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Farage hit by egg

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Eggs are good...cheaper than pies...more satisfying as they crack and plop?


I wouldn't waste a pie on someone like Farage. A Mac Dungballs burger dripping with sauce, perhaps? At least it would be something inedible, so not so much of a waste.

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Normally these egg incidents are light hearted fun where even the victim can take it in good humour, but this one looked quite malicious and very close range and probably hurt. It almost looked like the guy through a punch but with an egg in his hand. He wants arresting for assault.

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Eggs are good...cheaper than pies...more satisfying as they crack and plop?




Must remember to put glasses on. I really did read that differently...for a split second.

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What an absolute prat!


I wonder how long it would be before this guy would be squealing to the press and police if UKIP supporters started throwing eggs at him everywhere he goes in the future.


What a farce our democratic process would become if everybody went out and started throwing eggs at politicians and councillors they didn't like.


He told the BBC: "Egg-throwing is a well established form of political protest in this country.


No it's not, the established (and proper) way of political protest is by having the debate and then voting at the election booth.


I hope they do this guy with assault and give him a substantial fine to make a statement.


I'm no fan of Prescott, but I was with him all the way when he punched that guy who threw an egg at him.....There's no place for it.





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I'm no fan of Prescott, but I was with him all the way when he punched that guy who threw an egg at him.....There's no place for it.




So you do not believe that physical assaults (however minor) are a valid way of demonstrating your anger...but it's OK to punch someone who throws an egg at you? Hmmm.:)


I think the point about eggs and politicians is that eggs are not stones, or hand grenades. The chances of an egg thrown from a few yards away causing genuine injury are virtually nil. The only thing which is damaged by an egg thrown at a politician is his dignity. Plus, it generates much-needed income for the dry-cleaning industry. What's not to like?

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