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Gerry Adams arrested.

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His association with the IRA means he was a terrorist. The scumbag was feted like visiting royalty all the way down from Presidents to cheering crowds in the streets during visits to the States


That was before terrorism finally came to the States of course

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His association with the IRA means he was a terrorist. The scumbag was feted like visiting royalty all the way down from Presidents to cheering crowds in the streets during visits to the States


That was before terrorism finally came to the States of course


And he was supported by the patron of bars in Boston, New York and beyond. But we've moved on haven't we? We've swept a lot of the wrong doings on all sides under the carpet to build a better Northern Ireland, which was working to a a degree.


(Although a recent ross kemp documentary showed sectarian divides are still there and run very very deep).

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His association with the IRA means he was a terrorist. The scumbag was feted like visiting royalty all the way down from Presidents to cheering crowds in the streets during visits to the States


That was before terrorism finally came to the States of course


As they say one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.


Whilst I have no time for Adams, the fault for the situation developing was totally down to the British Governments actions in 1922 - drawing up a gerrymandered border to give the so called loyalists a manufactured majority - and then their inaction afterward.


All the Unionist majority had to do was treat their fellow citizens with a measure of fairness, this they failed to do.


Discrimination was rife in jobs ,housing, education and anything else they could manage.


The British Government effectively turned a blind eye and hoped it would go away.


That a civil rights organization was necessary in the UK in the late 60s is a disgrace.


Adams probably deserves to pay for his actions, but then so do many more, on both sides.


Unless we are going to go after everyone, including Army and RUC men who literally got away with murder then all this will do is damage.


I accept that it's totally unfair to the victims families on both sides but throwing petrol on the flames at this point runs the risk of creating more victims and more grieving families.

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As they say one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.


Whilst I have no time for Adams, the fault for the situation developing was totally down to the British Governments actions in 1922 - drawing up a gerrymandered border to give the so called loyalists a manufactured majority - and then their inaction afterward.


All the Unionist majority had to do was treat their fellow citizens with a measure of fairness, this they failed to do.


Discrimination was rife in jobs ,housing, education and anything else they could manage.


The British Government effectively turned a blind eye and hoped it would go away.


That a civil rights organization was necessary in the UK in the late 60s is a disgrace.


Adams probably deserves to pay for his actions, but then so do many more, on both sides.


Unless we are going to go after everyone, including Army and RUC men who literally got away with murder then all this will do is damage.


I accept that it's totally unfair to the victims families on both sides but throwing petrol on the flames at this point runs the risk of creating more victims and more grieving families.

You have hit the nail on the head. No good will come of all the effort to bring peace to all of Ireland, by reopening old wounds. Personally I can't stand Gerry Adams, in the end he has become a coward, where at one time he was the hero at the top of the Nationalist throng, now he denies all membership of the IRA. Mc Guinness was not afraid to say what he did, and has been able to spend time with the Queen. I doubt Adams will ever be so honored..
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As they say one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.


Whilst I have no time for Adams, the fault for the situation developing was totally down to the British Governments actions in 1922 - drawing up a gerrymandered border to give the so called loyalists a manufactured majority - and then their inaction afterward.


All the Unionist majority had to do was treat their fellow citizens with a measure of fairness, this they failed to do.


Discrimination was rife in jobs ,housing, education and anything else they could manage.


The British Government effectively turned a blind eye and hoped it would go away.


That a civil rights organization was necessary in the UK in the late 60s is a disgrace.


Adams probably deserves to pay for his actions, but then so do many more, on both sides.


Unless we are going to go after everyone, including Army and RUC men who literally got away with murder then all this will do is damage.


I accept that it's totally unfair to the victims families on both sides but throwing petrol on the flames at this point runs the risk of creating more victims and more grieving families.


I dont see how his arrest and possible trial should cause anything to flare up.

If he's charged and put on trial it will be a fair one or will the his supporters see him as another "martyr" for a less than glorious cause. If there's enough evidence to convict him will the NI Courts wimp out and find a way out to let him off the hook? Mob rule over justice?


The mother of 10 who was beaten up, kidnapped and later found dead on a beach deserves her share of justice even more so the orphans she left behind


Put yourself in their shoes


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 22:35 ----------


And he was supported by the patron of bars in Boston, New York and beyond. But we've moved on haven't we? We've swept a lot of the wrong doings on all sides under the carpet to build a better Northern Ireland, which was working to a a degree.


(Although a recent ross kemp documentary showed sectarian divides are still there and run very very deep).


Somebody needs to grab em and drag em into the 21st century

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I dont see how his arrest and possible trial should cause anything to flare up.

If he's charged and put on trial it will be a fair one or will the his supporters see him as another "martyr" for a less than glorious cause.


The mother of 10 who was beaten up, kidnapped and later found dead on a beach deserves her share of justice even more so the orphans she left behind


Put yourself in their shoes


Totally agree with all of that. Just one small problem there though Harleyman.


Try and put yourself in the position of a republican. What about all those on the other side of the coin who got away Scot free?


Ever heard of the Glennanne gang? They were a group of murderers which included members of the British army UDR members of the RUC police service and also UVF members.


They were responsible for murdering 120 people all but one of whom was an innocent civilian.


Their crime was being a catholic in the wrong place at the wrong time.


How many of them were brought to justice? Very few.


Seven innocent Catholics were killed by guns obtained from the RUC and no one ever paid the price.


What about the Paras on Bloody Sunday? Fourteen unarmed civilians murdered on the streets of their own city, the PM personally apologised, not one soldier served a day in prison.


It was a disgusting dirty war and no one came out covered in glory but if only one side starts to get prosecuted at this stage then it's a recipe for disaster.


As Brendan Behan said ' The terrorist is the man with the small bomb'.


Governments kill more innocent people than terrorists, and are in fact the biggest terrorists of all.


I have no time for Gerry Adams, and despite his denials I believe he has blood on his hands.


But as much innocent blood on his hands as Bush and Blair?


He's a mere beginner compared to those two so your hand wringing about him being feted in America is a pile of crap.


Those two scum bags get the red carpet treatment wherever they go, wise up.

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Totally agree with all of that. Just one small problem there though Harleyman.


Try and put yourself in the position of a republican. What about all those on the other side of the coin who got away Scot free?


Ever heard of the Glennanne gang? They were a group of murderers which included members of the British army UDR members of the RUC police service and also UVF members.


They were responsible for murdering 120 people all but one of whom was an innocent civilian.


Their crime was being a catholic in the wrong place at the wrong time.


How many of them were brought to justice? Very few.


Seven innocent Catholics were killed by guns obtained from the RUC and no one ever paid the price.


What about the Paras on Bloody Sunday? Fourteen unarmed civilians murdered on the streets of their own city, the PM personally apologised, not one soldier served a day in prison.


It was a disgusting dirty war and no one came out covered in glory but if only one side starts to get prosecuted at this stage then it's a recipe for disaster.


As Brendan Behan said ' The terrorist is the man with the small bomb'.


Governments kill more innocent people than terrorists, and are in fact the biggest terrorists of all.


I have no time for Gerry Adams, and despite his denials I believe he has blood on his hands.


But as much innocent blood on his hands as Bush and Blair?


He's a mere beginner compared to those two so your hand wringing about him being feted in America is a pile of crap.


Those two scum bags get the red carpet treatment wherever they go, wise up.


Invariably you always bring up Bush and Blair on any discussion. You elect leaders and give them the authority to declare war in doing so. You may not like the wars they get into but it's always been that way, always will be so get used to it.


I've brought up Bloody Sunday on other threads. It was a disgrace I agree and none of the officers or ORs involved were ever disciplined.


The Ulster Loyalists had their scum bags also. The so called Rev Ian Paisley comes to mind. Not many people like him spouted so much hatred and bile against the Catholic Church.


I used to rage at the stuipid people over here who supported Noraid, the dense bestards who frequented the pubs of Boston and New York singing their old Irish rebel songs, handing out money to Noraid, money that brought bloodshed to the back streets of Belfast, the innocents killed on both sides and then you'd see a clip on the local news showing masked men accompanying the coffin of some dead "IRA martyred hero" on it's way to the bone yard.


Boston got a taste of what people in N.I and England went through, Tragic as that was it seemed in one way that the chickens had come home to roost.

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Invariably you always bring up Bush and Blair on any discussion. You elect leaders and give them the authority to declare war in doing so. You may not like the wars they get into but it's always been that way, always will be so get used to it.


I've brought up Bloody Sunday on other threads. It was a disgrace I agree and none of the officers or ORs involved were ever disciplined.


The Ulster Loyalists had their scum bags also. The so called Rev Ian Paisley comes to mind. Not many people like him spouted so much hatred and bile against the Catholic Church.


I used to rage at the stuipid people over here who supported Noraid, the dense bestards who frequented the pubs of Boston and New York singing their old Irish rebel songs, handing out money to Noraid, money that brought bloodshed to the back streets of Belfast, the innocents killed on both sides and then you'd see a clip on the local news showing masked men accompanying the coffin of some dead "IRA martyred hero" on it's way to the bone yard.


Boston got a taste of what people in N.I and England went through, Tragic as that was it seemed in one way that the chickens had come home to roost.

A spot on post , mind you the dense bestards where singing the same songs in certain pubs in Sheffield at one time.

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