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Being impressed with Birmingham

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I like Birmingham too. The canal area is great, isn't it.


It also has my favourite music venue, Symphony Hall. If you get a chance to go there, you should. It has the most amazing acoustics.



I saw Elvis Costello there, with the Brodsky Quartet.


Very disappointing.


They didn't even do Small Town Boy.

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What an odd comment.


There are plenty of odd comments on here. I'm just joining in... have you seen some of the trolls that are ruining the good debates lately?




Plenty of choices when it comes to parking as is the choice to use public transport or taxis. Did someone force you to pay £10??


I drove around the block and couldn't find any street parking spaces, so I had to go in a car-park. I freely chose it, because it was the only choice in the area that I wanted to be. My choices were a bit limited by then. Had I chosen to not park there [even if I HAD seen the price], then I would have missed what I was going to town for. Had I have opted for 'cutting my nose off isn't it?', I would have come home and not parked, that would also have been considered odd wouldn't it. Perhaps moreso.


Choosing public transport wouldn't have helped me at the time when I was trying finding somewhere to park.


Same with Taxis. And a taxi there and back would have been more expensive anyway. We weren't drinking, so no need to not take the car.


(and no one forced me to pay, but the barrier at the bottom most probably would have forced me into submission :hihi:. You can't argue with anyone, as there isn't anyone there, and a large thick metal barrier is also hard to argue with, in a Vectra)


What "Scam" are you referring to. Car parking charges are advertised before entry to multi stories and next to payment machines or surface/street parking. Again you CHOOSE to pay it.


They are indeed. I chose to park there. You ARE right! I quite clearly didn't look far enough down the list [my mistake and naivety]. I was expecting it to say about a fiver when I put the ticket in. Though I consider a fiver to be quite a lot for parking a car in a dead city centre at night, it wouldn't be unexpected from an 'NCP type thing'. When it said a tenner, I was shocked. My brother over from Hong Kong (who actually paid it, as it happens), even he was shocked, and he lived in London for 20 years.


How much is parking in other cities? How does this alleged £10 "scam" compare.


I have argued [same as you] in the past about people complaining about parking costs in 'NCP type places'.


Other cities perhaps have more on offer?


Had I gone for a meal/drink it would have still cost £10. I think that's a lot. (granted not for a once a year event), but as far as I know, this isn't a one-off pricing due to the snooker.


Presumably if you went to watch the Snooker - Sheffield City Centre was the only place you could watch it considering that's where it was being held. What else you gonna do?


Again. One off event. I'm not aware of any increased prices due to this event. *If it WAS increased for this event, then I will retract my initial disgust :)


Not bother ever again. Bit like cutting your nose off isn't it?


Not really. Sheffield has some nice things. But in the evening, I don't think the pricing will encourage people into town to make it thriving.


Like you say... I have a choice. I will choose not to go again. It annoyed me last night, and it's annoyed me again. And I've spent time responding!









*added a point, which I hadn't considered when I re-read it. IF prices were increased just for the snooker, then I alter my stance to supply and demand, and retract my disgust at what I considered £10 for a few hours in Sheffield [at night] on a Wednesday.

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have got to agree with Taxman here birmingham is a great night out plenty of bars and restaurants with a great buzz very little trouble, i was there last weekend and had a great 2 days, dont go into sheffield centre anymore total rubbish and and no atmosphere at all.

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They are both shopping streets and just like New Street and Corporation Street in Birmingham or any other city, when the shops are closed these steets become quiet. Nothing unique to Sheffield here.


The difference is Sheffield shuts up at 5.30 (or earlier, I was turfed out of a shop at 4.30 one weekday) whereas in the bigger cities most shops stay open until 6,7 or even 8. And this isn't "last night shopping" night.


Primark, for example is open until 7pm M-T and 8pm Friday. Compared to 5.30 every day in Sheffield.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The difference is Sheffield shuts up at 5.30 (or earlier, I was turfed out of a shop at 4.30 one weekday) whereas in the bigger cities most shops stay open until 6,7 or even 8. And this isn't "last night shopping" night.


Primark, for example is open until 7pm M-T and 8pm Friday. Compared to 5.30 every day in Sheffield.


I remember hosting a guest from another city once and being turned away from the Winter Gardens at some stupidly early hour. It was as though 5 o'clock was cutoff time and everyone needed to bugger off to enable them to shut up shop.


I know there is a cost involved in keeping things open but in the long run there might be benefits. Anyway....reason I resurrected this thread, I'm back in brum. Excellent pubs,good vibe and the prospect of a Jay Raynor recommended restaurant to come. :-D :-D

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I'm spending a night in Brum and didn't really know what to expect.


It's absolutely buzzing. The city centre is packed. There are pubs full and so many restaurants it's untrue.


It just seems like a vibrant and exciting place. Compare it with Sheffield City centre on a week day night. Walk down Fargate and everything is shut. Go down The Moor. Everything is shut.


I reckon it's to do with the lack of decent drinking places in Sheffield city centre. It doesn't attract drinkers who may then want to have a meal. The canal basin is massively underused compared with Brum that has deliberately developed it as a bar/restaurant area.


it seems such a shame. Sheffield is like a ghost town at night apart from West St / Division St


I came here thinking I'd be visiting a dump but now I'm sad that sheffield doesn't seem to even want to compete.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Sheffield can't compete with Birmingham it is England's second city. Sheffield can't even compete with its neighbouring cities of Manchester and Leeds. To be honest Sheffield shouldn't be trying to compete with these cities because it can't instead its better to concentrate on the things that make Sheffield unique. The hills, the peak district on the door step, cleaner air, villagy atmosphere but the facilities of a modern city, two good universities. University part is not unique but still a plus point.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 22:09 ----------


The difference is Sheffield shuts up at 5.30 (or earlier, I was turfed out of a shop at 4.30 one weekday) whereas in the bigger cities most shops stay open until 6,7 or even 8. And this isn't "last night shopping" night.


Primark, for example is open until 7pm M-T and 8pm Friday. Compared to 5.30 every day in Sheffield.


That's because in those places its worth staying open after 5.30 pm. No point being open for a ghost town.

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The difference is Sheffield shuts up at 5.30 (or earlier, I was turfed out of a shop at 4.30 one weekday) whereas in the bigger cities most shops stay open until 6,7 or even 8. And this isn't "last night shopping" night.


Primark, for example is open until 7pm M-T and 8pm Friday. Compared to 5.30 every day in Sheffield.


All the shops are open late in Medowhall IIRC, so thats tells you alot about whats going on..............


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 10:37 ----------


have got to agree with Taxman here birmingham is a great night out plenty of bars and restaurants with a great buzz very little trouble, i was there last weekend and had a great 2 days, dont go into sheffield centre anymore total rubbish and and no atmosphere at all.


The city centre has been a dump for years, mostly down to the completely botched re-generation project and the useless council.

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The difference is Sheffield shuts up at 5.30 (or earlier, I was turfed out of a shop at 4.30 one weekday) whereas in the bigger cities most shops stay open until 6,7 or even 8. And this isn't "last night shopping" night.


Primark, for example is open until 7pm M-T and 8pm Friday. Compared to 5.30 every day in Sheffield.


There are not many cities in the UK bigger than Sheffield which is huge compared to some cities.

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