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Has anyone worked as a Betaware or Kleeneze agent? Your comments please

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My partner and I did kleeneze for about 6 month, we built up a good customer base in our local area and another distributor blown all our hard work in just 6 weeks by deliberatly doing the same area as us and even had the cheek to steel our catalouges! Kleeneze left us in £6000 of dept cos we just kept on putting money into it and getting nothing back. In our opinion kleeneze is a scam and would advise people to leave it well alone!!!!

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Hi just read your message how the heck do you get £6000 in debt by doing Kleeneze? what where you doing? either your sponsor need hanging or you did something out of the normal. I d like you to tell me what the £6000 was for cause it a big white lie or you did something strange.Second the first time you came across another agent you quit? bet he laughing now, you left 6mths work to them. I dont condone taking other books i stamp on this but you cant take the person they where before they joined Kleeneze out of them.Take a look in the mirror and stop blaming evryone else.

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lets face it everyone needs to make a living and not all will agree with how they go about it,i would not buy from a door catalogue but i would allways return it as i know how much they cost the reps. doorstep walking is not my thing there are easier ways to earn...

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  • 2 months later...
My partner and I did kleeneze for about 6 month, we built up a good customer base in our local area and another distributor blown all our hard work in just 6 weeks by deliberatly doing the same area as us and even had the cheek to steel our catalouges! Kleeneze left us in £6000 of dept cos we just kept on putting money into it and getting nothing back. In our opinion kleeneze is a scam and would advise people to leave it well alone!!!!


This isn't true is it? how can you get 6K in debt in 6 months? it cost maxixmum £160 to start up or as little as £75 - if you did it for 6 months you might have needed a box or two of books at £30 and with a few other bits and pieces I can't see at ALL where this 6K figure comes from.


How can a *good* customer base be destroyed in 6 weeks if it took you 6 months to build? How could that one person take ALL your customers? in 6 weeks? if it took you 6 months?


Lets face it - like many you tired it and it didn't work out for you , be honest .


I might add here about those posting here gleefully saying how they throw away the books , I've done this for 18months now fulltime - I earn a decent living and put out about 800 books a week every week. In all that time I've only _ever_ had about 4 people deliberately throw the books away and stand there and tell me about it, gleefully carping on about junk mail etc. They came across as *weird* , so unlike the literally 1000's I've met in my time , some of them have lost the book or the dog has ate it but they've always been nice. It says more about the *type* of person that a book through a door throws them into a spin . It might also be noted that the ones here in the spin also appear to have a posting history here stretching into the 1000's - given this is a samll quite minor forum it's obvious they don't get out much so a little catalogue through the door is a *real* problem to them .


Sad really as it's only people trying to make a few pounds . Personally I make loads but I do qwork this full time as a fulltime job.

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I am shocked with the responses of some of the posters on this thread. Why is it not considered normal to be at the very least polite with someone who comes to your door without any ill intent?


We may not "have" to put their catalogues back out for them to be collected, but is it really such a hardship to do so? Why do you take delight in taking the liberty to cause someone else a loss, just because you feel you are allowed to? It seems you like to take out your stress and general unhappiness on someone who has merely put a catalogue temporarily into your hands.


Gloating and supposedly enjoying telling an agent that you have destroyed or disposed of their catalogue, is simply ridiculous. It was merely another persons means of earning a living. What kind of acheivement is it to say 'it's my possesion now' - and throw it in the blue bin?


It isn't that dreadful to receive a catalogue through your door, and seriously - it isn't that hard to be pleasant, and treat the agents as they are; human beings; just like you.

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I am shocked with the responses of some of the posters on this thread. Why is it not considered normal to be at the very least polite with someone who comes to your door without any ill intent?


We may not "have" to put their catalogues back out for them to be collected, but is it really such a hardship to do so? Why do you take delight in taking the liberty to cause someone else a loss, just because you feel you are allowed to? It seems you like to take out your stress and general unhappiness on someone who has merely put a catalogue temporarily into your hands.


Gloating and supposedly enjoying telling an agent that you have destroyed or disposed of their catalogue, is simply ridiculous. It was merely another persons means of earning a living. What kind of acheivement is it to say 'it's my possesion now' - and throw it in the blue bin?


It isn't that dreadful to receive a catalogue through your door, and seriously - it isn't that hard to be pleasant, and treat the agents as they are; human beings; just like you.



Indeed - I deliver not just to my customer base but to brand new houses that haven't had my books , this on a weekly basis . I always have a new area starting as an old one is *maturing* into customer base. of all the 100's I've only had about 4 as I said that have made a big song and dance an=bout how they've binned it etc. They came across a bit *tapped* frankly when compared to the majority of the people I meet - the first time I see them I ask *would you like this catalogue delivered again madam/sir??* and they either say yes or no and I leave it at that . Saves their time and mine - I only lose about 5 books a week maximum - 4 last week , out of 800 , but as I said I am fulltime so can hunt down those lost books.


Civility costs nothing - I found some delightful; and charming people , an OAP that slept in his back room , had the front as a living room - the upstairs bar the bathroom was the biggest model railway I've ever seen!! I've met people rebuilding old cars and all sorts of home hobbies - I made £75 in tips before Xmas!!


The lovely ordinary people I meet more than make up for the tiny weird minority who I only meet once! - I don't have to go back again! No one tells me where to go. Kleeneze is the best thing I've ever done - I,m happier than I've been for 20 yrs , I wish I'd found out about it years ago!

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A think a lot of people may not know that the agent has to pay for the catalogue.


Personally I don't like to leave the catalogue on the doorstep when trying to return it as I feel it is a sign to people that no-one is in at home. The last one I left out I ended up picking up from the pavement and binned as it got blown away and soggy as they did not collect on it the said day.


I do not ever wish to be disturbed by people knocking at the door trying to sell/ collect something, though I am always polite. I do ensure that they know I do not want to be bothered and that I'm not interested... in my eyes its the same as cold calling via phone and I find it extremely rude. I am perfectly capable of finding the products I need.


I think it must take a certain type of person to do the job, I would be mortified having to knock on strangers doors disturbing them at home for something they have not asked for.

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A think a lot of people may not know that the agent has to pay for the catalogue.


Personally I don't like to leave the catalogue on the doorstep when trying to return it as I feel it is a sign to people that no-one is in at home. The last one I left out I ended up picking up from the pavement and binned as it got blown away and soggy as they did not collect on it the said day.


I do not ever wish to be disturbed by people knocking at the door trying to sell/ collect something, though I am always polite. I do ensure that they know I do not want to be bothered and that I'm not interested... in my eyes its the same as cold calling via phone and I find it extremely rude. I am perfectly capable of finding the products I need.


I think it must take a certain type of person to do the job, I would be mortified having to knock on strangers doors disturbing them at home for something they have not asked for.

You would probably be mortified to be an undertaker to(excuse the pun) but someone has to do it,it is a job just like being a Kleeneze agent is a job everyone to their own job.Why can't people just say to the agent please don't leave me another catalogue and that would be that.No need to be be nasty is there.As for leaving it on the step is telling people your not in,that's silly,we are asking you to leave it on the step so we don't distrurb you,in or out.
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A think a lot of people may not know that the agent has to pay for the catalogue.


Personally I don't like to leave the catalogue on the doorstep when trying to return it as I feel it is a sign to people that no-one is in at home. The last one I left out I ended up picking up from the pavement and binned as it got blown away and soggy as they did not collect on it the said day.


I do not ever wish to be disturbed by people knocking at the door trying to sell/ collect something, though I am always polite. I do ensure that they know I do not want to be bothered and that I'm not interested... in my eyes its the same as cold calling via phone and I find it extremely rude. I am perfectly capable of finding the products I need.


I think it must take a certain type of person to do the job, I would be mortified having to knock on strangers doors disturbing them at home for something they have not asked for.


Firstly the catalogue outiside is no marker at all that no one is in - total myth , what is a give away is no lights on or no TV on just a few table lamps , no car on the drive even though there are marks on the drive where it should be , yet small weeds where the garage door shuts meaning it's never used. Beleive me I can tell an empty house at a hundred paces .


Now being disturbed at home - I've done this for ages and never had more than a few people that were annoyed , thats a few out of 1000's I have come across, I'm polite I say good evening sir/madam and it certainly makes people be on their best behaviour. I ask everyone I meet if they wan the book as it saves my time and theirs if they don't. The VAST majority are perfectly happty to have it - I'm not the only one delivering nowadays , the home shopping delivery men are around all the time as are the other catalogue people like Next. It's not unusual and it very commonplace now. Few people are *that* busy or important they can't answer a knock at the door.

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Firstly the catalogue outiside is no marker at all that no one is in - total myth , what is a give away is no lights on or no TV on just a few table lamps , no car on the drive even though there are marks on the drive where it should be , yet small weeds where the garage door shuts meaning it's never used. Beleive me I can tell an empty house at a hundred paces .


Now being disturbed at home - I've done this for ages and never had more than a few people that were annoyed , thats a few out of 1000's I have come across, I'm polite I say good evening sir/madam and it certainly makes people be on their best behaviour. I ask everyone I meet if they wan the book as it saves my time and theirs if they don't. The VAST majority are perfectly happty to have it - I'm not the only one delivering nowadays , the home shopping delivery men are around all the time as are the other catalogue people like Next. It's not unusual and it very commonplace now. Few people are *that* busy or important they can't answer a knock at the door.


Catalogue outside will tell someone that they no one is in. Plain and simple, people do not like to do it.


Now I don't know if you push these catalogues through letter boxes without asking, or only give them to people who ask, but if I got a catalogue and did not ask for it I don't see why I should take the trouble to ensure that it got back to the distributor.


People are busy these days. They do not want to be bothered. The Police have a lovely sticker 'we do not buy at this door'. Times have changed, people order items off the internet.


For most companies their products are so good that people come to them. Unfortunately for Kleeneeze it seems that the company has to go to the people. At the end of the day it's a pyramid company and people make money by recruiting others.


I will wait for the responses from the Kleeneeze reps who claim they have been sent to Australia for conference visits and that they make thousands every week. Oh and also that job stands for just over broke. They make you think you can get rich so that they can get rich.

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