his red coat when going into battle?


One day the cabin boy asked him why he did this.


He replied ' because should I get wounded, it may dishearten the men ,so I wear that coat so as not to show the blood.'


Several days later the shout came from the lookout, 'Five Frenchies to starboard, six Frenchies to port, four Spanish ahead six Spanish astern!'


The captain turned to the cabin boy and said.





'Fetch me my brown trousers.'

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You heard the story about the RN captain back in those days who always sent the cabin boy to fetch his red coat when going into battle?


One day the cabin boy asked him why he did this.


He replied ' because should I get wounded, it may dishearten the men ,so I wear that coat so as not to show the blood.'


Several days later the shout came from the lookout, 'Five Frenchies to starboard, six Frenchies to port, four Spanish ahead six Spanish astern!'


The captain turned to the cabin boy and said.



'Fetch me my brown trousers.'


:hihi::hihi: That's a good one

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