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Farage hit by egg

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So you do not believe that physical assaults (however minor) are a valid way of demonstrating your anger...but it's OK to punch someone who throws an egg at you? Hmmm.:)


I think the point about eggs and politicians is that eggs are not stones, or hand grenades. The chances of an egg thrown from a few yards away causing genuine injury are virtually nil. The only thing which is damaged by an egg thrown at a politician is his dignity. Plus, it generates much-needed income for the dry-cleaning industry. What's not to like?


No I don't believe that physical assaults are a valid way of protest, I believe debate and elections are the proper way forward.


Throwing an egg is an assault and as far as I'm concerned Prescott had every right to defend himself....Prescott wouldn't have punched the guy had he not been assaulted in the first place.


As I said above, the guy in question would soon be squealing if people started randomly throwing eggs at him everywhere he goes.


How would you like it if people started throwing eggs at you because they didn't like you or your views or spat in your face?


It's childish and could be dangerous.






---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 08:22 ----------


No-one is going to be dissuaded from voting UKIP because the leader of the party got hit with an egg. It just reflects badly on the protester and the left in general that they cannot argue against UKIPs policy but must resort to violence.


It seems that way.


Hopefully this action will persuade some of those who were undecided to go out and vote UKIP now.





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Normally these egg incidents are light hearted fun where even the victim can take it in good humour, but this one looked quite malicious and very close range and probably hurt. It almost looked like the guy through a punch but with an egg in his hand. He wants arresting for assault.


I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested, it would have been better if he had voiced his protest instead of making himself look a lout:(

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I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested, it would have been better if he had voiced his protest instead of making himself look a lout:(




Some people need to realise that those on the receiving end will only have a fraction of a second to react and won't be aware of the protesters intentions.


I suggest the likes of aliceBB Google 'Monica Seles'.....In her case it wasn't an egg.





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It was an egg, not a Molotov cocktail.


Nobody and nothing was hurt, apart from Farage's dignity.


It doesn't mean that the entire population is going to start lobbing eggs at people. It just means that British quirkiness was celebrated and a pompous **** was taken down a peg. Good. I am glad I live in a country where someone can occasionally chuck an egg at a pompous, offensive, undemocratic politician and not be machine gunned or tazered by the politician's henchmen. Farage should recognise that and be glad.


If an egg is to be viewed as a dangerous weapon, might I suggest removing the shell first, or substituting it for a soft flapjack with the corners sanded down. Except that would be a waste of a flapjack, which usually costs more than an egg.


And as for those who advocate 'an eye for an eye', etc., they should reflect that a punch in the face is not a commensurate or appropriate response to having an egg thrown over you. Farage should keep a tupperware container of raw egg about his person in case it happens again and he can respond like for like.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 11:49 ----------



How would you like it if people started throwing eggs at you because they didn't like you or your views or spat in your face?



It wasn't 'people'; it was one person.


If I put myself on a public platform and came out with the insidious lies and claptrap that Farage spouts, I would fully expect to have eggs chucked at me.


Where did I say that spitting in someone's face is acceptable? It isn't, of course. (It transmits disease). But plenty of people from the very ethnic minorities whom Farage and his cronies hate, have to put up with it from supporters of UKIP's and BNP's and EDF's policies every day.

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It was an egg, not a Molotov cocktail.


Nobody and nothing was hurt, apart from Farage's dignity.


It doesn't mean that the entire population is going to start lobbing eggs at people. It just means that British quirkiness was celebrated and a pompous **** was taken down a peg. Good. I am glad I live in a country where someone can occasionally chuck an egg at a pompous, offensive, undemocratic politician and not be machine gunned or tazered by the politician's henchmen. Farage should recognise that and be glad.


If an egg is to be viewed as a dangerous weapon, might I suggest removing the shell first, or substituting it for a soft flapjack with the corners sanded down. Except that would be a waste of a flapjack, which usually costs more than an egg.


And as for those who advocate 'an eye for an eye', etc., they should reflect that a punch in the face is not a commensurate or appropriate response to having an egg thrown over you. Farage should keep a tupperware container of raw egg about his person in case it happens again and he can respond like for like.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 11:49 ----------



It wasn't 'people'; it was one person.


If I put myself on a public platform and came out with the insidious lies and claptrap that Farage spouts, I would fully expect to have eggs chucked at me.


Where did I say that spitting in someone's face is acceptable? It isn't, of course. (It transmits disease). But plenty of people from the very ethnic minorities whom Farage and his cronies hate, have to put up with it from supporters of UKIP's and BNP's and EDF's policies every day.


An egg is a dangerous weapon. Fragments of the shell can damage eyesight. Many documented cases of it happening. You are wrong to advocate throwing them at people.

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Lol, of course I don't mean hurt, just ruffle his feathers a little. I am not keen on Farage but I really do not like this egging malarkey, still nobody was hurt and that's the main thing.


Nah, I was more amused by the word "duffed". I haven't heard the phrase "duffed up" since school and it tickled me. I like it, it should be used more frequently :)


As for eggs, I prefer my eggs poached :D

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It wasn't 'people'; it was one person.


If I put myself on a public platform and came out with the insidious lies and claptrap that Farage spouts, I would fully expect to have eggs chucked at me.


Where did I say that spitting in someone's face is acceptable? It isn't, of course. (It transmits disease). But plenty of people from the very ethnic minorities whom Farage and his cronies hate, have to put up with it from supporters of UKIP's and BNP's and EDF's policies every day.


I realise it was only one person, but you seem to think this is acceptable behaviour, so what I'm questioning is if it would still be considered acceptable behaviour if people started throwing eggs or spitting at you because they don't like your political beliefs?


Let me make it quite clear.....Attacking someone with an egg just because you disagree with their political or religious beliefs is NOT acceptable behaviour.


If you don't like what Farage has to say try and win the argument by debate and through the ballot box.....That's the grown up way of doing things.





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