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Has anyone worked as a Betaware or Kleeneze agent? Your comments please

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Hi Bawdyed.... I know what you mean.... we make a note when we go round to ''ignore'' the ones that are left **** wet through outside! I even picked one up with a worm inside it the other day!! Eww!! :gag:

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I did bettaware to earn a bit of spending money when I was in the sixthform.

I didn't have to pay out anything in advance, and I made about £20/week, which was 4 * my spending money, so felt like loads.

I kept a record of the houses that either never answered or told me not to call again, so I wouldn't loose so many catalogues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been doing Kleeneze since July last year, trying to earn an HONEST living , so I'm NOT scrounging off the state or dealing in drugs, don't you think we're sick of people like you who don't have stickers on their doors and then throw away OUR property in the blue bin , perhaps if we sent you the bill for the new catalgoues which we have to buy, perhaps if you actually read the slip on the front of the catalogue and bothered to put it out on the correct day (just wondering but why don't you put them back out with a polite note saying you don't want any more then your shower wouldn't be interupted) so its rubbish from Kleeneze , have you actully bothered to read the catalogues? my husband has health problems and is off work and is only getting £68 a week statutory sick pay, because of my last employer who I worked for since 2001 to 2005 , didn't pay NI contributions , I can't even claim income support, thats why I'm doing this to pay my way...... as for ignoring blue stickers on doors ,sometimes when you put a catalogues through when you are blanket dropping some people actually buy, so doesn't that make them hypocrites for having a blue sticker on the door in the first place!!!



I am also sick to the back teeth of all the rubbish from Kleeneezee, betterwear and others which gets stuffed through the door, and all of it goes straight into the wheely bin.

Every time I see an agent I tell them I don't buy anything on the door and any catalogues will be shredded and put into the bin.


But it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. The booklets still come. It is my belief that the agents give up so frequently with the futile effort that would be involved in this persuit, that each time I get a new catalogue it's from the next replacement who has been told they can make a second income quite easily.


I even caught one young lad tipping the contents of my blue bin out to try and get the catalogue back. I went spare and kicked his ass back down the passage. It's bad enough with the worry of identity fraud and the waste paper. Everything gets shedded before it goes in there I don't want to see anyone lurking on my property and looking in my bins.

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Also.... if you nhave told another distributor you do not want them, how are new ones supposed to know? If ya don't want one, best thing is to stick one of those things to the door. It's lucky we don't have to buy our own catalogues unlike Kleeneze, who must be well miffed when they get thrown out. Although they do leave catalogues at houses with the stickers on I've noticed... :rolleyes:


totally agree, we are not mind readers, yes we do get well miffed when catalogues get thrown in the blue bin, as for blue stickers on doors , when you are blanket dropping, some people actully buy, so why have they got a sticker on the door in the first place!!

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Why don't you give out some kind of sticker for people who don't want these magazines?


I haven't written an agreement to the contrary, so anything which is pushed through my letterbox which is intended for me is my property. If I want to throw it away or leave it on the floor that's my business.

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Why don't you give out some kind of sticker for people who don't want these magazines?


I haven't written an agreement to the contrary, so anything which is pushed through my letterbox which is intended for me is my property. If I want to throw it away or leave it on the floor that's my business.


I suppose this guy you would ignore, right. lol. :loopy:

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I too am fed up of these things being shoved through my door. I do realise that it costs you to get the catalogues so I leave them on my garden seat where they are in full view for the agent, unopened so they don't get ruined.BUT they mostly don't get collected. Theres an Avon one on the bench as I write and the Kleeneeze one was there for so long it went in the blue bin when it was emptied last Tuesday (minus plastic cover of course).

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Hi Everyone

I am a Kleeneze distributor and would just like to say if you just put a note inside the plastic bag and say please don't leave another catalogue,and put it outside with the bag sealed,that distributor will not leave you another catalogue.

There is always the chance another distributor will come along who doesn't know the other distributor, so you may get another at a later date.

We are all independant distributors earning a living.

PLEASE! be patient.



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don't you think we're sick of people like you who don't have stickers on their doors and then throw away OUR property in the blue bin , perhaps if we sent you the bill for the new catalgoues which we have to buy, perhaps if you actually read the slip on the front of the catalogue and bothered to put it out on the correct day blah blah blah...


Actually, if you deliver unsolicited goods to someone's home, then that person is entitled to keep the goods or dispose of them in a manner they see fit. Legally they would probably be entitled to invoice you a reasonable amount for storage or disposal of your unwanted catalogue.


P.S. I don't get these any more, but if I did I'd leave them out with a note. If you don't want it getting wet, then you should supply a plastic bag. I know some catalogues do this anyway.

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Hi Andy

Yes,I suppose you can do what you want with them,but we do ask politely if they can be put out on the day requested,also if you don't want another from us,please let us know.

But we can't guarantee another agent won't leave one at a later date.

Sorry about that!

But with us all beng self employed independant agents,it does happen.



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