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Gerry Adams arrested.

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The fact that people on a message board relating to Sheffield, UK still get so hot under the colour over this whole argument shows how intoxicating violence is.


As long as I read about terrorist activities I am boycotting NI as a place to go on holiday and have done since ever, as I have never been there even though I'd love to go.

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Invariably you always bring up Bush and Blair on any discussion. You elect leaders and give them the authority to declare war in doing so. You may not like the wars they get into but it's always been that way, always will be so get used to it.


I've brought up Bloody Sunday on other threads. It was a disgrace I agree and none of the officers or ORs involved were ever disciplined.


The Ulster Loyalists had their scum bags also. The so called Rev Ian Paisley comes to mind. Not many people like him spouted so much hatred and bile against the Catholic Church.


I used to rage at the stuipid people over here who supported Noraid, the dense bestards who frequented the pubs of Boston and New York singing their old Irish rebel songs, handing out money to Noraid, money that brought bloodshed to the back streets of Belfast, the innocents killed on both sides and then you'd see a clip on the local news showing masked men accompanying the coffin of some dead "IRA martyred hero" on it's way to the bone yard.


Boston got a taste of what people in N.I and England went through, Tragic as that was it seemed in one way that the chickens had come home to roost.


I bring up Bush and Blair for a very good reason Harleyman, they are a pair of murdering scumbags who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents and for what?


For the personal gain of their very good friends who saw them alright wealth wise.


Dick Cheney, Bush's Vice President was Chairman and CEO of Halliburton a company which made billions out of the Iraq war.


They didn't even try to be subtle about it, they didn't have to with the amount of gung ho my country right or wrong idiots existing in the country.


As for putting them in power and then allowing them to do what they want no matter the cost to innocents well that attitude is exactly what politicians want, no accountability.


As I said I've little time for Adams but at least his cause was understandable and he had the balls to put himself in harms way.


In 1984 he was ambushed by the UFF in central Belfast and 20 bullets were fired into his car, he was hit three times.


More than the draft dodging Texas Guards Dubya ever experienced.


If Adams is tried and convicted of the murder of a mother of ten I hope he spends the rest of his days in prison.


But then I'd want to see similar justice handed out to those who murdered the solicitor Pat Finucane in his own home in front of his wife and children.


That isn't going to happen, not least because of security force involvement.


If one sided prosecutions start being carried out then Northern Ireland is headed back into carnage and more innocent blood will be spilled.

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I bring up Bush and Blair for a very good reason Harleyman, they are a pair of murdering scumbags who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents and for what?


For the personal gain of their very good friends who saw them alright wealth wise.


Dick Cheney, Bush's Vice President was Chairman and CEO of Halliburton a company which made billions out of the Iraq war.


They didn't even try to be subtle about it, they didn't have to with the amount of gung ho my country right or wrong idiots existing in the country.


As for putting them in power and then allowing them to do what they want no matter the cost to innocents well that attitude is exactly what politicians want, no accountability.


As I said I've little time for Adams but at least his cause was understandable and he had the balls to put himself in harms way.


In 1984 he was ambushed by the UFF in central Belfast and 20 bullets were fired into his car, he was hit three times.


More than the draft dodging Texas Guards Dubya ever experienced.


If Adams is tried and convicted of the murder of a mother of ten I hope he spends the rest of his days in prison.


But then I'd want to see similar justice handed out to those who murdered the solicitor Pat Finucane in his own home in front of his wife and children.


That isn't going to happen, not least because of security force involvement.


If one sided prosecutions start being carried out then Northern Ireland is headed back into carnage and more innocent blood will be spilled.


It wouldntg take much perhaps. They are all very narrow minded come to think of it. My aunt who was an Ulster Catholic married an Ulster Protestant and for years she lived in a Protetsant neighbourhood too fearful to admit she was a Catholic.


For a society in a progressive modern country to annually celebrate a victory in a battle that happened over three hundred years ago and still obssessed with such an insignifacnt thing in our society as religion speaks volumes for the state of mind of those people

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It wouldntg take much perhaps. They are all very narrow minded come to think of it. My aunt who was an Ulster Catholic married an Ulster Protestant and for years she lived in a Protetsant neighbourhood too fearful to admit she was a Catholic.


For a society in a progressive modern country to annually celebrate a victory in a battle that happened over three hundred years ago and still obssessed with such an insignifacnt thing in our society as religion speaks volumes for the state of mind of those people


They are regarded by the Irish in the Republic in very much the same way as they are regarded in England.


Both prefer not to think of them at all but when they do it tends to be with a certain amount of puzzlement as to how this stuff is still carrying on in this day and age.


Personally ,I feel that part of the problem is that the Unionist people had it their way for so long that they simply can't come to terms with the new reality brought about by the Good Friday Agreement.


Every change to establish equality is regarded as a defeat by them, and they react violently at any given opportunity.


Take the recent flags issue for example.


When Unionists were in charge the Union flag flew over every Town Hall and many major civic buildings for 365 days a year.


Nationalists are now in the majority in many areas including Belfast.


They put forward a proposal that either no flags be flown or alternatively the flags of both the UK and Ireland be flown together.


The Unionists went ballistic.


The Alliance party which holds the balance of power brokered a deal whereby the Union flag would be flown on exactly the same number of days as it is in every city in Britain.


So basically they were now going to act in a more British manner than they had previously.


Sinn Fein accepted this deal but the Unionists objected and there was rioting in the streets.


The rioters were so called 'Loyalists' who were attacking the police.


The police were wearing the uniform of a UK force which includes a crown which the 'Loyalists' are supposedly loyal to.


Now if anyone can explain the logic behind that I'd like to hear it.


The Good Friday Agreement stipulates that a majority vote in favour of reunification will be accepted by the British.


The current demographic will mean a Nationalist/Catholic overall majority in 2020.


In my view that will not mean an immediate vote for reunification but it will happen eventually even if it takes whilst 2050 or thereabouts.


The Unionist population know this but don't want to admit to it.


We are witnessing the death throes of an artificial gerrymandered bigoted statelet that should never have been allowed to exist.


My fear is that there will be a return to violence before it's finally over.

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They are regarded by the Irish in the Republic in very much the same way as they are regarded in England.


Both prefer not to think of them at all but when they do it tends to be with a certain amount of puzzlement as to how this stuff is still carrying on in this day and age.


Personally ,I feel that part of the problem is that the Unionist people had it their way for so long that they simply can't come to terms with the new reality brought about by the Good Friday Agreement.


Every change to establish equality is regarded as a defeat by them, and they react violently at any given opportunity.


Take the recent flags issue for example.


When Unionists were in charge the Union flag flew over every Town Hall and many major civic buildings for 365 days a year.


Nationalists are now in the majority in many areas including Belfast.


They put forward a proposal that either no flags be flown or alternatively the flags of both the UK and Ireland be flown together.


The Unionists went ballistic.


The Alliance party which holds the balance of power brokered a deal whereby the Union flag would be flown on exactly the same number of days as it is in every city in Britain.


So basically they were now going to act in a more British manner than they had previously.


Sinn Fein accepted this deal but the Unionists objected and there was rioting in the streets.


The rioters were so called 'Loyalists' who were attacking the police.


The police were wearing the uniform of a UK force which includes a crown which the 'Loyalists' are supposedly loyal to.


Now if anyone can explain the logic behind that I'd like to hear it.


The Good Friday Agreement stipulates that a majority vote in favour of reunification will be accepted by the British.


The current demographic will mean a Nationalist/Catholic overall majority in 2020.


In my view that will not mean an immediate vote for reunification but it will happen eventually even if it takes whilst 2050 or thereabouts.


The Unionist population know this but don't want to admit to it.


We are witnessing the death throes of an artificial gerrymandered bigoted statelet that should never have been allowed to exist.


My fear is that there will be a return to violence before it's finally over.


I worry the violence that we see today will be nothing compared to the violence that the loyalists will commit if Ireland is ever united.

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They are regarded by the Irish in the Republic in very much the same way as they are regarded in England.


Both prefer not to think of them at all but when they do it tends to be with a certain amount of puzzlement as to how this stuff is still carrying on in this day and age.


Personally ,I feel that part of the problem is that the Unionist people had it their way for so long that they simply can't come to terms with the new reality brought about by the Good Friday Agreement.


Every change to establish equality is regarded as a defeat by them, and they react violently at any given opportunity.


Take the recent flags issue for example.


When Unionists were in charge the Union flag flew over every Town Hall and many major civic buildings for 365 days a year.


Nationalists are now in the majority in many areas including Belfast.


They put forward a proposal that either no flags be flown or alternatively the flags of both the UK and Ireland be flown together.


The Unionists went ballistic.


The Alliance party which holds the balance of power brokered a deal whereby the Union flag would be flown on exactly the same number of days as it is in every city in Britain.


So basically they were now going to act in a more British manner than they had previously.


Sinn Fein accepted this deal but the Unionists objected and there was rioting in the streets.


The rioters were so called 'Loyalists' who were attacking the police.


The police were wearing the uniform of a UK force which includes a crown which the 'Loyalists' are supposedly loyal to.


Now if anyone can explain the logic behind that I'd like to hear it.


The Good Friday Agreement stipulates that a majority vote in favour of reunification will be accepted by the British.


The current demographic will mean a Nationalist/Catholic overall majority in 2020.


In my view that will not mean an immediate vote for reunification but it will happen eventually even if it takes whilst 2050 or thereabouts.


The Unionist population know this but don't want to admit to it.


We are witnessing the death throes of an artificial gerrymandered bigoted statelet that should never have been allowed to exist.


My fear is that there will be a return to violence before it's finally over.


Then let them get on with it. I'm begiinning to see why my mother left the place as soon as she turned 18

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Then let them get on with it. I'm begiinning to see why my mother left the place as soon as she turned 18


tbh its still been teering on the brink for years, theres still marches and killings and acts of violence commited by those opposed to the peace process (yup extremists, stuck in their ways, and thoughts)



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It's sometimes amusing in America when a Brit and a Paddy get together in a pub. The locals are convinced that a battle will start momentarily, then they will be amazed and somewhat disappointed that the two will have a laugh with each other. Young ex patriates get together and enjoy it. They're both a long way from home trying to make a living and maybe dodging the Feds, and supporting some Premiership team or other, drinking the same type of beer imported from home. None of the crap about the troubles. They're over.

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It's sometimes amusing in America when a Brit and a Paddy get together in a pub. The locals are convinced that a battle will start momentarily, then they will be amazed and somewhat disappointed that the two will have a laugh with each other. Young ex patriates get together and enjoy it. They're both a long way from home trying to make a living and maybe dodging the Feds, and supporting some Premiership team or other, drinking the same type of beer imported from home. None of the crap about the troubles. They're over.


They're over, and have been for years as far as people from the Republic are concerned, but unfortunately that's not the way in the six north eastern counties.


Funny thing is that generally speaking, with some odd exceptions, the Irish from the Republic like the English more than most other nationalities do,or at least that is my experience.


On the other hand my experience of those from the North is that both sides tend to have a dislike of the English.

The nationalists for obvious historical reasons, and the loyalists because they believe that the English want to be rid of them.


They're not wrong on that point and it's hardly surprising. The province has the highest percentage of public employees than just about anywhere else in Europe, over 40% of the working population.


It's costing the State in excess of 12 Billion per year to subsidise the statelet and it is no longer affordable.


The Republic has 4.6 million population and is in the process of recovering from a bad recession.


In effect, neither country can afford to finance them, but instead of being concerned about any of this they want to fight over flags, parades and who did what to whom in the past.

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They're over, and have been for years as far as people from the Republic are concerned, but unfortunately that's not the way in the six north eastern counties.


Funny thing is that generally speaking, with some odd exceptions, the Irish from the Republic like the English more than most other nationalities do,or at least that is my experience.


On the other hand my experience of those from the North is that both sides tend to have a dislike of the English.

The nationalists for obvious historical reasons, and the loyalists because they believe that the English want to be rid of them.


They're not wrong on that point and it's hardly surprising. The province has the highest percentage of public employees than just about anywhere else in Europe, over 40% of the working population.


It's costing the State in excess of 12 Billion per year to subsidise the statelet and it is no longer affordable.


The Republic has 4.6 million population and is in the process of recovering from a bad recession.


In effect, neither country can afford to finance them, but instead of being concerned about any of this they want to fight over flags, parades and who did what to whom in the past.


They're strange birds alright. They all look the same, they all talk the same yet religion keeps them apart. More than likely ther's been a lot of brainwashing on both sides fomented by the church

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