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Won't somebody please think of the children?

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But by subsidising them, you are subsidising their boss.


Wealthy benefit scroungers, you see.




Each person's work has objective economic value. Each hour they put in adds something to productivity. The pay they receive reflects this.

The reality is quite the reverse of what you describe. The employer's income is taxed to subsidise the poor. He's putting more in than he gets out. If he wasn't doing so, there could be no benefits and no free public services.

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Or that many with wealth resent helping others.


Very true. The truth is that people in the middle should be simultaneously looking at people above and below them in the income scale and expecting better.


If we are to hold the wealthy in high esteem and as an example to follow there needs to be better behaviour from them.

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Well done:clap:


I'll still have had many more Maths lessons than you:)



It involved rather a lot of maths.


With your advanced training in maths, I'm struggling to see how you've concluded that paying people more than they earn is going to work.

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It involved rather a lot of maths.


With your advanced training in maths, I'm struggling to see how you've concluded that paying people more than they earn is going to work.


Did you do division in any of your maths lessons?


It is all in the denominator.

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I'm sure you would.

How about we go further still. Anybody expressing an opinion which is obviously wrong should be appropriately punished. We could call is something catchy like "Thought Crime".


So you want your right for freedom of speech whilst advocating State control of an individual's right to reproduction against their will, removal of children from families for the crime of being poor and show a general negative opinion of anyone you deem a scrounger? I'd say you were a little hypocritical if I didn't think your entire post was one long wind-up.

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I'm absolutely not. But they are a minority. I quite like the inheritance tax, and I'd be happy to raise it.


What I dislike is that people who take risks with their money, fight hard to get a good job, and have the commitment to stay with it, are being punished with higher taxes to pay for people who think that cleaning/bin emptying/ factory work is beneath them.


In reality a very small proportion of tax revenue is spent on the things you are so worked up about.


Far more tax is wasted on other things.

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