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Gerry Adams arrested.

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So they arrest him based on a taped conversation with an acknowledged terrorist.


They had as much time as they wish to study the tape and seek advice from the finest legal minds. The murder took place in 1972, so rushing into things at this stage wasn't a priority.


You would have thought that a definitive conclusion could have been reached as to whether or not there were charges to be made which could be made to stick before they arrested him.


Shinn Fein are pointing out that the timing looks politically motivated as there are elections coming up.


In a situation which is still volatile with trouble makers on both sides needing little excuse to kick off you would have thought a bit more finesse could have been used.


There is now a possibility that the 'loyalists' will riot because they'll say he's got a 'get out of jail free' card, and the nationalists will riot because they will perceive bias in the timing.

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So they arrest him based on a taped conversation with an acknowledged terrorist.


They had as much time as they wish to study the tape and seek advice from the finest legal minds. The murder took place in 1972, so rushing into things at this stage wasn't a priority.


You would have thought that a definitive conclusion could have been reached as to whether or not there were charges to be made which could be made to stick before they arrested him.


Shinn Fein are pointing out that the timing looks politically motivated as there are elections coming up.


In a situation which is still volatile with trouble makers on both sides needing little excuse to kick off you would have thought a bit more finesse could have been used.


There is now a possibility that the 'loyalists' will riot because they'll say he's got a 'get out of jail free' card, and the nationalists will riot because they will perceive bias in the timing.


That means although it's no indication of guilt it does mean that an enquiry needs to be made regarding any connection between Adams and the woman's death and as you well know everyone is innocent until proved guilty anyway.


Gerry Adam's is no different from anyone else either. You, I, anybody who had killed someone decades ago or was suspected of killing someone would be arrested. There is no statute of limitations on murder.


If the mob think otherwise then that's too bad. This is the 21st century. the age of enlightened justice... not ancient Rome

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That means although it's no indication of guilt it does mean that an enquiry needs to be made regarding any connection between Adams and the woman's death and as you well know everyone is innocent until proved guilty anyway.


Gerry Adam's is no different from anyone else either. You, I, anybody who had killed someone decades ago or was suspected of killing someone would be arrested. There is no statute of limitations on murder.


If the mob think otherwise then that's too bad. This is the 21st century. the age of enlightened justice... not ancient Rome


Don't disagree to a point.


However, what we have here is a delicate situation, and if we don't want to return to the 70s and 80s scenario what needs to happen is a little bit of intelligent thought to be applied.


Accepted that Adams is - in theory - no different to anyone else in the eyes of the law, in practice he is.


But as he said in his interview tonight, they could have arranged to talk to him at anytime without the need for all the hoo haa.


Everyone knows that members of the security forces who were supposedly upholding the law were in fact breaking the law to the point of murdering people.


They have - in the main - got away with it.


Many of these killers were acting under orders of someone in authority.


Therefore, their names are known and their actions are on record somewhere.


Despite which ,they have, almost to a man, walked away without a blemish.


Now that isn't justice nor indeed anything like it.


By all means, go after Adams if sufficient proof has suddenly appeared, but by the same token also go after the murderers of Pat Finucane, and many others killed by 'Loyalists' or members of the security forces, either directly or by collusion.


That isn't going to happen, because there's too much crap going to hit the fan, and nobody is going to walk away looking good.


Some very high up people would wind up serving time if the whole truth ever emerged.


That can't be allowed to happen.


It's not fair, but the alternative is to go back to the 'Troubles'.


To target Adams in isolation looks like selection based on bias.


It's a recipe for disaster.

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Don't disagree to a point.


However, what we have here is a delicate situation, and if we don't want to return to the 70s and 80s scenario what needs to happen is a little bit of intelligent thought to be applied.


Accepted that Adams is - in theory - no different to anyone else in the eyes of the law, in practice he is.


But as he said in his interview tonight, they could have arranged to talk to him at anytime without the need for all the hoo haa.


Everyone knows that members of the security forces who were supposedly upholding the law were in fact breaking the law to the point of murdering people.


They have - in the main - got away with it.


Many of these killers were acting under orders of someone in authority.


Therefore, their names are known and their actions are on record somewhere.


Despite which ,they have, almost to a man, walked away without a blemish.


Now that isn't justice nor indeed anything like it.


By all means, go after Adams if sufficient proof has suddenly appeared, but by the same token also go after the murderers of Pat Finucane, and many others killed by 'Loyalists' or members of the security forces, either directly or by collusion.


That isn't going to happen, because there's too much crap going to hit the fan, and nobody is going to walk away looking good.


Some very high up people would wind up serving time if the whole truth ever emerged.


That can't be allowed to happen.


It's not fair, but the alternative is to go back to the 'Troubles'.


To target Adams in isolation looks like selection based on bias.


It's a recipe for disaster.


It seems the law has got itself into a pickle then. Now that it's news that Adams may have had something to do with the murder of that woman the law is going to look pretty damned stupid if it tries to at this stage just drop the charges, investigation (whatever) to avoid the mob taking to the streets. But it's a bit late for that isnt it? And what about the Loyalists?

What's their reaction going to be if it happens?


Maybe Adams cronies in the US and all the pols who gave him a heroes welcome here in order to suck up to the Irish-American voters might have some influence in making it all just disappear... after all as you have said a few times before when Uncle Sam says jump then Downing Street jumps :D:D:D

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The point is that all of this is old news.


Adam's has been accused of complicity in this murder for years, without any proof.


For him to be arrested and detained implied that new and conclusive evidence had emerged which would result in charges being brought and a trial taking place.


To then release him after holding him overnight, and, according to him, question him using facts which had been a matter of public knowledge for years, does tend to lend credence to Sinn Fein's accusation of an attempt to influence the forthcoming elections.


Since renouncing violence Shinn Fein have attracted a lot more votes both in the Statelet and the Republic.


Unionists are increasingly worried about this trend.


Basically they are Ireland's answer to UKIP - although amusingly, less xenophobic - they are the only serious anti EU party.


What strikes me about this whole shambles is this, if a group of ordinary citizens were to carry out actions which resulted in civil unrest and possible violence they would be charged with a breach of the peace.


Here we have the authorities carrying out the actions themselves.


As to US support for Ireland I always find it weird that anyone would be surprised about it.


Both countries gained freedom and became Republics following wars against the British.


Add in the number of Americans who are of Irish descent, and then include the number of Americans who's ancestors originated in countries which had historic disagreements with Britain, and it's a wonder the USA gives us the time of day!


In fact it's only because our politicians ask 'How High' when asked the question that we're such good 'friends'. :)

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The point is that all of this is old news.


Adam's has been accused of complicity in this murder for years, without any proof.


For him to be arrested and detained implied that new and conclusive evidence had emerged which would result in charges being brought and a trial taking place.


To then release him after holding him overnight, and, according to him, question him using facts which had been a matter of public knowledge for years, does tend to lend credence to Sinn Fein's accusation of an attempt to influence the forthcoming elections.


Since renouncing violence Shinn Fein have attracted a lot more votes both in the Statelet and the Republic.


Unionists are increasingly worried about this trend.


Basically they are Ireland's answer to UKIP - although amusingly, less xenophobic - they are the only serious anti EU party.


What strikes me about this whole shambles is this, if a group of ordinary citizens were to carry out actions which resulted in civil unrest and possible violence they would be charged with a breach of the peace.


Here we have the authorities carrying out the actions themselves.


As to US support for Ireland I always find it weird that anyone would be surprised about it.


Both countries gained freedom and became Republics following wars against the British.


Add in the number of Americans who are of Irish descent, and then include the number of Americans who's ancestors originated in countries which had historic disagreements with Britain, and it's a wonder the USA gives us the time of day!


In fact it's only because our politicians ask 'How High' when asked the question that we're such good 'friends'. :)

Meanwhile the McConville family can just go away and shut up!

Not that they dare to say what they know any way.

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Meanwhile the McConville family can just go away and shut up!

Not that they dare to say what they know any way.


That's another thing.


Haven't that family suffered enough without raising their hopes that justice was about to be done and then dashing them again?


This smacks of cynical political posturing with no thought as to the effect on the loved ones of the victims.

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