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Gerry Adams arrested.

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I can believe that unless of course this time around the FBI steps in and puts a stop to it.

How well would it have been received over here if a certain group of British citizens had funded the Black Panther groups in the 60s/70s ?


the panther campaign didn't kill 3500 and injure 50,000 - it isn't a latent threat, there aren't many many people on either side waiting for it to re start. Irish history is brutal and blood stained over 100s of years and it didn't end with the good friday agreement.

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I think you may be mistaking American good manners for approval.


Whilst there is the 'Ugly' American stereotype of the loud mouthed arrogant guy in plaid shirt and sun glasses, in my experience Americans are generally speaking, extremely polite.


Barack Obama's Kenyan grandfather was one of thousands of Kenyans tortured by the British during the Mau Mau campaign.


Over 5,000 Kenyans have received compensation and an apology from the British government for torture including rape and castration.


President Obama has visited Britain as an honored guest of the nation and represented his country in a dignified manner.


However, what do you think his private thoughts were about a nation that tortured his fathers father and proceeded to deny the crime and cover it up until the case was proven?


Obviously neither of us has any idea what his thoughts were,but I know what mine would have been.


The British and in particular the English are not exactly the most popular people in the world and, in fairness for good reason.


America has in fact taken over in many peoples opinion as most disliked and for similar reasons.


Keep sticking your unwanted nose into other peoples business and that's what happens.


I Have on occasion come across the loud mouthed type who while not getting personal comes up with such garbage as "We rebels beat you Limeys back in 1776"

I reply

"Agreed.. but only because of the considerable assistance from the French Army and Navy"


That generally shuts them up but one guy said "Hey! the French werent there. They got beat in the 7 year war" :hihi: :hihi: Well yer just have to laugh.


There are people in this world who carry grudges around passed down through generations and there are those who find the grudges of distant ancestors of no conseqence. The Irish seem to favour the former to their detriment


How long will it be before the situation in the Ukraine comes to the point where the Euros start calling out "Where are the Americans"? The fact is they're damned if they do and damned if they dont

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I can believe that unless of course this time around the FBI steps in and puts a stop to it.

How well would it have been received over here if a certain group of British citizens had funded the Black Panther groups in the 60s/70s ?


Lot's of people over here can't stand Americans, so who knows?


Don't American Jews send financial support to Israel, a country with a somewhat murky foreign policy?


Didn't the USA send support to Saddam Hussein when Iraq and Iran were at war?


Don't both the US and Britain continue to support Saudi Arabia, a country that has a human rights record probably only equaled by North Korea?


Sorry Harleyman ,but if you want us to get all misty eyed about US citizens providing support for what they judge to be a righteous cause then you're barking up the wrong tree.


And I have to say, it's somewhat ironic for someone who thinks unmanned drones - which regularly kill innocent bystanders - are a good idea, to start bleating about terrorism.

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the panther campaign didn't kill 3500 and injure 50,000 - it isn't a latent threat, there aren't many many people on either side waiting for it to re start. Irish history is brutal and blood stained over 100s of years and it didn't end with the good friday agreement.


I'm wee informed on Irish history thank you kindly but while the southern Irish have moved with the times the dolts up north are still fighting their wars and ancient prejudices.

I doubr even if it ever becomes a possibilty that the Irish republic would ever want any political union with the north and who can blame them?


Gotta go for the daily gym work out. Will be back sson

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There are people in this world who carry grudges around passed down through generations and there are those who find the grudges of distant ancestors of no conseqence. The Irish seem to favour the former to their detriment


How long will it be before the situation in the Ukraine comes to the point where the Euros start calling out "Where are the Americans"? The fact is they're damned if they do and damned if they dont


Well as someone who has lived in Ireland, attended two schools there, and visits every year, that has not been my experience.


Don't think you can point at the Americans regarding lack of knowledge of history given the average Englishman's grasp of the subject.


Ask most Englishmen how many wars England has had with the Dutch and what the outcome of those wars was and prepare for a blank look.

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A couple of questions for you cuttsie.


Had you heard of Jean McConnville prior to Adams arrest?


If so, had you also heard of Joan Connolly?


If not do me a favour and Google her name.

I am not about to Google owt.

My answer is yes to Jean McConnville as i have seen various T.V.programmes dedicated to her disappearance .

As to Joan Connolly I believe she was a solicitor who was murdered and I have also seen a T.V. programme dedicated to her murder.

However I would like to point out that this thread is about the arrest of Gerry Adams on suspicion of being involved in the murder of Mrs McConnville.

A question for you , why do you ask.


---------- Post added 05-05-2014 at 17:38 ----------


I think you may be mistaking American good manners for approval.


Whilst there is the 'Ugly' American stereotype of the loud mouthed arrogant guy in plaid shirt and sun glasses, in my experience Americans are generally speaking, extremely polite.


Barack Obama's Kenyan grandfather was one of thousands of Kenyans tortured by the British during the Mau Mau campaign.


Over 5,000 Kenyans have received compensation and an apology from the British government for torture including rape and castration.


President Obama has visited Britain as an honored guest of the nation and represented his country in a dignified manner.


However, what do you think his private thoughts were about a nation that tortured his fathers father and proceeded to deny the crime and cover it up until the case was proven?


Obviously neither of us has any idea what his thoughts were,but I know what mine would have been.


The British and in particular the English are not exactly the most popular people in the world and, in fairness for good reason.


America has in fact taken over in many peoples opinion as most disliked and for similar reasons.


Keep sticking your unwanted nose into other peoples business and that's what happens.

You seem to be very anti English do you live here.


---------- Post added 05-05-2014 at 17:49 ----------


nothing there to disagree with - the strange thing is that the english think they are loved world wide & considered to be paragons of fairness and justice - history says different

History says that the English [british] declared war on Fascist Germany who were bent on the destruction of a complete race of people in 1938.


We did this while others stood by and watched inc some in these Islands who actively welcomed the German high command to their Island.


There were of course many Irish men who gave their lives in that war against fascist Germany and to those we owe the freedom that we in Great Britain enjoy today , But the Role of the Irish Republic in that struggle leaves a lot to be desired.

So English and proud of it.

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You obviously have not heard of Joan Connolly, and I asked because it is totally relevant to the Jean McConville situation.


Joan Connolly was murdered in 1971 a year before Jean McConville.


She was a 45 year old mother of eight children who lived in the Ballymurphy area of Belfast.


During a British army incursion into her neighborhood she went to the aid of a young boy who had been wounded.


A British paratrooper shot her several times in the back, and one bullet destroyed her face making it difficult for her husband to identify her in the morgue.


The relevance to Jean McConville is this.


There is no doubt whatsoever as to who killed Joan Connolly.

There were witnesses who were present and her body was taken to a UK controlled morgue.

Ballistics would have proven which gun fired the fatal shots.


No one has been charged with her death and the families of the ten people who were killed by the British army in the area in a three day period have been refused permission for an inquiry.


One of the others killed was a Catholic Priest.


So you can probable see how it can become a little contentious when some can walk away from murder without any bother - despite the evidence being there for a straight forward conviction - and yet others are pursued despite lack of hard evidence.


Do I live here? I was born here, and so were my direct male line all the way back to 1706. In the Sheffield area.


However, I was raised to look for the truth and not just accept propaganda and slanted stories put out by people with a vested interest.


My interest in Irish History derives from having an Irish mother and learning of Irish history when I went to school there.


I've noticed that a lot of English people are unable to deal with the truth when it doesn't show the country in a good light.


They come over all defensive and whiny 'do you live here'


By the way 'the destruction of a complete race of people.' you are aware that the British actually managed to do that very thing, aren't you?

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History says that the English [british] declared war on Fascist Germany who were bent on the destruction of a complete race of people in 1938.


We did this while others stood by and watched inc some in these Islands who actively welcomed the German high command to their Island.


There were of course many Irish men who gave their lives in that war against fascist Germany and to those we owe the freedom that we in Great Britain enjoy today , But the Role of the Irish Republic in that struggle leaves a lot to be desired.

So English and proud of it.


World War 2 began a year later than you think and over the invasion of Poland, not the Holocaust, which didn't start for another year or two.


Guernsey is not one of these islands. It's one of the Channel Islands and too close to France for us to do anything about it. After Dunkirk we couldn't get across the channel for 4 years and even then only with allied support.


The role of Eire in WW2 is suspect but from their point of view we were still occupying part of their country and we had been their enemy and them part of our Empire for centuries. There was no way Eire was going to take up arms in our defence after what we had done to them.

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You obviously have not heard of Joan Connolly, and I asked because it is totally relevant to the Jean McConville situation.


Joan Connolly was murdered in 1971 a year before Jean McConville.


She was a 45 year old mother of eight children who lived in the Ballymurphy area of Belfast.


During a British army incursion into her neighborhood she went to the aid of a young boy who had been wounded.


A British paratrooper shot her several times in the back, and one bullet destroyed her face making it difficult for her husband to identify her in the morgue.


The relevance to Jean McConville is this.


There is no doubt whatsoever as to who killed Joan Connolly.

There were witnesses who were present and her body was taken to a UK controlled morgue.

Ballistics would have proven which gun fired the fatal shots.


No one has been charged with her death and the families of the ten people who were killed by the British army in the area in a three day period have been refused permission for an inquiry.


One of the others killed was a Catholic Priest.


So you can probable see how it can become a little contentious when some can walk away from murder without any bother - despite the evidence being there for a straight forward conviction - and yet others are pursued despite lack of hard evidence.


Do I live here? I was born here, and so were my direct male line all the way back to 1706. In the Sheffield area.


However, I was raised to look for the truth and not just accept propaganda and slanted stories put out by people with a vested interest.


My interest in Irish History derives from having an Irish mother and learning of Irish history when I went to school there.


I've noticed that a lot of English people are unable to deal with the truth when it doesn't show the country in a good light.


They come over all defensive and whiny 'do you live here'


By the way 'the destruction of a complete race of people.' you are aware that the British actually managed to do that very thing, aren't you?

Who were they. You seem to have a very low opinion of your own Country.

By the way I have worked in Ireland and I will never go back.

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Who were they. You seem to have a very low opinion of your own Country.

By the way I have worked in Ireland and I will never go back.


They were the Tasmanian Aborigines and my view of my country is a realistic one, as opposed to a romanticised version which never happened.


I'm sure the Irish will be devastated by the loss. :)


In your post at 66 you say that you are proud of being English.


Fair enough, but does that pride extend to all of England's history or just the nice bits?


For instance are you OK with the slave trade or are you only proud of Wilberforce's efforts to abolish it?


Are you proud of our record of invading other countries in search of treasure and our willingness to kill any objectors?


Or are you only proud of our eventual - sometimes forced - withdrawal from those countries and our now friendly relationship with them?


In other words do you 'cherry pick' the bits of our history that suit your perhaps slightly biased view, or are you prepared to accept it all?


This country has an absolutely fascinating history and I'm a 'warts and all' ( Cromwell ) man myself. How about you?

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