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Female Sterilisation reversal on NHS

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i have just been to my g p about getting my sterilisation reversal on the nhs and she has to write to a board that does these operations and i feel like ive been kicked in the teeth i got forced into getting sterilisation by the socail services 17 years a go it was so unfair and now my life is diffrent and my parter has no kids we are up against it but i won t give in


SS cant force you to be sterilised.

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We shouldn't pay for the reversal unless the circumstances are exceptional.


Nor should we allow American charities to encourage people to get sterilised by paying them £250 and letting the nhs foot the bill (probably some vested interest for profit in there too).

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  • 6 months later...

Spud you are of course uneducated why else would you describe someone as a 'jaffa'. You are also ignorant to believe that a woman in a violent relationship can just leave.

Miaowwoof if social services believe you are struggling with children you already have or you have any kind of special needs they can reccomend you be sterilised. If you refuse they will take the children you already have and get a court order for you to be sterilised before they return the children. It has been done many times. Thankfully not to me but through my work I have seen it happen.


On the given subject. I am on a waiting list approved for an NHS reversal but I live in Northern Ireland. I was forced to be sterilised by my psychotic ex husband. I have now been happily married for a long time. I work for government so does my husband and it would take years to save up £3000 a low end estimate by which time there would be high risk to the child due to my age.

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  • 4 years later...

hi wonder if anybody can help me has anyone had a reversal on nhs ive had the clips and cant afford to go private ive been to my doctor and he is useless i have been threw a lot and really dont want to go in to it but it a long story on why i had it done is there anyone who has had it done or can private message me with info on how and were thay had it done plz

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Whether you go private or use the NHS you need to have a referral to a consultant gynaecologist. You therefore have to go back to your general practitioner. If you are not happy with him or her then you have the option of changing to another one.


There is plenty of information about sterilisation reversal on the Internet - here is the NHS website on the subject. It would seem that the success rate is higher when clips have been used, as in your case.


Do you consider your GP as 'useless' because he or she won't give you a referral? According to that website, you have very little chance of having it reversed on the NHS. This may be why the doctor cannot refer you.


Sterilisation reversal is not usually available on the NHS. If it is available in your area, there may be a very long waiting list. Speak to your GP for more information.

It looks as if you will probably need to find the money to go private if you really want reversal surgery.

Edited by Jomie
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my tubes had the clips on n the reason i had it dne was cos my partner died 3days b4 r daughter was born n i never thought i would meet anyone else i took that bad n went dwn the wrong path so with a lot of pressure from family i had my tubes clamped which i regreat as i have meet a wonderful man n never thought i would n is breaken my heart i cant give him wat we both want

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