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Female Sterilisation reversal on NHS

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Perhaps you'd like to tell us here on the Forum how you would raise three thousand pounds so quickly/effortlessly then?


And fostering is hardly the same as having your own children. Your insensitivity takes my breath away.




I would of course get the money from my savings failing that I would borrow it.


The state has already paid for this woman to have a convenient form of contraception because she or her partner cant be arsed to take the pill or use a condom and now I'm guessing she has decided that she wants to have another baby and expects the rest of us to foot the bill but why should we.


By the way don't knock fostering I look on my foster mum as my real mother and love her to bits as do the other four of us who she long term fostered

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All I can say is that you must either be still living at home or you have a very well paid job! As a taxpayer myself, I do not begrudge paying for other peoples treatment and I sincerley hope that your attitude and opinion is with in the minority of the great british public as it is rude, insensitive and totally ancient. I hope one day you find yourself in a position where you will think back to this post and eat your words, unemployment is on the increase and the wages are not rising to meet the cost of living, can you honestly predict what the future has in store for you financially?????

My BEST friend went through hell in her first marriage, she was beaten until she miscarried and lived in fear of her life for 3 years, in that time she was sterilized because she was scared that if she brought a baby into this world it would be born into the life she had. How can you say that these women are stupid and how do YOU know the circumstances behind their decision making, you should be ashamed!!!!

You are obviously fully entitled to your opinion but in mine- I think you are a total prat.


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All I can say is that you must either be still living at home or you have a very well paid job!


Wrong on both counts, but as Mr. Micawber says Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery



As a taxpayer myself, I do not begrudge paying for other peoples treatment and I sincerley hope that your attitude and opinion is with in the minority of the great british public as it is rude, insensitive and totally ancient


Why thats then? because I believe that if someone decides they no longer wish to be a Jaffa we should pay for them to become fertile, ha. what if my wife had a breast reduction on the NHS and then decided she wanted to become a 44 DD, should the state pay for it



. I hope one day you find yourself in a position where you will think back to this post and eat your words, unemployment is on the increase and the wages are not rising to meet the cost of living, can you honestly predict what the future has in store for you financially?????



I'm retired on a company final earnings pension .

But you still haven't answered my question if a person cannot find three grand to finance an operation how the hell can the afford to raise a child




My BEST friend went through hell in her first marriage, she was beaten until she miscarried and lived in fear of her life for 3 years, in that time she was sterilized because she was scared that if she brought a baby into this world it would be born into the life she had. How can you say that these women are stupid and how do YOU know the circumstances behind their decision making, you should be ashamed!!!!



Was she on the trisha show?


She should ashamed for staying in an abusive relationship, the doctor should for performing the operation on a woman who had not yet had any children


You are obviously fully entitled to your opinion but in mine- I think you are a total prat.



And in mine you're a tosspot

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Oh dear i have started something here it seems like spud and taylor 1 have become friends ahh isn't that nice to see. now all i wanted was someone to give me some information and look what i get major arguments. THANKS oh and by the was Spud i totally agree with what taylor1 says about you.


thanks - LOL

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It is widely known that female sterilisation reversal is not usually available on the NHS, unless there are extenuating circumstances as to why the sterilisation was performed in the first place. This is for several reasons: The cost compared to the extremely low success rate, and the risk involved to the patient with any surgical procedure.


Doctors often suggest IVF as a viable alternative to private sterilisation reversal. At £1,500 it's half the price.


You really need to speak to the local health authority. They will have a blanket rule on whether they pay to reverse female sterilisation or not. This rule will only vary from health authority to health authority, not from patient to patient or hospital to hospital.

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You love me too, thats nice.


Now tell me how you can afford to raise a child but cannot find three thousand pounds for the reversal...


Are you effectively saying that you believe a person should have three thousand pounds going spare in their bank account before they can have a child?


That's completely bizarre and unrealistic. :loopy:



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