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Skullcracker done a runner

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Was a couple on tv this morning,their son and daughter in law was killed by a guy who had 64 convictions and kept on coming out of jail and driving whilst banned and no insurance,try telling them.

Its like anything else in life ,nothings perfect ,that doesnt mean we should lock people up without any chance of rehabilitation,for every recidivist Im sure there is a story for people who have turned their lives round...McVicar is an obvious example

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The problem is that he has done his time was was running up to release. Do you advocate just locking crims up and throwing away the key, because it is a damned expensive way of doing things. The good news from your point of view is because he has breached his parole they can arrest him and lock him up without parole. So really he was a bit silly.


Well, I'm unfamiliar with the case and if I was asked to give a view that might actually be acted on, I'd want to be certain of all my facts.


However, as this is just a forum for people to pass general comments on, that was what I did.


Having said which, if I'm not mistaken this man was serving 13 life sentences?


He received this sentence in 2002 which is 12 years ago.


The sentence was handed down when he was found guilty of raiding 13 banks and building societies over a ten month period.


During the course of these robberies he used violence on frequent occasions, including one instance where he clubbed a 73 year old woman around the head with an imitation hand gun.


Additionally, he carried out those 13 violent raids whilst on parole from a 27 year sentence he had received for previous robberies he had carried out.


His MO on these robberies was to grab a female customer and hold the gun to her head to prevent anyone interfering, several were apparently traumatised by this experience.


So at the risk of sounding a little harsh, I have to say that the expense of long term incarceration may be worth it on this occasion

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They used to say that about McVicar,it seems no ones heard of the word rehabilitation...not on here anyway


With John McVicar you are going back 40 & 50 years, this Skullcracker was sentenced to 13, yes 13 life sentences, so no; his kind DON'T rehabilitate. He has proved he cannot be trusted by absconding, so obviously to him he knows he'll be back inside where he belongs, and instead of doing things the right way decides to "have it away on his toes".

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He was young and native, he has done his time give him a break, he hasnt kill any one has he? Murder in Uk is only a few years


He pistol whipped an old woman, mind you there is no point listening to you seeing as you have a penchant for violence.

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He pistol whipped an old woman, mind you there is no point listening to you seeing as you have a penchant for violence.


wow he made a few mistake when he was young, should we not forgive and let him have another chance in life? if we should just knock him up and throw key away?

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wow he made a few mistake when he was young, should we not forgive and let him have another chance in life? if we should just knock him up and throw key away?


I never said lock him up and throw away the key, 13 building societies and banks over 10 months in 2001 and 2002 while on parole from a 27-year sentence for other robberies and pistol whipping a 73 year old woman does make him a bit of a nut job though.

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I never said lock him up and throw away the key, 13 building societies and banks over 10 months in 2001 and 2002 while on parole from a 27-year sentence for other robberies and pistol whipping a 73 year old woman does make him a bit of a nut job though.


But it should have been hidden were no one could find it. :)

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