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12 years for running child sex ring

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I not a fan of police but come on they done there job this time ,,,,


It's the cps and courts that have given her only 12 years not the police job to sentence her


To me they should tie her up in a mans prison and let the ones with aids loose on her


Dirty scruffy ??????


Hate to see vulnerable people getting hurt

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Spencer got just 12 years for running a child sex ring, You get more than that if you have it on your computer.

One customer got 14 years ? where's the sense in that, without her he couldn't commit the offence.


Yes, that just doesn't make sense. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye.

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What gets me is why they kept all the photos of the men out of the news but repeatedly printed the photo of the girl!!! I think the men are MORE guilty than her. Disgusting old men taking advantage of young vulnerable girls!! It's no use blaming the parents as many of these girls were in care anyway!!

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I'm left wondering, what is the normal sentence for running a brothel, or living off immoral earnings? where adults are involved.

I'm disgusted with 12 years, she'll be out in 8 Max, didn't the judge realise the number of young lives she's ruined, there's no pretending it never happened, the kids are scared for life.

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giving Sheffield people a bad name again


Not really. These things happen all over the place. I doubt anyone thinks any worse of Sheffield because of the actions of one individual. Think you are being ridiculous. Theres all sorts of prostitution and sex slave stuff going on in London, but you dont see people banging on about it getting a bad name.

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Sheffield police are useless. Get rid of them and give the city a proper police force that is prepared to get their hands dirty and fight crime, tooth and nail, no quarter asked nor given. We need a real rain to wash these streets clean.

Why blame the Police? their hands are tied by legislation, the C.P.S. and the be all and end all EVIDENCE, I firmly believe that the old type policing was better but to many do-gooders gave us what we have today, criminals getting away with everything they do and the Police are powerless to stop it. Perhaps a good smack given to the criminals may be just what's needed.

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It is generally felt that men cause more injury than woman with respect to kids, for obvious reasons

For what obvious reasons?


I'm suspicious as to how this line of thought is going. This woman groomed children and sold them for sex, and yet somehow, she isn't that guilty afterall. Just a little guilty. It's the men who are the real monsters.


T'is nonsense. Her part in this is equal.

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