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Does the follow problem exist in your martial art?

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I've just watched this video:


There are others of a similar nature too, on YouTube; and I think they highlight a (possibly common) problem in martial arts. esp. more esoteric ones concerned with energy use.


The problem is, that the students have been conditioned to be obedient and subservient to the master. In training exercises, students 'attack' the master, in a predictable manner, with a technique they have been taught; and the master knows exactly what is coming, and how to counter it.


Further more, there is a culture of the student not really wanting to 'win', this would involve making the master look bad, discrediting him etc; and there are a number of (quite subtle) reasons why the student will not want to do this (often the student will not be aware of these reasons himself).


So, the result is; the master is in a bubble, with an inflated idea of his own ability; while the students are conditioned to be subservient, and only there to make the master look good.


Is that an unfair appraisal?

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I can agree,

the manipulation of energy does have its place but not in self defense, a willing open minded person would feel this energy as if it was a subtle force similar to that of magnets repelling each other,

Is this a force that can knock people over and out? Very much doubt that...

I do believe that these students believe he could or why would they train with him and that way... So they must feel something being open to receiving this energy,

Now somebody who has intent and adrenaline pumping won't even acknowledge a thing..

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