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Has anyone worked as a Betaware or Kleeneze agent? Your comments please

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I worked for kleeneze about 4 years ago and one of their agents visited my flat to sign me up, i had to shell £150 upfront but i was told i would clear that within a month of receiving 21% of my takings.


I found it hard going at first but it did make me feel healthier and i had missed all those long walks since quitting the post office some years earlier.


I found most of my business waas with people who were disabled or couldn't get out much such as disabled people.


I made a lot of money on bowfield court s5 as most of these people came in to the afore mentioned category.


Anyway a month into my new career i received another visit from our local manager of kleeneze explaining how to join a club where you try to recruit people that you know and in so doing receive a bonus from the company and also after they have signed up you receive 5% of their takings so building a network.


I found alot of people had got there before me in areas i had covered and quite often people would not return the catalogues dispensed to their address so losing profits because you have to pay for all the literature that you need as they are tools of the company such as catalogues.:confused:

So in my experience although i did make a slight profit i wouldn't give up a day job for it, despite the rosey picture the company portrays when you attend one of their conferences usually held at a prestigious hotel at a cost to you again.

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I am also sick to the back teeth of all the rubbish from Kleeneezee, betterwear and others which gets stuffed through the door, and all of it goes straight into the wheely bin.

Every time I see an agent I tell them I don't buy anything on the door and any catalogues will be shredded and put into the bin.


But it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. The booklets still come. It is my belief that the agents give up so frequently with the futile effort that would be involved in this persuit, that each time I get a new catalogue it's from the next replacement who has been told they can make a second income quite easily.


I even caught one young lad tipping the contents of my blue bin out to try and get the catalogue back. I went spare and kicked his ass back down the passage. It's bad enough with the worry of identity fraud and the waste paper. Everything gets shedded before it goes in there I don't want to see anyone lurking on my property and looking in my bins.

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My partner and I are both in full time employment, in well paid jobs and have just joined betterware to raise a few extra funds for our first home which we are saving up for. For the hours we put in we get enough back to boost our savings and are still new at it.


If we see a sticker on the door saying 'we no not buy or sell at this door', we respect this and do not post a catalogue. Now unless we have our crystal ball with us, if a house does not have a notice on the door, how are we supposed to know the occupants do not want one?!!


We come accross some lovely people, but mostly ignorant snobs who think they are above this sort of thing.... People who just say it's been chucked in the bin, or worse, people who leave them out in the rain!!


It's hardly the worst thing in the world to hold onto it until it is collected, or to just be polite to us folk who are out in all weathers just to raise a bit of extra cash. It is completely demoralising when people look at you and treat you as if you are something they have walked in.


Here's a big THANKYOU to those considerate people, not just those that order, but those who are pleasant and friendly at the door. It makes me wonder what miserable lives people lead if they can't even muster up enough politeness to someone they see for mere seconds at the door.



Rant over :)

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Also.... if you nhave told another distributor you do not want them, how are new ones supposed to know? If ya don't want one, best thing is to stick one of those things to the door. It's lucky we don't have to buy our own catalogues unlike Kleeneze, who must be well miffed when they get thrown out. Although they do leave catalogues at houses with the stickers on I've noticed... :rolleyes:

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It's hardly the worst thing in the world to hold onto it until it is collected, or to just be polite to us folk who are out in all weathers just to raise a bit of extra cash. It is completely demoralising when people look at you and treat you as if you are something they have walked in.

Hi Jenno,

well done for trying to raise some extra cash.


The problem I have with holding on to catalogues is that sometimes I finish up with several and they don't come back anyhow. Indeed the last time I saw anyone collecting for any of these catalogues arrive at my door was possibly 12 months ago, and I still get it all relentlessley shoved through the letterbox.


I imagine that most sales are made to old people who can't get to the shops and are in all day.


And the reason I got so angry about it is because I once went through a stage of having 2 lots of collectors coming to my house at once from the same catalogue and I got absolutely sick of answering the door dripping wet from the bath, only to find that by the time I had got to the door they had gone.


Every night I come home to find a huge pile of pizza leaflets on my mat, I cannot eat pizza due to an alergy. Am I supposed to put a notice on my door for all the different services I want to opt out of?, My door isn't big enough.

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No, I reckon pizza leaflets etc will get put through regardless, and no one comes back for them so it's fine to bin if you so wish. With regard to betterware etc, as I said I am respectful of those with stickers saying they do not buy or sell and don't go to those doors, but I guess some distributors aren't as thoughtful. I guess it's a bit crap for both parties anyway, whether you're the one fed up of getting them or the ones fed up of effortlessly walking the streets! :(

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Hi jenno

We are kleeneze distributors,who have to buy our cats,yes you lose some,but we can earn up to 37% on retail,plus bonuses from any group we have.

So you can earn a lot more with Kleeneze.

You only lose your cat once at an house,because you don't go back to those houses again.

After 3 visits to a street you have got rid of all the dead wood,so ten you don't lose them anymore.



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