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Has anyone worked as a Betaware or Kleeneze agent? Your comments please

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To simplify it a bit

The first bonus level is £763=6% Bonus,£1528=8%,£2664=10%,£3995=12%,£5993=14%,£8813=16%.

this is group turnover in 4 week periods.

So if your personal sales are £800 you will make £21 in every £100 =£168 + £6 in every £100 =£48 total = £168 + £48 =£216 for £800 of sales.

So if you then recruit 2 more people who each do £800 they will earn £216

So then your group turnover is £2400 so you now get 8% bonus on your own personal sales.So you still get the £168 + 8% bonus which is now 8 x 8 = £64

So your total on your own personal sales is now £168 + £68 = £232 + 2% on the other 2 people.so they have turned over £1600 x 2% = £32.

so you now earn £232 + £32 = £264

So you have still retailed your £800 but your earnings have gone up from £216 to £264.

So can you now see the more people in your group the more you earn.

Every body earns money on their own personal sales + bonuses on group sales.

I hope this helps.

A bit complicated i know,but once you get into it it's quite easy.

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OK, thanks.


Don't worry about the maths; the upline gets 12.5% :thumbsup:


I am surprised that there is no honeymoon period as to when someone who is "fresh" can recruit.


Surprised because the model should fail if you didn't retain some control.


I guess the market is already saturated as to why people drop out when they discover that the £££ aren't coming in because everyone is fighting for the same customer base.


Statistically, (according to my calculations using what I would consider successful and fair) approximately 85% fail until it reach saturation point.


That 85% is likely to far higher because of the maturity of existing agents prevents new players from establishing a foothold.


So further down the chain you are, the harder it becomes.


Does that tie in with your drop out rate?

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My post was submitted some hours after Bawdyed wrote his post above which contains far more accurate information.


What I don't understand is why The Gerbil and Bawdyed figures are different when it comes to the upline figures.


It is out by a large margin.


Either of you want to explain?

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Pity you couldn't have written that before bawdyed! I've got that explanation somewhere but 11;30 at night isn't the time to go looking for it , so I used the standard sheet. I didn't go into SPV and 33% etc etc just to keep it simple.


Whilst I'm here and lunch is nearly ready I'll cover the sponsoring;-


Any KLZ distributor can sponsor as soon as they are signed up - in fact there are regularly offers from KLZ for people who sign up , do £400 of orders in the first period then get someone else signed up who also does £400 and the pfirst person gets their joining fee back.


Now when someone joins KLZ they are going to be part of someones *team* - and they'll be headed by a Bronze who will usually organise monthly meetings in the local area. Here at the meetings the art of Sponsorship is taught - how to give a really first class presentation of KLZ in a clear precise manner with explanations of the finacial side and the bonuses etc. It's a time to meet others and plan how to advertise locally to encourage others to join . In our team we regularly go out and put leaflets through doors with a number on for people to phone and get an information pack and then a free DVD. Different teams have different approaches but it usually boils down to being visited at home and being shown the KLZ business model, perhpas then having a DVD etc.


This is all done on the individual distributors time - he can decide if he wants to sponsor or not and how to go about it. Whilst it's adventagious to build a team some don't and concentrate on just putting out catalogues and building a customer base. Personally I do the catalogues and when the weather is nice I do a little sponsoring I have a couple of people in my little *team* and they do a small amouint to provide themsleves with money to top up their house bills etc.


If you are lucky with sponsoring you might find someone who wants to put in loads of time and effort and build their own team, this is when *huge* and I mean seriously *huge* amounts of money can be made, but it takes perseverance and persistance. I know Bronze uplines on £4000+ a month every month. Monthly taking of £2 - £3000 are commonplace but they have to work very hard - they must keep their own turnover high to match the takings of those below who are doing well.


Recruiting to KLZ takes many forms - adverts in the paper, in shop windows, noticeboards, online, leaflets through the door, cards left in resturants or shops , even signs in the street.Of course there are friends and family too .


One thing makes many of these advert stand out,and that is they often don't mention Kleeneze at all ""NEED AN EXTRA INCOME?? "" OR "" EARN £200 A MONTH EXTRA"" and a telephone number often a local one or perhaps an 0800 number. These numbers are KLZ distributors own messaging number services and they go through to a recorded message to leave name and address etc. then the distributior contacts them etc.


Now there is a very clear reason why Kleenze doesn't appear on the adverts - British Snobbishness! yes - it's true , it's been shown that if you were to put Kleeneze onto an ad most people have little or no idea what it is but they do have preconcieved ideas and these are wrong in the vast majority of cases - Pyramid schemes (as we've seen here) selling door to door like in the old days (the catalogue does the selling , I just put it out). These are just some of the reasons - once people actually hear what it's all about and see the proof for themsleves they see it quite differently.


I should really point out here that many people who try Kleeneze don't make a go of it - it has a very high drop out rate. It's quite hard as I said in my earlier post to juggle all the paperwork and get oneself organised , nowadays many people just can't cope with it and it get more trouble to them than it's worth. The early days can be very hard unless one is very lucky - there will be good days and bad as in any new venture either in a hobby or a business. Once someone has done it for a few months then it gets easier and easier - now I see this as the easiest job I've ever had with rewards greater than any previous job, yes it's hard and I do put in occasional long hours but the rewards - not just money - but time at home and freedom to do and go where I like are better than anything I've ever had. If I had one regret it's that I didn't do this years ago - and I could have because my wife often spoke of a woman at her work who gave up a 30K job to do KLZ fulltime with her husband, I of course ignored this , I wish I hadn't!


Ask me anything! It's great to put the record straight on here and as this is archived when people search they'll find proper information as opposed to misinformation.

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OK, thanks.


Don't worry about the maths; the upline gets 12.5% :thumbsup:


I am surprised that there is no honeymoon period as to when someone who is "fresh" can recruit.


Surprised because the model should fail if you didn't retain some control.


I guess the market is already saturated as to why people drop out when they discover that the £££ aren't coming in because everyone is fighting for the same customer base.


Statistically, (according to my calculations using what I would consider successful and fair) approximately 85% fail until it reach saturation point.


That 85% is likely to far higher because of the maturity of existing agents prevents new players from establishing a foothold.


So further down the chain you are, the harder it becomes.


Does that tie in with your drop out rate?



They don't get 12.5 % - it depends on how far up the bonus level they are - it's very difficult to explain with out the use of KLZ's own SPV or sales paln Volume figures and this won't rerally helpsomeone who may be thinking of starting and wants eraly details.


Why would it fail? it's been going on for years - the market will never reach saturation point , there are vast areas untouched . This is the thing given out by those who can't make it work and those who seek to justify why they couldn't get it to work. My areas have been worked by several other agents for years - blokes been at it for at least 3 -5 yrs . I have carved out a respectable income. My upline has one of his team just down the road and they both do big reatail in the same area - I've recently been to an area where I've been told they havn't seen a book for months and were annoyed they had missed the Xmas book. My paln is to build a base there and perhaps recruit someone there and pass some of the customers to them but it's early days yet.


If I could honestly say who would and would order and which areas are better for orders I'd be a millionaire - there is no rhyme or reason to it - rough area with burnt out cars , house orders £60 of stuff every 5 weeks . Massive house with intercome entry gates and RSR Porches on drive - £60 over 5 weeks. ? ? ? doesn't make sense to me but who cares!


I've not been doing it long and have already overtaken many in our team who have been in it much longer. Someone started up late last year and parttime has done morre than me with sponsoring and is way above me.


No one is at the bottom everyone can reach the top .

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My post was submitted some hours after Bawdyed wrote his post above which contains far more accurate information.


What I don't understand is why The Gerbil and Bawdyed figures are different when it comes to the upline figures.


It is out by a large margin.


Either of you want to explain?


No they aren't out at all , I tried to make it simple ny keeping the figures *below* the break point £765 (rounded up) as it starts then on the KLZ **10%** figure , Bawdyed has used a simple sheet (which I have but couldn't lay my hands on at 11;30) which gives the KLZ figures based on their own SPV+33% . Both sets are right , they have to be simplified as no two distributors are on the same level so will get the same bonuses form those below. I, on 15% - 18% bonus level and get the full bonus from those below.


Keep it simple for new people - 21% in the pound for new people till £765 then the 10% bonus kicks in and KLZ give an extra amount of money.


BTW these bonus levels come with incentives - boxes of new books for those reaching 10 - 13% and beyoiond that - like hold 24% for 4 periods and get a cheque for a £1000!

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No they aren't out at all


I disagree


I'll correct you based on bawdyed information.


Say I get £600 of orders I'd earn £125 , say I recruit John in Norwich and Wendy in london and they each do £600 - KLZ would tally these together to give my *team* of three £1800 - thats my 600 , Wendys 600, Johns 600 and they'd pay me £275 - I've still only done the 600 and physically earned the 125 but KLZ have bonused mne the other 150 . John and wendy still get their 125.


Your personal sales are £600 you will make £21 in every £100 = £21 x 6 = £126 + no bonus tier kicks in because you've not made enough sales so you only get £126 for £600 of sales.


So if you then recruit 2 more people who each do £600 they will earn £126 too.


So then your group turnover is 3 x £600 = £1800 so you now get 8% bonus on your own personal sales.


So you still get the £126 + 8% = £126 + £10.08 p = £136.08p


So your total on your own personal sales is now £136.08p + 2% on the other 2 people.


so they have turned over £1200 x 2% = £24.


so you now earn £136.08p + £24 = £160.08


£160.08 is way out from your figure of £275


Even Bawdyed figure in his example is lower than yours off the back of £800 worth of sales.

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They don't get 12.5 % - it depends on how far up the bonus level they are - it's very difficult to explain with out the use of KLZ's own SPV or sales paln Volume figures and this won't rerally helpsomeone who may be thinking of starting and wants eraly details.


In the light of bawdyed accurate figures, I agree, they don't get 12.5%. Forget I ever mentioned it.


Why would it fail? it's been going on for years - the market will never reach saturation point , there are vast areas untouched.


You honestly don't believe that do you?

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I disagree


I'll correct you based on bawdyed information.




Your personal sales are £600 you will make £21 in every £100 = £21 x 6 = £126 + no bonus tier kicks in because you've not made enough sales so you only get £126 for £600 of sales.


So if you then recruit 2 more people who each do £600 they will earn £126 too.


So then your group turnover is 3 x £600 = £1800 so you now get 8% bonus on your own personal sales.


So you still get the £126 + 8% = £126 + £10.08 p = £136.08p


So your total on your own personal sales is now £136.08p + 2% on the other 2 people.


so they have turned over £1200 x 2% = £24.


so you now earn £136.08p + £24 = £160.08


£160.08 is way out from your figure of £275


Even Bawdyed figure in his example is lower than yours off the back of £800 worth of sales.

Hi John If you work it out on a £1000 of personal sales you would get 21% of a 1000 = £210 + 6% bonus =£60 that is 210 + 60 = £270 He's not far out is he.OH and iv'e been in the business for 15 yrs iv'e got about 700 regular customers in my area. Other agents have come along and they have sold and quite a few of them have stuck at it,so they must be selling as well.It's like i have always said if the customer doesn't like you they won't buy of you,so another agent comes along who they like so they will buy of him/her.

It's like having one shop at either end of your street when you first move in you try both and pick the one you like and buy from them.So with the company expanding into other countries as they have Ireland,Holland and Germany up to now,and all these people who do the business in these other countries have got to be in the group of someone in this country,no it won't reach saturation point at all.Not in my lifetime anyway.As Gerbil says the company is 85years old and it hasn't failed yet.

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Hi John If you work it out on a £1000 of personal sales you would get 21% of a 1000 = £210 + 6% bonus =£60 that is 210 + 60 = £270 He's not far out is he.


But he didn't use £1,000 he used £600.


I wouldn't worry about it, he explained after my questioning in reference to "they are far out" only to be told that agents are given different % bonuses afterward.


I was correct in questioning it, the reply I got in stating that "they are not far out" made me look as if I was in the wrong.


That is clearly not the case based on all data presented to me at the time of writing that post.


Hence the reason why I asked for either of you to explain.

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