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Clegg calls for seperation of church and state

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Does this mean that if it goes through that the govt and authorities will stop pandering to other religions that aren't Christianity too?


I see where you're going with this...;)


But, in a nutshell, yes - absolutely.


It's called secularism ("State secularism" at the national level, where Gvt institutions are concerned). And is badly needed here.


A nice assumption but dangerously untested.

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A Sheffield MP as the countries 2IC and what do we have to how for it? He has abandoned his priorities.


See my post above yours, this is exactly one of his priorities. What we have to show for it is a lot more than I am going to list here, but just a taster, the fact that you don't pay tax on the first 10K you take home, gay marriage, an increase in apprenticeships etc. etc. whilst ensuring fiscal responsibility at a time where that was desperately needed.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 10:23 ----------


A nice assumption but dangerously untested.




Cast a glance across the Channel, my good man.


Secularism, live and running in France for well over a century. As well as other countries, in some just as long.


I think he is referring to Front National policies aimed at wiping out evidence of religion throughout the country. Not exactly the route we want to go down as a country and certainly not the route that Clegg is proposing here.

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I think he is referring to Front National policies aimed at wiping out evidence of religion throughout the country.


I'm not usually one for broad-brushing, but...your typical non-yob/non-skinhead Font National sympathizer/voter in France is, often as not, a white died-in-the-wool-old-French-family catholic integrist going to Mass on the dot and inviting the local priest for supper every other week.


I used to know many such persons (well, their kids...and that was not by choice), and still see this 'template' in French news and documentaries to this day.

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He's not 'upto' anything, it is a classic LibDem party policy that has its origin in the automatic political power the church has without democratic representation. He has a duty to his electorate to argue this case, and he is doing. Democracy in action.


And yet he's a European union fanatic. :roll:

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He's not 'upto' anything, it is a classic LibDem party policy that has its origin in the automatic political power the church has without democratic representation. He has a duty to his electorate to argue this case, and he is doing. Democracy in action.



Seems like a reasonable analysis, unlike the OP who appears to be looking for a conspiracy theory.

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I call for the separation of Clegg and his seat.


But I agree with him on this issue. Why should the taxpayer subsidise that nonsense? Same goes for the monarchy, unelected second chamber, honours system, massive inequalities of wealth and health etc.



Question. How much of a subsidy to the CofE does the taxpayer give? How much does the taxpayer subsidise other religions?

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And yet he's a European union fanatic. :roll:


What has the EU to do with this? The EU has democratic representation. It's called the European Parliament and there will be elections to it in 3 weeks. If you wake up in time you'll see in in the news.

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And yet he's a European union fanatic. :roll:


Not taking the bait, if you want to discuss the democratic merit of the EU than open another post. This topic is about state secularism.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 10:55 ----------




I'm not usually one for broad-brushing, but...your typical non-yob/non-skinhead Font National sympathizer/voter in France is, often as not, a white died-in-the-wool-old-French-family catholic integrist going to Mass on the dot and inviting the local priest for supper every other week.


I used to know many such persons (well, their kids...and that was not by choice), and still see this 'template' in French news and documentaries to this day.


Unfortunately Mme. Le Pen has seen it fit to use the secularism argument to ban any signs of religion in schools and public buildings.

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Does this mean that if it goes through that the govt and authorities will stop pandering to other religions that aren't Christianity too?


Nope, they will still kowtow to the muslims as they do currently, often to the detriment of other religions

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