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12 years for running child sex ring

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Sheffield police are useless. Get rid of them and give the city a proper police force that is prepared to get their hands dirty and fight crime, tooth and nail, no quarter asked nor given. We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.



You sound like Arnie Swazzaneeger!:hihi: Oh I know it's not spelt correct.

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This could have happened in any city in the UK, for crying out loud.

Which is a sad indictment on the UK in general and the police in general. What on earth do they do with their day if crimes like this are allowed to go on for years before anyone gets round to doing anything?

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We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.


It's a bit like drug addiction this trolling lark isn't it?


You start off with some simple comments about someone's mum.

Then you progress to insulting a whole culture.

Before you know where you are, you are having delusions/ hallucinations that you are Judge Dredd or someone.


You should seek out some professional help before you start injecting the whole forum into your bloodstream.

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It's a bit like drug addiction this trolling lark isn't it?


You start off with some simple comments about someone's mum.

Then you progress to insulting a whole culture.

Before you know where you are, you are having delusions/ hallucinations that you are Judge Dredd or someone.


You should seek out some professional help before you start injecting the whole forum into your bloodstream.


So very well put.


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Sheffield police are useless. Get rid of them and give the city a proper police force that is prepared to get their hands dirty and fight crime, tooth and nail, no quarter asked nor given. We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.


heard of tango and cash, starsky and hutch but who are tooth and nail?

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Sheffield police are useless. Get rid of them and give the city a proper police force that is prepared to get their hands dirty and fight crime, tooth and nail, no quarter asked nor given. We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.


You should try logging on to the link. It will explain that the police in fact did their job and secured a conviction.

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Sheffield police are useless. Get rid of them and give the city a proper police force that is prepared to get their hands dirty and fight crime, tooth and nail, no quarter asked nor given. We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.


Get a grip before you choke on your own absurdity.

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