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How many times a day do you change clothes?

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Not an earth shattering,life altering thread but just wondered.


I awake from my slumber in my negligee, then dress in combats and fleece to walk the dogs @ 6.30 upon my return i either change into my work suit or into joggers for around the house.

If i go out anywhere in the day when working from home,shopping etc then its casual wear, jeans and t shirt, upon my return its back into joggers.

Dog walking in the afternoon again results in the change back into combats and fleece,before a return to joggers or if it's a night out it's change again into whatever is applicable, with the inevitable change back into joggers upon my return before slipping into my negligee again at bedtime.


So on an average i wear 4 different "outfits" but could actually get changed about 6/7 times.


Is it me or does everyone do it?

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Not an earth shattering,life altering thread but just wondered.


I awake from my slumber in my negligee, then dress in combats and fleece to walk the dogs @ 6.30 upon my return i either change into my work suit or into joggers for around the house.

If i go out anywhere in the day when working from home,shopping etc then its casual wear, jeans and t shirt, upon my return its back into joggers.

Dog walking in the afternoon again results in the change back into combats and fleece,before a return to joggers or if it's a night out it's change again into whatever is applicable, with the inevitable change back into joggers upon my return before slipping into my negligee again at bedtime.


So on an average i wear 4 different "outfits" but could actually get changed about 6/7 times.


Is it me or does everyone do it?




I thought you were a bloke?:huh:


Jeans and shirt work days.Then tracky bottoms n vest for weight-training in my home at night.

Naked for bed.

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I sleep in my undies, wake up in the morning have a shower, get dressed for the day depending on what engagements I have and wear that for the rest of the day. If I wear a shirt for whatever reason (teaching or something) I usually unbutton it once at home and possibly change it for a comfy t-shirt.


If I wear something that attracts dog hair (like a suit) I only wear it from just before leaving the house to just after coming back. My dog loves my suits.....

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I wear my sports clothes in the morning to go for a run, then work suit and dress, swim suit after work if I go for a swim and then evening clothes if I go for drinks and then pyjamas - I guess its quite a lot when you think of it like that.

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I wear my sports clothes in the morning to go for a run, then work suit and dress, swim suit after work if I go for a swim and then evening clothes if I go for drinks and then pyjamas - I guess its quite a lot when you think of it like that.


Have you ever thought of mixing things up a bit. Wear you swim suit to work, pyjarmas to the pub, work suit for a swim etc...


It could change your life!

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Have you ever thought of mixing things up a bit. Wear you swim suit to work, pyjarmas to the pub, work suit for a swim etc...


It could change your life!


I occasionally wear my dog walking clothes to the supermarket, it isn't bad after walk 1 but after that i'm covered in hairs, dog snot and mud, not a sight that should be in the shops.

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