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Has anyone worked as a Betaware or Kleeneze agent? Your comments please

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  • 1 month later...

there's no point being rude. they are earning money by working hard not by selling frigging drugs and claiming through ****ing expenses ffs.


i suffer with agoraphobia also have bipolar affective dissorder when a stranger knocks on the door and im alone in the house it panics me and can take me several hours to get over this, when a stranger knocks on my door it also sets of my dogs, my gates are chained up when im home alone to stop strangers coming to my door, how ever someone from kleeneze climbed over my driveway gates set the dogs of and stuck a catelogue through my door!!

is she getting it back? is she hell its the bin the gates were locked the fact that i did not want her coming on to my property could not of been any clearer :rant::rant::rant:

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When i go out with my catalgues i knock and ask if the person wants one i dont just put them through every door, If they say no i thank them for telling me, mark them off on my list and dont bother them again.

When i first started in the business i used to post through every door in the street and lost so many catalogues this is the reason so many give up so easily because the cost of replacing the catalogues every month takes your profit.

Using the knock and drop method its possible to start the business only using one box of 50 catalogues, you get all your books back and because the people who took one wanted one 9 times out of 10 you get an order or they say i didnt see anything i wanted this time but i will have one next time you are around

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
quite often people would not return the catalogues dispensed to their address


The catalogues are unsolicited goods, and the householder is entitled to regard them as a gift, and to do with them as they please.


I have a notice on my front door, clearly stating "UNSOLICITED CATALOGUES WILL NOT BE RETURNED.", yet people still post them, followed, a few days later, by a slip of paper saying "Please leave your order and catalogue outside on ***day". :roll:

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